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  1. no i didnt get any payments yet, but i read a lot of good reviews about this site and also i saw so many proofs in web, i defenately notice you after i get payment , thankyou
  2. this site having registration problems, i tried to join this site after viewing this post, but there having problems and this site is for people who live in malaysia only
  3. no you no this site is not usefull for indians, first i think it is for all international members, after i login i knew this site is only usefull for usa members, but you work for people who are living in usa, i mean for your friends who live in usa, this is not a good site for indians
  4. please say is there any captcha site which pays instant, ? i mean like it pays with a minimum of 0.10 , if you know any site please send a message, thanks
  5. mistakenly i posted this site about 2 times, but there is no option to delete the post, some body say how to delete the multiple posts, thanks in advance
  6. paid2youtube is a site where you can earn by watching youtube videos, and by clicking ptc ads, daily you can stay only 5 to 10 min, you can rate videos and comment videos, they pay to rate the videos and commenting videos, some days you dont get any ads, some other days you get lot of offers, minimum payment is 10 USD by paypal, there are lot of proofs in google, you can earn more by referrals, if you like this program join here http://www.paid2youtube.com/?r=andrewd
  7. paid2youtube is a site where you can earn by watching youtube videos, and by clicking ptc ads, daily you can stay only 5 to 10 min, you can rate videos and comment videos, they pay to rate the videos and commenting videos, some days you dont get any ads, some other days you get lot of offers, minimum payment is 10 USD by paypal, there are lot of proofs in google, you can earn more by referrals, if you like this program join here http://www.paid2youtube.com/?r=andrewd
  8. i joined in this site, but i didnt get any tasks , whenever i tried to do some opportunities , it is saying you should pass Grade 1 us Exam like that, i didnt understand the concept
  9. how much one can earn by posting in forums ? i am new to paid to post forum, this is my first site, some body plz share the techniques how to earn in forum sites
  10. yes u both r true, this should not be posted in ptc section, but i think this post will be usefull for some people who wants to earn some money by searching easy jobs , thankyou
  11. protypers and megatypers are the best sites if you are intrested in typing, I Sujjest you to work from Midnight 12 to 5 a.m. they have good rates varies from 0.85 to 1$ for 1000 captchas at this particular time, you can earn money through referrals also
  12. is ther any traffic exchange site that we earn minimum 5 $ per month, plz say if ther ? plz post that if we can earn either through autosurf only , not manual surf, it is very hard to reach in manual surf
  13. recent ptc scams keobux, ladolcevitaptc, ringbux, growthbux2012, so plz dont join in these sites
  14. all casino sites r fraud ,its better to stay away from casino sites or gambling sites, i think the script is powerfull and people couldnt earn any money, finally the site owners get benifit at the end of the day
  15. earning money on online is very hard, it takes time and after you learn, they are so many scam sites in web, the basic thing is searching on google to know whether the site is scam or not, you can earn money by posting on forums and also by GPT and PTC sites, people earn money by investing in HYIPS , but a lot of knowledge and strategy is important to earn in HYIPS
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