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Everything posted by Chtadiock

  1. I'm not admin Plans: 25% per day for 5 days. Minimum deposit is $10, maximum is $1000. Sunny-profit accept Perfect Money. http://sunny-profit.com Thank you
  2. It's better to begin with a demo account for the beginners in the forex. Then, when we acquire some experience, we can try to create a real account.
  3. Could you give a more information on Payweb debit card ? How does it work? etc... Thanks
  4. The kind of site is original. Effectively, it's not new (there was Gomez peer). But I don't see the relationship with the HYIPs section...
  5. So, thank you for your fast answer
  6. Unfortunately, it's the risks of the HYIP (ponzi system)
  7. Website does not seem to be a scam, a autosurf which pay, there are payment proofs ?
  8. There is you he another means of payment than Payza ?
  9. "Manuallyinstantly" I don't understand. Manually and Instantly it is two different things
  10. Hello, it's possible to deposit money and/or withdrawal with Perfect Money or SolidTrustPay ?
  11. OK, thanks for your answer
  12. I prefer to be careful. It is enough to look for on a search engine "OKPay Debit Card" to see negative notices on this debit card.
  13. A legit PTR for a long time. The website Donkeymails pays his members. He still exists.
  14. Virtual-CC uses another e-currencies ? Because Liberty Reserve is down.
  15. Xpress Xchange disappeared ? I have the impression that he is not active any more.
  16. This site really exists? That looks like has a webpage of a domain name to be sold.
  17. It is logical, Perfect Money was the main competitor of Liberty Reserve, it is almost a counterfeit.
  18. Website down... Another website to win gifts cards who disappeared...
  19. I have a question: The deposit and the withdrawal with Perfect Money is available on InstaForex?
  20. A lot of payment proof. The website works. He is legit. We shall look CoinGeneration in the future, to see if he is still there.
  21. Autosurf seems to be a scam.
  22. Serious site for several years. 20dollars2surf is very famous and saves many gifts.
  23. The site seems to me legit for now. To see if it will continue in the future.
  24. Hello everyone, my nickname is Chtadiock, I am delighted to be on DigitalMoneyTalk. Thank you to all!
  25. The domain name is for sale.
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