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Everything posted by gary91

  1. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Bux site Click rate: $0.0001 to $0.01 Minimum to cashout: $2 Payment methods: Paypal & Payza Wait time: Within 1 week (Mostly 48 hours) Number of ads: 34 ads +/- ($0.01 - 1 ad & $0.005 - 4 ads) Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.06 +/- Direct referral limits: No limits Referral earnings: 10% (must click at least 4 ads to earn from downline) USAClix - 1st Payment Proof https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/Hlzqly3RFKSFIGDhhbcMKktnH5xjzCpq_R6xwftCbCs=w559-h552-no Join here:
  2. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Bux PTC Click rate: $0.001-$0.015 Minimum to cashout: $5 Payment methods: PayPal & Payza Wait time: 5 business days Number of ads: 14 +/- ads Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.06 +/- Direct referral limits: 100 limits Referral earnings: 20% (must click 6 ads to earn from your referral) Buxboost - 1st Payment Proof http://imgdino.com/viewer.php?file=64082825058446597601.png Join here: Buxboost
  3. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Bux site Click rate: $0.0005 to $0.01 Minimum to cashout: $1 for First Cashout this will increase $1.00 for each cashout until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $3.00. $5 is the max cashout for each request. Payment methods: Paypal, Egopay and SolidTrustPay Wait time: Weekly Number of ads: 16 max for standards Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.0385 +/- Direct referral limits: 25 limits for standards Referral earnings: 10% (must click at least 1 ads to earn from downline) Davidsbux - 1st Payment Proof Join here:
  4. There are $0.01 one ads, $0.005 two ads and the rest is $0.0025 and $0.0015...The $0.001 is fixed ads and have many ads... If you don't want to click, yo can buy shares for costing $49 and yo get total return $58.8 after 30 days. This PTC is hybrid PTC nad also Revenue Share...
  5. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Bux site Click rate: $0.0005-$0.01 (mostly $0.0003-$0.002) Minimum to cashout: $2 (first) and this will increase $1.00 for each cashout until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $5.00. Payment methods: Paypal, Payza, Egopay, SolidTrustPay, and Perfect Money Wait time: 24-48 hours Number of ads: 75 +/- ads (focus ads) Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.06 +/- Direct referral limits: 100 limits for standards Referral earnings: 25% (must click 4 ads and 5 banner ads to earn from downline) Clixzor - 1st Payment Proof Join here:
  6. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Aurora PTC Click rate: $0.001-$0.02 Minimum to cashout: 1st withdrawal level is $1.00 - 2nd withdrawal level is $2.00 - 3rd withdrawal level is $3.00 - 4th withdrawal level is $4.00 - 5th and all future withdrawal levels are $5.00 Payment methods: Paypal & SolidTrustPay Wait time: Daily Number of ads: 11 +/- ads Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.045 +/- Direct referral limits: 200 limits Referral earnings: 20% (must click 10 ads to earn from downline) Clickfair - 1st Payment Proof Join here:
  7. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Hybrid/Mini PTC Click rate: $0.001-$0.005 Minimum to cashout: $2 (fixed) Payment methods: Paypal & Payza Wait time: Daily Number of ads: 14 +/- ads Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.048 +/- Direct referral limits: 200 limits Referral earnings: (must click 4 ads to earn from downline) PTCSolution - 1st Payment Proof Join here:
  8. My 1st payment proof:
  9. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Buxhost site Click rate: $0.0003-$0.01 (mostly $0.0003-$0.002) Minimum to cashout: $2 (first) and $3 (for all others) Payment methods: Paypal, Payza, Egopay, SolidTrustPay, Perfect Money and OKPay Wait time: Within 30 days (usually 48 hours) Number of ads: 36 +/- ads Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.0211 +/- (excluding microjobs and read emails) Direct referral limits: 50 limits Referral earnings: 50% (must click to earn from downline) Full Review About Bucks24/7: http://shareinfo-mak...h-bucks247.html Join here:
  10. Bloody Red Lips - 1st Payment Proof Join here:
  11. My 1st payment proof:
  12. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) Aurora Site Click rate: $0.005-$0.0001 Minimum to cashout: $2 Wait time: 72 hours Payment Method: Paypal Direct referral limit: 100 limit Referral earnings: 20% Join here:
  13. My 2nd Payment Proofs:
  14. My 1st payment proof: Join now:
  15. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) Click rate: $0.0005-$0.002 Minimum to cashout: $0.10 (Paypal) and $1.10 (Payza) Payment options: Paypal and Payza Wait time: 2-4 days Number of ads: 24 +/- Daily average earnings: $0.01 +/- (depending on how many ads you view (excluding offers) Direct referral limits: 200 direct limit for standards Referral earnings: 20% Inactivity policy: 30 days inactive, your account will be deleted Join now:
  16. First 1000 members get free Joy Premium membership...
  17. Program: PTC Rate per click: $0.01 Minimum to payout: $1 Wait time: Manually Method: Paypal, Liberty Reserve, OKPay, SolidTrustPay and EgoPay Max direct referral: 100 direct limit Pay per direct referral click: 0.0025 Join now by clicking here:
  18. Click rate: $0.015 (4 ads) Min: $1 Method: Paypal Click here to join now:
  19. Program: PTC Rate per click: $0.015 Number of ads: 4 Minimum to cashout: $1 Method: Paypal Wait time: Manual Referral limit: No limit Referral earnings: 34% click value Click here to register now:
  20. The page you are looking for is unavailable.
  21. Yes better forget it...
  22. just place your adf.ly at your chatbox friend and share at Facebook....
  23. Maybe become scam site...
  24. Not good for me...
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