I am realy enjoying the site. There is not only one way to earn money. There are also some micro tasks. I have made
15$ from here. I would like to be a gold member here.
Profit ratio is more than enough. But minimum investment should below $5. Because everyone want to test the
investment site by investing micro or mini amount.
Thanks for accepting LR.
I know about the site. This is realy a good platform to invest. Because this is not new. They have more experiance.
They have been proved already that they are not scam.
Hourly plan is good, but not secured much. It is so risky plan but if it have auto payout systme would better platform
to invest. Because I think hourly plan is directly gambling plan.
I am very very interested to join here. But there is no way to fulfil my dream. Because Paypal doesn't support in my coutnry.
It will be better if the site would support Liberty-Reserve.