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Everything posted by xenosz2

  1. Trusted Hungarian PTC site with high earning income as upgrade member. Highest membership cost 30$ you get 36$ after one month (6$ pure profit). As standard you can earn 4 cents per day. 4$ minimum payout. Script PTC EVOLUTION Site under beta phase,but you can cashout yr earnings. Officiallly launch in early of December. http://trabant-bux.com/?ref=xenosz2 Upgrade table
  2. as free member request nov 3 received nov 3
  3. as standard member both are was really instant request days oct 29 and nov2
  4. recommended site, trusted admi daily 3-4 cents only 1$ minimum as GPT4 member (the highest investing membership) request oct 25 received nov 1 http://www.davidsbux.com/?ref=xenosz2
  5. PTC EVO Member Benefits Our innovative features for members give them flexibility and more earning potencial. Earn up to $0.01 per click Earn up to $0.0125 per referral click Fast payments and receiving system 4 fixed advertistments Payments via PayPal, Payza, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay 5. PAYMENT TO USERS. 5.1. All payments will be made via Payza , PayPal , Solidtrustpay, Pefect Money and Egopay. 5.2. The minimum amount paid is $3.00, second is $2. From the amount paid, a fee can be deducted depending on the payment processor you use. 5.3. Payments will be processed within 5 days. 5.4. Investments are not connected to cash outs, so you may invest with one processor and cash out with another. This can be changed anytime !!! Earning:0.02$+ (standard 4*0,005$) Ads:4+ Referral comission:30% Max direct/rented:100,150 http://www.clikz4freakz.com/?ref=xenosz2
  6. Hello dear user, We proudly present you this new great Paid To Click project. After weeks of preparation we are finally ready to officially launch our site. Here, we care about our members, and for that we will provide every feature that can be useful to them and help them increase their earnings. One by one will be added and enabled until we will be the first Paid To Click site having all existing features added. Stableness: Our business plan is based on advertising income. We managed our advertising prices and member earnings, so that we can make our model stable. Security: Viralbux and its members are our top priority and because of that we are working with a good Hosting Company, a company that can provide us the security we need. Unlimited Bandwidth, Unlimited Disk Space and Unlimited Addon Domain 99.9% Uptime Guaranteed and DDOS Protected Support: We are offering support 24/7. For any problem, question or anything else related to Viralbux, send us an e-mail at support@viralbux.net or use Contact Us form to send us a ticket. Company: At this moment Viralbux is not a registered Company. However, we are working on getting all the papers needed in order to register and make Viralbux a legit and more trusted Company. Finally we want to say that any suggestion is welcome and will be listened. We hope to see you here for a long time. Best Regards, Viralbux Team
  7. relaunched
  8. http://www.noulinx.com/?r=xenosz2 New spanish site Unique script BETA mode ads 4*0,01$ cashout from 2$ stepped cashout to 10$ ref earnings from 5% Hello dear user, we welcome you to a new get-paid-to reality, NouLinx, committed to provide you the best sector's services. NouLinx has a custom script developed by our team. It has been under development for many months and we finally can present you the result of our hard work. The script was thought to be as simple, complete and intuitive as possible. Your feedbacks and suggestions are always welcome! Even though the script has been fully tested, we want to know what do you think about it and add the last features before the full launch. During this testing period (BETA) you may find disabled pages or sometimes even errors/bugs, in this case we will fix them in the shortest time frame (please report if you find any). You can already start earning and use the site features. All the data (earnings, balances, referrals, ad packs…) will be saved and no balance will be reset, you will be able to cashout available main balance after the launch. We are offering some good deals during the BETA stage as well: Double your first click pack Consecutive click packs Triple your banner exposure Upgrade your membership Build your downline You can find more info about these offers in our Help Page . Finally we want to say that any suggestion is welcome and will be listened. We hope to see you here for a long time. Best regards, NouLinx Administration! click to pic to enlarge
  9. EKOCLIX new PTC evolution site croatian admins: Maja and Tina standard clicks 4*0,005$ every ad give 1 points to purchase . means 0,001$/ad minimum cashout: 3$ PayZa,PayPal,EgoPay. 20% ref commission for standard DR limit: 100 one month ref contest 1-10 win first prize 70$ advertise: 1000 clicks 1$ only http://www.ekoclix.com/?ref=xenosz2 click to pic to enlarge
