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Jack Spear

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  1. The web is now full of commercial expert advisors, most of them are scam, and a very few of them worth its cost! If you need to have one you may get confused as every expert advisor author tells that he owns the best and the only real profitable one in the world, this may be true, but you can not depend on those marketing expressions unless you confirmed that by your self! A few steps can be followed to ensure that you will pay for what you really need and not for some thing unsatisfying for you: Never buy a Forex Robot not providing a refund policy. Newly launched Forex robots a better than older widely used ones, as the more a Forex robot is being used by many customers, the more the market moves against the positions it performs. Backtests for the Forex robot are very important rating item, it can give an idea about how its performance could be in the past even before its launch date, performing a backtest for a Forex robot by yourself is a complicated process, but there are websites publishing such backtests for different Forex robots like: reviewforexrobots.com, but the backtests alone aren't enough to rate a Forex robot. Live performance, where you can watch the Forex robot running live on a metatrader account which could be a demo or a real one, real account live performance for a Forex robot is more truthful than if it was running on a demo account, many review systems are also providing such live performance preview which are myfxbook verified, reviewforexrobots.com is one of them. You should preview the comments and the opinions of the previous Forex robot users on its performance and if it really made profits for them or not, more over you need to assure that it's not an imitated one for another real original Forex robot. If you decided to buy a Forex robot, you should try it first on a demo account and watch its performance before using it on a real one.
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