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Everything posted by danielle27

  1. Hi, I know you have requested for cashout many times. That's why I want to ask you. How can I post request payout in IP?. And what should I write in Signature Links. Can I leave it blank?. I dont know what does it mean, cause I'm planning to cashout later. So please help me. Thank you, indieover.
  2. @indieover, yeah, I'm seeing new members joined the forum, that makes the activity more exciting to post for. Anyway, yesterday the mods approve my request for post checking, does it mean I'm already paid for my request, or still waiting for the payment?. Please someone tell me the meaning of this?. Thank you.
  3. Yeah, as time goes by, Forex trader learn allot including losses. And that loss will be acceptable, and can be use as inspiration to be a good trader for him to gain good profits, to achieve your goal in Forex. Anyway, almost everyday, a trader has a goal, whether its learning, enhancing the skills, building good strategy and last but not the least, earning consistent profit.
  4. I've been blessed. I have been paid by DMT. That's why my liberty reserve account already have funds though a little. I'm looking forward to exchange my funds with cash, if I already have enough of it.
  5. I wanna gain that amount too. Can someone tell me how to this?. I'm so eager to learn all about Instaforex trading, contests and if I can use my mobile to trading or posting in forex forums first.
  6. Wow, what an achievement. To reach 1000$ a day requires that big trading capital. A trader with insufficient knowledge, skills and experience is not advisable. Cause worst things can happen, if he or she engage in this huge risk. A pro can do this but still no assurances.
  7. Yeah, I think paypal is the only payment processor they are using. But as of now, I'm not earning from this. All I know is I pass the Comprehension level, but then, everytime I start a task, they say that I still dont have enough credits. Its very confusing. I dont find it good earning site.
  8. OperaMini 4.4 is what I am using now in my mobile. But I think my browser is not updated, having many difficulties in viewing the contents. And Google Chrome in my experience is allot better than any browser. Cause, though you open several tabs, still it loads faster and the plug-ins are bearable.
  9. Strongly agree, my sister is using it too, for almost 5 years maybe. And she's totally satisfied with it. The features are very technological unlike the others. Amazing window.
  10. Recently, my friends are getting addictive to this pc game called MU online. Its fun really, I've watched them played this, and I got attracted. Its also a good earning site, you will earn cash just for playing. Try it for yourself.
  11. Payment proofs are important for a website to be proven legit and paying. But then, nowadays, payment proofs can be rewrite or fake. Just make sure to review every website you want join before registering, for you to avoid being scammed. Goodluck buddy.
  12. As I am using a mobile phone in my online earnings, paid to post forums is the best and advisable for me. Hard work is a must in every job or whatever you call this online earnings. These are some of my registered PTP sites: http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com http://www.investorpost.com http://www.moneytalkvillage.com
  13. I heard megatypers is one good paying site too. I knew someone who is already a member. And she says megatypers pay via various of payment processor including paypal. And they pay 1$ per 1000 entries, 5$ is the minimum payout. And I've heard, they also use Western Union for payment method, but 100$ is the minimum payout, unlike other payment method, only 5$ minimum cashout.
  14. Yeah, sharing thoughts, ideas and especially experiences can help us in having some backgrounds to be able to understand more regarding trading. And the experiences they shared, makes us more aware of the big risk we will take in entering Forex.
  15. Yeah, they look like they are just playing games or gambling. Forex is a huge world, and you need to risk huge too. Risking comes with thinking and wider understanding. You dont just invest, and leave it. You need to be smart and wise, cause Forex experience rise and fall changes.
  16. But other traders dont see the importance of Demo Account, that's why they go trading for real account easily. And they usually end up losing their investment very fast too. Especially newbies, they are being tempted to invest big, because they want to gain big profit too. But then, they just passed the Demo Account and jump right away in real account. They dont have enough experience to trade, that's why they lose that easy.
  17. Well, in that case live mentor is better than an online mentor. But, we need them both to be able to gain enough knowledge in trading. Both of this mentors are big factor to learning, to have satisfied answers to our queries and to achieve good statistics.
  18. Yeah, cause even though you have the talent, but you did not do anything to grow and progress, talent will still be useless in trading. That's why we should study more harder, we should not stop learning, cause even a pro, study still, to have more widen understanding regarding trading in forex.
  19. Hi, I just visit the site and paypal is the only payment processor they used. And you can earn a maximum of 2$ per question and a minimum of 1$ atleast. Just make sure to put your username similar to your paypal ID. And after registering, they will email you if there are questions for you to answer. Just visit the site for you to review it before joining. Hope I answer some of your queries. Have a nice posting.
  20. Hi, I just visit the site and paypal is the only payment processor they used. And you can earn a maximum of 2$ per question and a minimum of 1$ atleast. Just make sure to put your username similar to your paypal ID. And after registering, they will email you if there are questions for you to answer. Just visit the site for you to review it before joining. Hope I answer some of your queries. Have a nice posting.
  21. @Salman456, greetings to you. I'm new to Investorposts, but I've been posting there for about 2 weeks now. All I know is there is no minimum payout, so you can request for payout anytime, and rate per post is a bit low, but Investorposts is known to be fast paying site. That's why you will not wait much time for your payment. Anyway if you have a doubt, you can see it in IP forum rules. Just read it first before posting. Hope I did help you a little. Thank you. Good day my friend.
  22. Jumping right away in real account is the result of being overconfident. A newbie mistakes involved no discipline. In trading, this values is another factor to consider, and discipline must start from oneself. And the rest comes from other traders who will teach you this.
  23. Just verify it first to know if posters can still access the site. And to you @salim_hosen, I dont think the site really accept paypal. Cause I thought liberty reserve is the most used payment processor. Maybe you can use this to receive payment from your signed up PTP sites. Thank you. Just trying to help.
  24. Yeah I agree. Forex forum help us in such a way that can improve our trading capabilities. And yeah being active in forex forum, widen our understanding about trading basics. We usually here or read about good and bad side about it. And being active can give us bonus capital to be use in trading ang can help us earn some profit out of it. Thank's for sharing friends.
  25. Yeah good for you @budado. Cause doing post everyday is good than not posting anything each day. Anyway, are the point visible. I'm still confused. And I'm noticing that these past few days, there are just few members who reply to the activities. That's why only few and slow activities are being shown these week. I hope that many members be active, to encourage others to post more often.
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