  10. High earning hungarian site Trusted and active admin iv got paid in 24h again. Profit with the highest membership is 10 dollars. the site will move to a new script. Until 25th of October you can purchase "bumpers" position for 5 $ in new site. you get 16 very active tested refferrals,and chance to advertise new site before official start. for details see forum. i have p600 membership (highest level) request: oct 17 received oct 18 http://www.trabantbux.com/?ref=xenosz2
  11. New PTC EVO from Phillipines PTC + Rev share standard member earn 75% ref click 10% ads 4*0.01$ (100%) share: 50$ return 52,5$ after 1 month. upon purchase you get 1000 PTC Credits (Upon purchase) 1000 Featured Ad Credits (Upon purchase) 1000 Featured Link Credits (Upon purchase) 1000 Login Ad Credits (Upon purchase) Receive $1.75 for 30 days click to image then click to "continue to image" button http://www.unliclix.com/?ref=xenosz2
  12. TrabantBux will change its script in December and we predict this as a great event of the international PTC world also. What if you started this race from the best position and earn money from thousands of sign-ups? You can secure your position in the new system right now before anyone know about the new site: Bumpers position: it costs 5 USD. A Bumpers user is the face of a PTC site. With buying this position Trabant-bux will fill up your downline up to 16 active referals. They will be tested before building them into the system, so you get a really active downline in the PTC history (min 90% active downline). You can use your own referal link also from the first moment of trabant-bux (in the test phase also) so you can multiply your downline on the international market. What do you have to do, if you want to join? Check the TrabantBux forum. In the new Trabant-bux topic you can see your copartners also. Select vico1 engine group ( http://www.trabantbux.com/pages/acc/forum/posts/30/581 ) and write a reply with your username and start an Add Fund procedure to transfer the money on Trabantbux. That is all. Sounds exciting?! Hurry it lasts only two weeks. Admin
  13. Get free 30 days premium membership if register on these sites below with premium your clicks 100% and refclicks 100% too http://www.emoneyspace.com/forum/index.php/topic,306634.0.html http://www.talkptc.com/index.php?topic=47273.0
  14. High earning hungarian site Trusted admin english and hungarian languages in forum The site has moved to a new script soon, you can buy positions in new site that are give you several priviliges at the beginning for example lot of active refs. more details in forum as p600 membership (the highest level) p600 membership cost 30$ per month you can earn 1,33$ per day min cashout: 1$ max :15$ withdrawal time frame 3 days fees on payments cca 5% max ref 200 ref commission refclick 0.1 cent ads 10-19 (depends on memberhips) This admin never scammed his users on his sites. request: oct 5 received oct 6 http://www.trabantbux.com/?ref=xenosz2
  15. http://www.viralbux.net/?ref=xenosz2 Fresh info: now you can reregister the new site, grand opening about oct 20 4*0,01$ standard ads payout : 4$ PayPal, Payza, EgoPay és PerfectMoney. refcomission from 40% 50 direct ref limit Upgrade rent refferrals
  16. PTC EVO 0,01$ click 0,002$ refclick max direct:50 min payout 5$ http://www.oldbux.com/?ref=xenosz2 Oldbux is a paid to click program made from members to members based on advertisers and affiliations. Our team prepared the site, customs on script, design, and many new features that will bring satisfaction to the members and advertisers. Business plan was made by a professional financial team to provide us a stable enviroment for our Oldbux LTD., members and advertisers. Our goals is the provide a stable, profitable and safe enviroment for our members, so they enjoy being part of Oldbux LTD for a long period of time. We will keep upgrading our systems, bringing new features for our members to provide them a good and quality income from Oldbux LTD. About forum, the countries sub-forums will be created upon requests (5 needed), if any members want to see new features on Oldbux they need to open topic (first search if are any other opened) on the Requests Sub-Forum. Oldbux today opened the first Contest with $220 Prizes. More informations can be found here : $220 Contest Members will get 1 point per click, 1 point per forum post, 10 points for direct referral, 5 points for PTSU, 20 points per $1 deposited. More good news will be announced this upcoming days. If you have doubts, questions or ideeas to share, contact us and we will happy reply back.
