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Everything posted by StillAlive

  1. We need to know the right time to sell and the right time to buy. Earning money at forex market requires dedication and efforts. If it was easier than instead of only 10% winners there would be the rest winners in this market.
  2. Yea, I'm happy with the way things improve in my account. But still improvements does not necessary means profit. That's why I only going to rejoice once all of the position that I'm holding right now will going to end up in profit as this is my main goal in here.
  3. One of the simplest ways to get good earning from forex is to prepare ourselves with proper knowledge and skill. Maybe it seems classic but unfortunately, that is the only way if traders want to success. There is no shortcut and every traders need to spend all of their best to achieve their goal.
  4. I do weekly and daily analysis just to make sure that I'm trading in the right side of the track. I do hope I can make good income in forex trading for a long time. I'm sure many will go to end up losing big money in forex as they don't know how to trade.
  5. It depends to you. As long as we can say that these 2 or 3 pairs are related to each other to learn their relationship and connections to learn further the market and those currencies. Because, there are pairs that have direct impact to other pairs which we can use in our trading. For example, USD will have stronger value overall then, the pairs connected to it will surely have weaker to dollar at that time or might have such chances.
  6. We will be required to cope with all the pressure that exists and is associated with mental that we have on the trade because it has a good knowledge of our mental automatically going to be good too but if we do not have such knowledge then we will not have a good mental and would always have doubts when making decisions on trade.
  7. Greed is not going to be a positive impact for us because it will only make us more soluble in a big mistake that would happen to any of our trade and never think about the outcome or benefit that we will get because that should be a major preoccupation of our is how to increase the capabilities and also get a lot of good experiences.
  8. Without education you won't get any experience, that is something that we need to get first, i mean education here is the first step, you learn what is forex and how it works, and some strategy it means education for you, and experience is like execution thingy, you must do that thing before you get some experience.
  9. If you are serious in demo account then your chance to get profit there is higher and you also can trade with big amount there, so far i see that demo account is a good place for us to learn and trade too, sometimes join contest also can be a good place for people to earn from demo account while also practice.
  10. To minimize the risk is really possible in Forex trading, but eliminating the risk then that is something that is impossible to happen in here because if there is such thing then everyone will keep going without second thought because there is no risk at all so there is nothing to be afraid with any action.
  11. The best trader is human. But to make an accurate trade, it's better to use bots. Unless of course you don't know how to use bots and you don't know how to trade then its better you do manual trading. In bots it's not just all about codes. It's how you set up that codes that make a difference. if you can command or customize a bot to trade like you the better.
  12. Actually there is no newbie or beginner directly success in forex trading and if this person maybe exist, the case is rarely. Even almost all of successful trader pass 2-5 their first year without positive result. So, I think the important and needed here to become success in forex trading is hard work and persistent.
  13. I am not a full time forex trader; now due to getting some time now may be more 5 hours or more everyday although most of the time is loss. Scalping gives us quick money but i think there is very much risk involved here if suddenly market goes against us.
  14. I would just to say that there are no such restrictions to earn in forex and when even a person get time he can trade but on trading holidays and if we want profits every day then we should be actively participating in trading every day. So a person can participate in trading every day with out any restrictions.
  15. If you have limited knowledge then chance are you are gambling, because you don't know what you are doing. But if you really trade and know how to trade then you are trading. Because all of your position has bases and all of your position has good ideal plans. I know I can make good income in forex trading that's why right now I don't feel I'm gambling.
  16. I think that we can make forex as a full time job with what we have if we only rely on forex as our main source of income but we also need to have excellent knowledge and we have to get a lot of good experience for us easier to generate profits from forex trading.
  17. We must know about one thing, that not all people can hire a mentor, the price of forex mentor is not cheap one, but i think for newbie who don't have too much money they can tried by visiting the good site which offer good forex content, but if you have good enough money you can try that live mentor.
  18. Some of traders prefer to do long term trading which for me more like long term investment for them, but I see it could be a shorter investment for us too as long as we want to do that thing, but if we compare forex with other field, I see that forex investment is one of fastest investment which that investors will get their bucks back.
  19. They are getting more noticed because of the bonuses they are giving so I think that they should keep on doing that so that they would be able to attract more people to try out trading a well. I'm also doing some trading just because of that bonus they have been giving the members
  20. Since there are no emotions and risk that's why in Demo account we always do better because in real trading it's all real the money and risk. So probably it's the emotions that seldom you to take more risk as we knows that a risk could lead for a bigger reward of course losses also.
  21. There are some traders are not interested in risking huge amount of money in Forex in the starting period of their trading career. However, with the passing time, they do understand that trading with a better and bigger initial deposits have several benefits which are already known to the professionals.
  22. We learn better from our mistakes and this can be through loosing but this does not mean that its only way that one can get gain experience in forex trading. Firstly try and equip yourself as much as possible with the knowledge that is required to increase chances of you being profitable. You must also not beat yourself down in the event of losses.
  23. To be successful one should have good knowledge of forex and should apply whenever the true profit needed will come only when machine and mind work together in a smart way. More and more traders are looking for robots to trade for them, in my opinion; robot is just a supplement to manual trading, it is impossible for robot to displace manual trading.
  24. Yea, many newbie ignored having preparations and management which are very important. For sure if they know it they can at least minimize the losses and not blown their trading account. We should already know that in forex mistake will mean most of the time losses in our trades, although it's normal for new traders to have mistakes.
  25. Actually I think that these forums can help you a lot in long run. The more you work on these forums the better you become. Here you see people discussing about trading and you learn from their experience also. It is a great forum and good work also.
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