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affpro last won the day on January 19 2014

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  2. affpro


    Latest Payout Date: 12.23.13 11:34 Received Payment 104.00 USD from account U2345004 to account U3184275 Batch: 26527484. Memo: API Payment from GoGetPaid.
  3. I am not the Admin GoPaidToday is easy to use and very profitable. Our program is a perfect solution for investors who are seeking for a quick, but safe way to make residual earnings on the Internet without worrying about the typical instability of investment projects. We offer a range of investment options, so you can choose the one that's right for you. And because we have experience in providing investment opportunities, you can be sure that whichever you choose, your money is in expert hands. You can start with as low as $10, and you may deposit as many times as you wish. So dont miss your chance. SSL Encryption DDos Protection Dedicated Server Plan A 120% after 4 days Principal included Plan Spent Amount Profit Plan 1 10$ - 2000$ 120% Plan B 145% after 6 days Principal included Plan Spent Amount Profit Plan 1 50$ - 5000$ 145% Plan C 170% after 10 days Principal included Plan Spent Amount Profit Plan 1 500 - 100000$ 170% Accepted Processors : Perfect Money, Paypal, EgoPay, Bitcoin Join Here : http://www.gopaidtoday.com Latest Payout Date: 12.23.13 11:34 Received Payment 104.00 USD from account U2345004 to account U3184275 Batch: 26527484. Memo: API Payment from GoGetPaid.
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  5. These programs are not working now, I have visited these sites in recent times... Looking for the similar programs with this concept.
  6. Dear Admin, It's my first payment request in the forum.Hope that i get it very soon. Displayed Username : affpro (DMT points) : 150.00 Payment option: Perfect money Perfect Money ID: U3184275 Thanks.
  7. If you are reading a lot on forums about forex market then it is better for you but that all belongs to theory part and none of them will provide you with practical work... You need to do some practice with some currency pairs in order to become available for trading market...
  8. I am searching for a hyip program for sometimes ago and now I think that I have found a great program with DoHourly... The best thing you have done that you had posted the payment proof and now I am really looking forward to it...
  9. Now a days, more brokers are launching their own app for their traders in order to trade it continuously even on their mobile smartphones... and it is very easy for traders to get updated on their trades wherever they are and when they wants it...
  10. I didn't heard about this program till now even though I am also from India and also whats the matter of this court... Did the owners have gone to any jail earlier ?
  11. Mostly I would trade 40 hours per week in the market because I do invest in each currency pair and wants to get some profit from it... So you should take this advantage and try to get maximum profit from it...
  12. What they are offering in this program in order to get paid by paypal and payza? You didn't mention anything about this program what they offer and when will we get paid from them?
  13. In Meta Trader 4, use of indicators are very much useful in this platform... D-block is also a latest feature that has many features and tell us about the time left in the bar end of each trade...
  14. affpro


    The Action bias of this currency pair is at downwards according to the charts and I think it is the right time that you would sell this pair at this stage.. Most probably this pair goes in the profit stage and very rare case that this might have gone to this position due to inactivity of the trades...
  15. Yes they are number one is Asian market and presently all the people who are from Asian countries are trying their best in the market, but I would prefer to use it either US or Europe markets because the rates which are shown in Asian markets and far different from these markets...
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