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    Make Money Online

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  1. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Bux site Click rate: $0.0001 to $0.01 Minimum to cashout: $2 Payment methods: Paypal & Payza Wait time: Within 1 week (Mostly 48 hours) Number of ads: 34 ads +/- ($0.01 - 1 ad & $0.005 - 4 ads) Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.06 +/- Direct referral limits: No limits Referral earnings: 10% (must click at least 4 ads to earn from downline) USAClix - 1st Payment Proof https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/Hlzqly3RFKSFIGDhhbcMKktnH5xjzCpq_R6xwftCbCs=w559-h552-no Join here:
  2. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Bux PTC Click rate: $0.001-$0.015 Minimum to cashout: $5 Payment methods: PayPal & Payza Wait time: 5 business days Number of ads: 14 +/- ads Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.06 +/- Direct referral limits: 100 limits Referral earnings: 20% (must click 6 ads to earn from your referral) Buxboost - 1st Payment Proof http://imgdino.com/viewer.php?file=64082825058446597601.png Join here: Buxboost
  3. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Bux site Click rate: $0.0005 to $0.01 Minimum to cashout: $1 for First Cashout this will increase $1.00 for each cashout until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $3.00. $5 is the max cashout for each request. Payment methods: Paypal, Egopay and SolidTrustPay Wait time: Weekly Number of ads: 16 max for standards Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.0385 +/- Direct referral limits: 25 limits for standards Referral earnings: 10% (must click at least 1 ads to earn from downline) Davidsbux - 1st Payment Proof Join here:
  4. There are $0.01 one ads, $0.005 two ads and the rest is $0.0025 and $0.0015...The $0.001 is fixed ads and have many ads... If you don't want to click, yo can buy shares for costing $49 and yo get total return $58.8 after 30 days. This PTC is hybrid PTC nad also Revenue Share...
  5. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Bux site Click rate: $0.0005-$0.01 (mostly $0.0003-$0.002) Minimum to cashout: $2 (first) and this will increase $1.00 for each cashout until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $5.00. Payment methods: Paypal, Payza, Egopay, SolidTrustPay, and Perfect Money Wait time: 24-48 hours Number of ads: 75 +/- ads (focus ads) Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.06 +/- Direct referral limits: 100 limits for standards Referral earnings: 25% (must click 4 ads and 5 banner ads to earn from downline) Clixzor - 1st Payment Proof Join here:
  6. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Aurora PTC Click rate: $0.001-$0.02 Minimum to cashout: 1st withdrawal level is $1.00 - 2nd withdrawal level is $2.00 - 3rd withdrawal level is $3.00 - 4th withdrawal level is $4.00 - 5th and all future withdrawal levels are $5.00 Payment methods: Paypal & SolidTrustPay Wait time: Daily Number of ads: 11 +/- ads Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.045 +/- Direct referral limits: 200 limits Referral earnings: 20% (must click 10 ads to earn from downline) Clickfair - 1st Payment Proof Join here:
  7. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Hybrid/Mini PTC Click rate: $0.001-$0.005 Minimum to cashout: $2 (fixed) Payment methods: Paypal & Payza Wait time: Daily Number of ads: 14 +/- ads Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.048 +/- Direct referral limits: 200 limits Referral earnings: (must click 4 ads to earn from downline) PTCSolution - 1st Payment Proof Join here:
  8. My 1st payment proof:
  9. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) - Buxhost site Click rate: $0.0003-$0.01 (mostly $0.0003-$0.002) Minimum to cashout: $2 (first) and $3 (for all others) Payment methods: Paypal, Payza, Egopay, SolidTrustPay, Perfect Money and OKPay Wait time: Within 30 days (usually 48 hours) Number of ads: 36 +/- ads Average daily earnings without referrals: $0.0211 +/- (excluding microjobs and read emails) Direct referral limits: 50 limits Referral earnings: 50% (must click to earn from downline) Full Review About Bucks24/7: http://shareinfo-mak...h-bucks247.html Join here:
  10. Bloody Red Lips - 1st Payment Proof Join here:
  11. My 1st payment proof:
  12. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) Aurora Site Click rate: $0.005-$0.0001 Minimum to cashout: $2 Wait time: 72 hours Payment Method: Paypal Direct referral limit: 100 limit Referral earnings: 20% Join here:
  13. My 2nd Payment Proofs:
  14. My 1st payment proof: Join now:
  15. Program: Paid To Click (PTC) Click rate: $0.0005-$0.002 Minimum to cashout: $0.10 (Paypal) and $1.10 (Payza) Payment options: Paypal and Payza Wait time: 2-4 days Number of ads: 24 +/- Daily average earnings: $0.01 +/- (depending on how many ads you view (excluding offers) Direct referral limits: 200 direct limit for standards Referral earnings: 20% Inactivity policy: 30 days inactive, your account will be deleted Join now:
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