  17. as standard request sept 29 received sept 30
  18. Admin: David Levesley UK Script: buxhost Paying: since 2011 Earning: 3-4 cents as standard Referral commission from 10% Payout from 1$ to all emembership (before request you need validate yr paypal or payza account. see details in forum) There is a Cheat Link !!!!!!! Reflink not working by e-amil,or msn and on other inner channels. Use yr website or public forum. refback and refferral exchange NOT ALLOWED by TOS http://www.davidsbux.com/?ref=xenosz2
  19. Prelaunch Script: PTC EVOLUTION Earning: 2,5c 2*1c 5*0,1c Cashout: 4$ Paypal Ref.comission: 20% és 1% of referral ad purchase Max direct:100 Upgrade referral contest until sept 21 first 10 get cash to account balance. 10,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,1 $ http://payhub.us/?ref=xenosz2
  20. http://www.clientbux.com/?ref=xenosz2 started: sept 5 admin: Nguyen Thanh trung Vietnam schweser84@yahoo.com bonuses: -2$ to Purchase balance. 4000 clicks PTC -free premium for first 300 earning: 6* 1 cent ads ref comission: Premium 50% Free 25 Max ref: 60, 80 (free and premium) cashout: Premium 1$ as free 2 $ Payza, PerfectMoney adfocus:no other: minimum transfer ab to PB 1 cent Upgrade table http://www.clientbux.com/?ref=xenosz2
  21. My 3rd payment from Buxboost.com. Arrived instant. In my ooinion is the best new site nowdays if you not registered,just do ii ASAP. 5-6 cents daily income from ads long time ago 2 levels downline earning 20% referral comission from direct 1,2 cent per day per ref 5$ min Paypal (easy to reach) super active admin who a programmer too. Must sign up PTC http://buxboost.com/?ref=xenosz2
  22. a few weeks ago closed another site with same URL, site-name as Social-bux.com (Titan script). many people lost thir money i think... After closing become an advertsing page on this URL ,and after opened another PTC site with same name on same URL... I think its very weird and i asked admin today in Forum that he/she is the same admin as previous or a not? Well... my message is missed and i lost my privileges to send message or open a new topic in the forum... without any answer or message... after i send a ticket to admin ..... i start to think there is dicatatorship in SB. hello! why delete my post in forum?and why cannot post to forum too? im just asked you that are you the same admin of previous social-bux site or not? you dont need delete my message for this question. Administrator, Monday, September 2, 2013 at 02:56 PM http://www.social-bux.com/forum.php?topic=125 # 2.11 not and will not be in our power here at the moment when the forum will be 10 thousand Articles to read all the articles. Therefore, problems and issues directed the site administrator are going to support. otherwise you will be notified and topic canceled a second time without notice to you will be banned. Of Procedure must be. finally i send this topic URL to support and i get a ban LOL http://www.emoneyspace.com/forum/index.php/topic,302052.0.html
  23. http://www.gradebux.com/?ref=xenosz2 Talebux admin new site FRee Premium foor first 10 000 members daily ads: 4 one cent ads Ref: 40% with premium payout: 1$ Premium 2$ Standard Paypal, Payza http://www.gradebux.com/?ref=xenosz2
  24. first 1,000 members in the premium gift MEMBER BENEFITS: • EARN UP TO 0.06 per click •EARN UP TO 0.034 per ref click •INSTANT PAYOUTS, only $2 Minimum •UNLIMITED DIRECT REFERRAL LIMIT •1 Years BuxHost Subscription •GUARANTEED ADS DAILY •NO INVESTMENT NEEDED! Started: Aug 27 Admin Petr Yucina (Russian Federation, Togliatti) Subscription 1 year Earnings Ads,Grid,PTSU,PTR Daily earning 4+ cents (4 one cent ads) Free premium? YES . one month Referral income 40% (premium) 20% (standard) Referral max No limit DR 400 RR (Premium) 200 RR (standard) Minimum withdraw 2$ ( for standard 2-5-10$) i see Ego and paypal Withdrawal time Instantly Minimum transfer to PB 0,1$ http://www.buxseo.com/?ref=xenosz2
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