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Everything posted by angleshyip

  1. Date: 16:28 27.07.13.Received Payment 128.06 USD from account U3751669 to account U3001.... Batch: 28882503. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw from Ind Fund Reserve .Ltd A Industrial Power User angleshyip. $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ Ind Fund Reserve Ind Fund Reserve The world's Greatest Increase income program Great Program Small But Real Profits. http://www.indfundreserve.com//?ref=angleshyip
  2. $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ Ind Fund Reserve Ind Fund Reserve The world's Greatest Increase income program Great Program Small But Real Profits. Today I receive Payment From "INDFund" look this Proof Transaction ID =275585945 Fees (Charged to Recipient) = 1.88 Net Amount = 179. Comments = Payment For Withdraw to Angles Hyip from Ind Fund Reserve .Ltd | A Industrial Power Date and Time = 03 Jun 2013 @02:27 AM Starter Plan: 8.3% Daily For 15 Days | Total Return 125% Min $5 - Max $10,000 Daily Profit (8.33) Personal Plan: 5% Daily For 30 Days | Total Return 150% Min $10 - Max $10,000 Daily Profit (5.00) Business Plan: 3.8% Daily For 45 Days | Total Return 175% Min $25 - Max $10,000 Daily Profit (3.88) Referral Commission 3%
  3. $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ BEST PROGRAM $$$$$ Ind Fund Reserve Ind Fund Reserve The world's Greatest Increase income program Great Program Small But Real Profits. Starter Plan: 8.3% Daily For 15 Days | Total Return 125% Min $5 - Max $10,000 Daily Profit (8.33) Personal Plan: 5% Daily For 30 Days | Total Return 150% Min $10 - Max $10,000 Daily Profit (5.00) Business Plan: 3.8% Daily For 45 Days | Total Return 175% Min $25 - Max $10,000 Daily Profit (3.88) Referral Commission 3% Date: 05/21/2013 9:57 Batch# 144697347 Account :U5838333 (Ind Fund Reserve) Amount : $137.26 Memo: Deposit to Ind Fund Reserve .Ltd | A Industrial Power User angleshyip
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