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Everything posted by gorgeous85

  1. Perfect Money Same Or Diff - batch Perfect Money game How to play : * Click to button SAME or button DIFF and make a spend from your account. * After transaction completed, you have your NR. * Our system will send $0.01 back to your account. * After transaction completed, we have our NR. * We using your NR and our NR to decide the result of the game. Rules : * You will win the game with 198%: If you bet SAME and your NR color is same to our NR color. If you bet DIFF and your NR color is different from our NR color. * You will win upto 250% of your amount if last 2 digits of our NR is one of the following values: 33 / 66. * You will lost the game in all another case. * If you WIN, last 2 digits of our NR is 99 and amount bet >= 3$. ==> You will win all JACKPOT money. Otherwise, JACKPOT money will be added 1% of your amount bet. Jackpot will be processed by manual within 48 hours. * The coin will be in the air if you have any modification of transaction. * Min bet $0.5, max bet $200. Spending out of range will return 100% of your spend based. Examples : * You bet $1.00 for SAME: Your Perfect Money Batch is #12476212, your NR = 1 + 2 mod 10 = 3. Our Perfect Money Batch is #12476296, our NR = 9 + 6 mod 10 = 5. You will get paid $1.98 instantly. * You bet $1.00 for DIFF: Your Perfect Money Batch is #12476224, your NR = 2 + 4 mod 10 = 6. Our Perfect Money Batch is #12476249, our NR = 4 + 9 mod 10 = 3. You will get paid $1.98 instantly. PROOF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERFECT MONEY HEAD OR TAIL GAME http://getlr.us/HeadTail/index.php?ref=U5144411 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERFECT MONEY SAME OR DIFF GAME http://getlr.us
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  9. I did get some money from profit Adhit
  10. Vector Securities Company So far so good, with their Loyalty Bonus and Good customer service always available when I need, I’ll be even happier with them after making profits…
  11. Hello everyone ! I just joined the forum DigitalMoneyTalk . My preference is HYIPs, Investments, forex trading and profit . I look forward to exchanging knowledge with you .
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