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  1. Just to clear any confusion, no, my username has nothing to do with Profit Clicking, I own a separate PTC website called Green Light PTC I am just coincidentally commenting on the withdrawal system they use with the same name lol. I actually believe that the GL withdrawal system makes it harder for members to withdraw - think about it...before it was implemented, members were not aware of exactly when the buckets opened up, yet it was still extremely hard to withdraw. Now, since members are notified of buckets opening, there will be a much higher number of people trying to withdraw when a bucket opens as opposed to what there were previously. Profit Clicking claim the bucket limits are being increased as we speak and this will help to keep the buckets open for longer. Also, their latest update states the withdrawal queues will be emptied within the next few weeks (approx.), so I guess there isn't much we can do for now but to just sit back, keep growing our accounts and hope that withdrawing will become easier over time and that people who currently have withdrawal requests through the queue (myself included) will receive their funds as promised.
  2. Thank-you starwar1508 for listing our website Remember to edit your post and include your referral link! Budado, that is certainly what we aim to achieve with Green Light - we want our members to be earning money with us for a long time to come, but we also want members to help keep the site alive by purchasing advertising plans That will be a major help! Green Light Admin
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