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  1. i find 30 a day is too much to help curb spamming , there should be levels , new members 5-10posts or admin verified posts , old members should get 20-40 and members with high post count that are actually helping the community should get unlimited posts
  2. I was always curious what bank issues their cards ?
  3. Be active, make a lot of content related tweets. Also use hashtag keywords to find a target niche. Maybe these people will follow you if you retweet them.
  4. Wow, so what exactly do i need to do in order to join?
  5. Oh so you have to get $150 points before withdrawl, and is paypal the only method of payment or is PM available?
  6. Is there any cost to join this venture?
  7. Hi thanks for the reply admin, do I need to reach a certain amount before I can withdraw?
  8. I find your rates to be very reasonable, and look forward to working together.
  9. U have perfect money, I want to sell it. Can you do wire transfer to Canadian banks?
  10. Depending on where you are in the world certain opportunities may not be available to you. So for some its harder to make $100 online per day than it is for others. it is what it is.
  11. is it possible to even with draw this DMT or is it strictly a forum based currency?
  12. Saul here glad to be amongst you all. Im looking for any advice or helpful tips to help me make the most of my time here .thanks guys!
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