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Posts posted by danielle27

  1. Very helpful thread. But can you please help me by sharing few forex sites which gives bonus for capital in signing up?

    I've been reading interesting feedbacks regarding Instaforex. Most of the members recommend it to me, and the good thing is, you can post in their forums using your mobile phone, cause the site supports mobile users even in trading, but I recommend you to use a pc in trading in Forex. Cause posting in their forums to earn bonus capital or free no deposit account is better to do than trading using mobile, cause we all know pc is much accurate, and you can pinpoint your errors easily.

  2. Basically forex trading is very simple, just the buying and selling of different currencies, but to be able to get the results of these activities a trader require a strategy that can minimize the risk of forex trading which is quite high. For beginners traders, it is recommended to use a demo account as a means of finding and training a trading strategy before using a real account.

    @uncle gober, very well said friend. A trader will not determine if his new made strategy will work out just fine if he doesn't test it first or make some review or checking on it. And the best place to do that is in Demo Account, wherein we plan, we test, and we correct some errors. But not only newbies benefit from this, even pro' s test their EA' s, and make new strategic plan in here. So we should be thankful that it does exist.

  3. I'm back to posting at Investorposts. I hope to be active again, and make good quality posts. And also I do hope I dont experience difficulties in posting and replying to threads. For this forum is more on Forex discussions and Hyip's, which is general discussion is where I'm only good at. Hope to make more points tonight.

  4. Me as a beginner, I dont find yet the difference of both parties. I mean, I learned alot from online mentors for they answers my queries and give some hint on trading, but still I have been reading blogs and reviews that live mentors are better and of good teaching. But the point is, does everybody afford to have live mentors?. Me as a newbie, I cant. Cause I'm just relying on my PTP sites to earn some cash.

  5. Me as a beginner, I dont find yet the difference of both parties. I mean, I learned alot from online mentors for they answers my queries and give some hint on trading, but still I have been reading blogs and reviews that live mentors are better and of good teaching. But the point is, does everybody afford to have live mentors?. Me as a newbie, I cant. Cause I'm just relying on my PTP sites to earn some cash.

  6. I'm back to posting guys. And another good thing is, I have received my payment here, they paid me last Sunday, but I just read it few minutes ago. Well, I hope everyone already got paid, as it encourage every posters of DMT even outside posters to join our activities here. Anyway, I do hope that I can be active again here in DMT for I am going to go to school everyday. Hope I still monitor the posting situation. Thank' s alot DMT, more power.

  7. I only have 45 post in here total. I think I only make some 7 post in here today. I do want to post more but I don't know were I can post in here as theirs only few threads that I'm active with that has been posted again. I feel theirs a slow down in posting in here. I do hope that their will be more post in here again today so that tomorrow I can post in here again and at least another 15 post in here.

    Yeah I agree, I'm having difficulties to posts at IP cause there are only few threads that I know and can be active. Investorposts is more on HYIP and Forex discussions. And as a newbie I'm starting to learn all about it. So I only have 29 points since I signed up, its discouraging for me.

  8. Me, I'm quite dissatisfied about my posting recently, cause I've been busy enough on my offline activities. I'm enrolling as a third year high school, so I'm more busy on many things outside DMT. I still to make consistent posts for me to earn good everyday. And I do hope to received my payment from my first request. But even though I'm busy on other things, I'm still monitoring the activities here. Happy posting everyone.

  9. Me, I'm quite dissatisfied about my posting recently, cause I've been busy enough on my offline activities. I'm enrolling as a third year high school, so I'm more busy on many things outside DMT. I still to make consistent posts for me to earn good everyday. And I do hope to received my payment from my first request. But even though I'm busy on other things, I'm still monitoring the activities here. Happy posting everyone.

  10. Online earning is easy than general work. But online earning has also ups and downs, it comes with big risks too. Scammed site is an example of risky situation. If one is very eager to earn online that he doesn't review a site first before joining.

  11. Great posting here friend. I am very thankful to you for this thread. I say you I will join this site very soon . I am one of thye member Wpquestions site. I searching a site like wpquestions at the end I found your post. O.K. I have a question how do I work in this site? Please reply me.

    Hi, I dont know if this proven legit and paying. But all I know is, you can earn a minimum of 1$ and a maximum of 2$ per questions answered. And they will email you if there are questions to earn for. And I think they pay thru paypal. For further questions and details, just visit www.pollbuzzer.com. Thank's I hope I help you in some ways.

  12. Yeah, agreeable. Cause having a mentor gives us more and widen understanding than learning solo. Especially if the one who's mentoring us knows alot better than just reading ebooks and other resources only by ourselves. Me, I prefer any mentor but only those affordable.

  13. Yeah, virtual money is the only difference of Demo to real account. But if we're trading in demo account, it looks like we're trading in live in real account. And to that, we will practice countermeasures, for us to avoid mistakes in real account. Demo gives us enough practice advantage to be able to plan and make a better strategy.

  14. Friends this site reputation is bad . I searching on google and I see bad reputation in terms of google ranking . Now I have $3.05 in my account balance but I have a problem my account balance is not increase any cent. Please anyone reply me now what I am doing?

    Hi friend, I think you should contact the admin for your queries and complaint. Try to visit the FAQ and rules of the site, read and check for details and see for it if the mistakes is on you or from them. Wait for sometime, and if they cant give you good answer about your balance, just leave it and look for legit and paying PTP sites.



    Dear Daniele27,



    Kindly search for Instaforex Company to learn all the basic skills and knowledge, which are essential for trading on Forex.

    Instaforex supports mobile trading and you may also visit Forex Trading FAQ on our site for the complete details.


    Also, you can connect to your MT5 forum account via mobile phone which you can enjoy being in the very center of MT5 community regardless of your location.


    When you have more questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you.

    Hi yvonne, thank you so much for helping me out by giving me concrete answer to my queries regarding mobile support of Instaforex. I dont know what is mt5. But willing to learn about it, step by step. Thank you, and I will surely visit the site for details.

  16. Having big capital is not enough. 50k or more is such a huge risk, if you dont know where your heading to. Cause a professional trader is still experiencing loss. So, no one can say that it is possible daily. We should be prepared and ready enough if we're dedicated to earn this.

  17. not only in Forex section, but also in HYIP, if you can make 30 posts in both of that sections that you can reach 90 points total and it is the highest points that you can reach here per day, but i prefer to make less than it and make more post in the other section like payment processor section.

    But we cant still posts 30 in both section in a day. Cause we members know that DMT implemented a maximum of 30 posts each day. 15 posts is acceptable to both sections. But even if there is a limited posts here, we can find good extra cash if we're only be active at all times.

  18. Yeah, I think its impossible too. There are many good website that has good reputation, but they pay reasonable rate. But 1$ per answered question?, I doubt its legitimacy. Maybe its another scam site. And payment proofs now can be copyrighted. So we'd better think it several times, for our time and efforts not be wasted.

  19. For now we can only dream of achieving this huge profit. But we should have proper perspective on things, that our dreams will come true. We must strive hard, and risk big not only capital, but this includes good enough skills and experience and wise decision.

  20. Investorposts, is a good site to invest and post to forum, cause its true that if we make consistent posting, we can also earn consistent profit in here. We just need to stay active at all times, for us to reach cashout easily. I hope I could get back to posting here at IP.

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