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Everything posted by HarryPotter

  1. We have to improve our trading skills if we want to be a good trader. Forex forums are just the background for me. The only way to improve your trading skill is by practice it, you only become wannabe trader who want to earn money from some forex forum site.
  2. Although nominally bonus is small but the benefits will be felt, especially for newbie, because we can feel and get real trading experience without having to spend money, other than that we can train the ability to trade and find the best strategy to get better in forex trading.
  3. I really hope to be able to earn such a good amount of money in forex. Just need more capital and more savings to survive months without profit. I'm sure many will say forex trading is hard and we will end up getting loses but if you know how to do analysis I'm sure you can be successful.
  4. If you want to make good income in forex you need to make sure that you only trade one pair at a time and not trade multiple pair in one account. This is the mistake that you make right now and you are trying to solve this problem. I do hope that in matter of few days I can find ways to make good income in forex trading.
  5. For sure trading plan is very important to make systematic approaches to achieve your set goals. The truth is that everyone has got goals, but only a few have made plans to achieve the goals. And in Forex, this is a limiting factor to enjoying success.
  6. There isn't simple or easy way to earn in forex. Each time we trade in forex we are taking risk. But the best way to make good income in forex is via learning how to trade. Even just basic knowledge of risk and money management and fundamental and technical analysis, I'm sure in the long run we can make good income. I know it's hard to make a good living.
  7. It depends on the situations you can go with any of the currency pairs and I am sure that it is not a big task to trade with all the currency. If you know trading then you can trade with any of the currency. But I see that most of the times traders will be trading with the major currency pairs so I think first preference will be given to the major currency pairs.
  8. When it comes to knowledge we should keep on becoming better trader because we should not really be satisfied to what we are at the present because tomorrow we should become a better one and when we keep on trading I am sure that there will be lots of learning and you'll do better.
  9. Before we do anything we need to know more about what we want to do as well as forex business we do not just look at the benefits to be gained from this business alone but we also have to look at the risks that exist in this business. we do not underestimate this business and will seek the knowledge of how to make profits and avoid risks in forex trading
  10. I am still not used any robots in trading, i only depend on myself to trading and trying to sharpen my skill in trading and soon if i get better i try to use this robot, and it is good also to use robot to trade because they can trade while we cannot trade, but I don't give them bigger time to start trading.
  11. I see that education and experience is what important to me because without this then you can't do anything. Luck will just come by surprise we shouldn't expect this to come that's why we should have education and experience because that is what will help us to succeed in forex trading.
  12. For sure the more we experience things the more we understand and sometimes even we have knowledge we still don't fully understand it unless we experience it. That's why a demo account is providing us the arena where we can experience things that we can also experience in real trading.
  13. You have to get the best knowledge to back them up first. You don't want to make an investment into something that you do not know because you will end up losing that investment which is basically what gambling is. With forex you have influence over the result of your trades while with gambling you just hope for the best.
  14. Actually there is not any rule for trade everyday it depend on person how much time he can spend on it. but it's good to watch trends always so whenever you will get good opportunity you can earn at that same time. If anyone give a lot time knowledge will also refine with time you spend here.
  15. For me the best way to learn is to have as many books, information, online friends, mentor etc. Because in forex trading information, knowledge are the tool that we need in order to be successful in forex trading. For me it's better to have an excess information that to have lack of information.
  16. I don't mind trading forex and losing money as long I know that in the long run I can be successful. Sometimes in forex trading we must learn how to survive loses in order to make good profit. Forex trading is all about making money earn money and that means we need to risk our money to earn money and in order to do that we must thanks God for the right mind to handle this kind of challenge.
  17. Stop loss is to lessen the risk that you are taking so you can use that instead of thinking some impossible things that we can't have. It's the best that we can really do under the circumstances because when it comes to fully eliminating the risk of forex trading then we know that we cannot accomplish that. The nature of the currency markets is different and so unpredictable that it would be difficult for to make be rid of the risk completely.
  18. Well, about my own condition, mostly I trade about 1-3 hours per day, if i beat so much, i will just stop the trading and if i already reach some good target that i already set from the first time i trading in forex, but i see some trader spend about 6 hours to trade.
  19. Forex trading will be best suites for long term investment and that is really good to invest with forex for a long term investment because as we all know the earning opportunity in fore will be really good so if we invest for long term traders then I am sure that we will be getting even more profits .
  20. Actually it will completely depend on the individual because they are the ones that would make the decision on whether to go full-time or not. There are other opportunities for earning that are available that I would love to take advantage of to supplement forex and the alternatives would be less risky.
  21. All about emotions and pressure is true. If you dong demo. You don't feel pressure. If you loss you just going to laugh and open another account no hard done. But if you use real money, If you loss then it's a loss and you need to invest again in order to trade. And if you loss money theirs no reset features that will automatically give you another funds to trade.
  22. We need to keep on making consistent profit it is not only making profit but also trading to always have profit as when we have changed to a bigger trading capital and bigger volumes and pips target then we will able to gain bigger profits easily just like we did when we are earning small profits.
  23. It's really normal if we made mistakes and we got losses in trading. It could happen although we have been good traders too and that is part of trading. But the most important is not experiencing losses to be success but we should learn from our mistakes when we suffered losses. So not always our losses will make us success but our response after we experienced losses.
  24. I really need to learn about it because I have no experience on it, the reason I prefer forex that you control your earning by your self and safe. Not like hyip that is very risky way. If one has knowledge and good experience he should never invest in hyips as in forex he himself is going to manage his trades.
  25. Well, I never used robot trading because it couldn't be controlled how much lot size that is used in each transaction, where did we put stop loss and another thing to limit our loss. I am afraid if my account will be gone very soon if I used that. I prefer to use manual trading because it could be controlled well.
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