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Everything posted by Thayungsta

  1. thanks for this it is good to know how you can less pay your mistakes when your indicator will be there to help
  2. as for me tecnical is my best cause it a kinda easy for a new trader can easly get use to
  3. it's one form of trading that someone needs to be smart in finding or searching the right grail cause it's hard to get the perfect match for you
  4. good ideal you just shared with us to know the right time to sell and make profit from it thanks
  5. what can of mobile phone is allowed to do this and where can one get this application
  6. the site got alot of purchasing stuff based on my point of view one is gonna need alot of marketing to do to enable you earn much
  7. this site is good how long has it been operating they got good features that some autosurf sites don't
  8. this is a great site with all this proof am sure that one can join and be happy
  9. at at least evidance is convincive enough to be posted here by admi to ensure that it is a geniune site
  10. not a bad forum posting site think they got a good payout proof that can convince one to join them gonna try that
  11. thanks this is intresting am gonna try and see for my self
  12. this your ways you claim a'nt stated here so how can we thrust you bro you got no proof
  13. dont they have any other method of payment
  14. i dont see this as a real deal cause a lot of people are not intrested in that
  15. it's a great site but wepay payment method we try
  16. i have come acrossed similar sites but would like to see yours to compare with others
  17. though it's true but the way i use in making my income online is by doing freelancing jobs and paid to programs
  18. as for me i don't think so cause as far as i know when looking for way to may money online without spending it diffinetly means free the are many ways of cause
  19. I agree with you guys cause it's like i have been in such sites before but notting to show for it
  21. this is a good strategy what if you tech me on how to do that
  22. it all depend on the trader but all the same your idea is still good
  23. i think you better do your findings before getting involve
  24. thanks am gonna go check it out to see if it really worth it
  25. but there is no real proof that can convince one to join
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