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Everything posted by sufaid

  1. how!!? Site is is in Beta stage and didn't launched fully yet!
  2. 2nd payout
  3. No friend .it was a temporary problem and now they are solved it
  4. Hurry tapBux in beta mode get pioneer membership for limited members Join here http://tapbux.com/ref/sufaid
  5. Naidbux going viral ;6k members in just 2 days 1st payout
  6. Naidbux is a new PTC launched today Looks like next Nerdbux 1 Extended ad of worth $0.02 3 Standard ads of worth $0.01 1 Macro ad of worth $0.005 7 Micro ads of worth $0.001 Support Paypal and Payza Minimum payout= $2 per referal renting =$0.20 Join here http://http://www.naidbux.com/?ref=sufaid
  7. Bux-trust.com is a new site offering $0.25 per day and minimum payout is just $2 paypal and payza go to forum for free one month upgrade join here http://www.bux-trust.com/index.php?ref=sufaid
  8. now after Coingeneration there are 2 more site launched 1- IPUservices 2- Coinbeez Now it's 3rd site called Pcearner is just launched join here http://www.pcearner.com/Registration.aspx?UserId=USID7
  9. now here it;s solbux looks like lxproject and genuine 2 extended worth $0.015 each 4 fixed worth $0.01 each 3 micro worth $0.001 each 1 tiny worth $0.005 each paypal and payza can transfer $0.01 from main balance to purchase balance join here http://www.solbux.com/?r=534935992
  10. It's a new earning method and u can earn upto $30 per day ! but can earn more by multiaccount First register here TORRENT please tick referer box Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
  11. It's new PTC $0.1 signup bonus free upgraded membership for first 10000 members $.085 per day from your click minimum is only $1 http://www.hugemoneybux.com/?ref=sufaid
  12. This is a new PTC You can request payout at $0.01 and will get payment daily it's true just try once payment on PERFECT MONEY Join here JUZI
  13. Now it's a new program like coingeneration and IPU is planning to lauanch. About Welcome to CoinBeez! For long years humanity is trying to build great things, and we made some researches on many areas. We are always looking for an easy way to get work done, and we build technology for that. But much areas need help to make some processing works, like Banks, scientific foundations, Astronomy individuals. Processing power is expensive. We found one way to get processing power from your computer! Basically, you rent some processing power from your computer, ant then you'll be payed for that. We are building our Software to processing scripts. Meanwhile, we are negotiating with some companies to rent our proceessing power. For privacy reasons, we have another company to sell our processing services. CoinBeez is just a company that pays for their usersto offer processing power. How we want a big team, and we want to grow up with you, we are right now doing the signing up with referral process. So you can start build your team right now. Best Regards, CoinBeez Administration join here BEEZ You can earn 20% of first level referrals, and 10% of second level referrals.
  14. It's best and paying PTC in euro You can earn more than .06 euro per day without referals that means more than $0.1 per day without referals sacmadvicer trust score =70% that's great ! join here LXPRJCT
  16. your referal link will be provided in your email..check it
  17. Forgot the dying coingeneration and take a move here to IPU.. place your membership today itself, IPU
  18. It's the best and low minimu payout microjob site register here CENT
  19. Try this register here VIEW they will send password ,login download a 500kb application.login in it and start bearn
  20. if you want to make almost 10$ a day with adfly or adfocus please register under my referal link then you may create an .txt file with your links and open the bot. at the bot, click at ADD and browse your .txt file when you find your .txt file add it and click Start Bot and you will earn much $$$ for this idea is, copy my links and put in your .txt file too, and the next guy who reply this post, copy my links, add him links and past in the reply, the next guy do the same and then we gonna earn all some $ my referal link in adfoc.us ADFOC.US my referal link in adf.ly ADF.LY here is my 5 links in adfoc.us http://adfoc.us/1586341 http://adfoc.us/15863427319834 http://adfoc.us/15863427320587 http://adfoc.us/15863427320586 http://adfoc.us/15863427320585 adf.ly links http://adf.ly/RL2Rd http://adf.ly/Quehp Rules: ONLY 5 LINKS PER USER if you joined under me immediately PM me here or email me id=hamza47kc@gmail.com so that i can give you the Bot application,,for working you should have one more application ie Proxifier. you can download it on net directly..so join under me paste my links and your links.. It's not a fake or scam.it's really working.. I donot charge single penny and there is no survey..
  21. Attention please all dear DMT members.. today i tried a site which is paid post site,and wrote 2 posts with my own words,after some time i login again and viewed my balance ,it's really surprising that $3.12 !! i checked all the account details..it showede that my earnings are come from my post 1-Likes 2-Views 3-Comments Think that they are paying for each view !!! amazing earning oppurtunity.. please join here under me http://www.bubblews.com/?referral=51ccf444e8d8b7.01063660
  22. Here is the new highest paying paid to post payment via payza join here http://www.guppit.com/site/65daa0bf95
  23. Here is the new indian url shrinking site 1vist=0.1 INR means 100 vists INR 10 ie $0.1 minimum payout INR 300 only referal each with INR 5 CLICK go for it.. Here is the new site that giving highest rate in url shrinking Note=it's for all country not only for indians they are new and can hack now pls help me..it working good all other giving $5 for 10000 But it gives $20 !! Don't think that it's a scam..it's a legit one enjoy and help me if u have any working bot application.. Minimum payout 300 INR=$5 If u can't payout now send cheque to me and i will give u in payza or solidtrustpay or egopay.. They are updating with international payment methods..enjoy don't let it go
  24. You can earn by run a software only. per 24 hour you can earn 1$. . you can earn only run this software per day and you can withdraw by payza, paypal skrill . at first register this link and then go your profile and set it then download the software from download option, then run the software and you earn will be start and balance will be update at next day. minimum payout is 1$ . so only run the software and earn will be automatic for run you software, so do not waste the time join here now , http://www.guppit.com/site/72d9e31d93 it is a good tips for all , please see it and run the software you no need to work only run then you can do your job NOTE[you should verify you mobile number to get free thread] please sent verification number to following number only +447937946882 my 1st payment proof Dear Sufaid Kc, You've got cash! Martin Coufre (andrewbirds71@yahoo.com) just sent you money through Payza. Payment Details Date: June 24, 2013 1:28:50 PM Amount Sent: $1.42 USD Sender Name: Martin Coufre Sender Email: andrewbirds71@yahoo.com Reference Number: Message: View the details of this transaction by logging into your Payza account.
  25. It is site like coingeneration.com u can earn money in paypal join here Destination: Compuware Corporation if link doesnot work just google 'gomez peer' and put in referer field sufaid
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