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The Forex market is an extremely large market. In fact, it is one of the biggest money markets to be found in the world as it brings in trillions of dollar trades each day. You will be able to make lots of money with forex trading, but you will need to know what you are doing. As long as you know what you are doing, there are a number of different benefits that you will be able to take advantage of. When you become a forex trader that is successful, you will find financial rewards and a great lifestyle. As we continue this article, we would like to tell you some tips on forex investing. One of the most important tips of forex investing involves money. You see, it is always important that you remember this one tip” when you are investing in the market, you should only do this with money you are able to lose. If this is you last dollars, then don’t put it into the market. When you are investing, there is always risks of losing the money. Each one of the currency pairs will be quoted with both an asking price and a bid. Take note that the bid will always be lower than the asking price. The bid price is the price your broker is willing to buy it at, which means the trader should see it at this price. When you are dealing with the forex market, you will hear pip more than once. What exactly is a pip? It is the minimum move that a currency pair is able to make. Pip stands for Price Interest Point. What is the main purpose of trading? It would be to buy low and sell high, of course. When we look at the forex market, we see that it is an unusual market and there are a number of reasons why. First of all, there are not many markets that are free from outside controls. It is also known for being the biggest liquid financial market. Some of the trades reach anywhere from 1 to 1.7 trillion US dollars each day. If you are looking into forex investing, then you are making a wise decision.
Forex trading is definitely risky. Not all who participate in Forex trading ends up with profits. With fixed ratio money management, you will profit more rather than losing money. It will help you to maximizes your money and limits your looses. It is a defensive strategy in Forex trading. Let me show you how you can turn your $1,000 to $12,000 safely in Forex trading. Follow these steps and start cashing in your profits. Step 1: Open a Forex trading account of $1000 for every lot. Step 2: Determine how many pips you want to gain before you increase your investment in a lot. The minimum pip to start increasing investment varies from people to people. Start with a number of pips that you are comfortable with. Let’ say you decided that 200 pips is enough to start adding to your investment. You’ll need an average of only 10 pips for a day for 20 trading days. Step 3: Increase you’re the percentage of your lot if you achieve your minimum profits. If you haven’t reached your minimum pip, continue trading with the number of pips within your capacity. The increase of on the percentage of your lot should be in the increments of 10% percent per achieved profits. Sample : First 200 pips - $1,000 + (200 pips x 0.1 lot) = $1,200 as your new lot Second 200 pips — $1,200 + (200 pips x 0.2 lot) = $1, 600 as your new lot Third 200 pips — $1600 + (200 pips x .3 lots = $600) = $2200 as your new lot Fourth 200 pips — $2200 + (200 pips x .4 lots = $800) = $3000 as your new lot Fifth 200 pips - $3000 + (200 pips x .5 lots = $1000) = $4000 as your new lot Sixth 200 pips — $4000 + (200 pips x .6 lots = $1200) = $5200 as your new lot Seventh 200 pips — $5200 + (200 pips x .7 lots = $1400) = $6600 as your new lot Eight 200 pips — $6600 + (200 pips x .8 lots = $1600) = $8200 as your new lot Ninth 200 pips - $8200 + (200 pips x .9 lots = $1800) = $10000 as your new lot Tenth 200 pips - $10,000 + (200 pips x 1 lot = $2000) = $12000
Anyone who is serious about trading needs to have a Forex Trading System that is tailored to them, but there is no reason to start constructing your Forex trading system from scratch. Why try and reinvent the wheel when you can benefit from other traders years of experience and borrow your trading system's ideas and concepts? It's easy to do, and there are some pretty good Forex trading systems out there for you to work with. Some of them are free and some are very expensive, but the price tags don't always reflect the actual value of the Forex trading systems. But, many of these systems won't work for you, and I am not talking about out-right dishonesty here, which can be a big problem when trading. What I am talking about is your ability to effectively trade with the system that you may be considering using or buying. You need to use a system that matches your life style and personality. If you have a day job (not trading), a Forex Trading System that requires you to stare at a screen all day wouldn't be appropriate. You would be distracted at work and miss the opportunities to make money, or even worse, you will not close a trade effectively and could lose money. Some Forex trading systems have a potential to lose 20, 30 or 40% of your money before they are profitable. Can you handle a system that can drop your trading capital to half before making money? Or, are you prepared to have a string of 8 to 10 loses in a row before you have a winning trade? Some of the best traders in the world lose money on more than 50% of their trades. These are all important points to consider when you are creating your Forex Trading System. Choose aspects of the different systems that are out there that fit your trading style best, and then build your Forex trading system. An excellent trading method, which was made famous by Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt and is sometimes referred to as Turtle Trading, is one of the best Forex trading systems that I know of. They get returns in excess of 20 to 100% per year using this system. But, could most traders trade their system? Not a chance! Dennis and Eckhardt also loose on over 60% of their trades. Once you know what sort of Forex Trading System will work best for you, look at the components that make it work. Face it; if you are a new, or even a fairly serious, trader how likely are you to come up with a totally new concept? There are some very smart and wealthy traders out there. Why not use their ideas. Consider Dennis and Eckhardt's turtle trading, their system is based on a "breakout" method. I know most traders could not trade using their exact method, but they could take parts of it, such as the breakouts, to confirm a trend. You can also use other Forex trading systems to give you an outline of what parts a system has to have for it to make money. All great Forex trading systems have these three basics: 1. Entry Rules, 2. Money Management Rules and 3. Exit Rules. Study and learn from the Forex trading systems out there, borrow their concepts, and steal their ideas. It will put you on the track to the system that will make you a successful trader.
So, you now have a trading system. You devised it, you tested it and you are already using it to trade the market. You may have automated it or you may still have to put your buy and sell orders manually, but for the moment, you really have nothing much to do apart from following your system with ironclad self-discipline. The question is: Now what do you do? If you are one of those traders who reached this stage, the chances are you may have spent your last few months or years arriving at your system and now that you have it, you have spare time. With this spare time, you may find yourself watching the market day in and day out. The danger with doing this is that you create opportunities to feel emotional about every single one of your trades and this may lead to undoing the results of your hard work. You begin to feel elated when you are making money and you might start breaking your rules. Conversely, you may feel down when you are losing money and you start doubting your system and thus, begin disobeying your trading rules. The problem might be that you have a good system and you are simply not giving it enough time for it to work. If you think this is happening to you, consider that it might be best that you only watch the market when your trading system requires you to. You should also consider other ways in which you can best fill your spare time to serve your need to work, find your purpose and create a meaningful life. You must have other interests and ambitions. Personally, I have always wanted to create a business that would serve the planet and millions of people so I can leave behind a legacy when I die. I know this sounds very grandiose but I know that you, the reader, also have similar aspirations deep inside. I know this because we are both human beings and human beings have the need for self-actualisation and self-transcendence (spiritual needs). As a disciplined trader, you have many skills you can apply to business. You create systems, you are analytical, you are creative, you solve problems and you are results-oriented. These are all strengths that you can apply in the world of business. There are many opportunities out there for you to apply yourself and the lessons you learn from trading the financial markets.
Automated forex trading systems use the latest technology to simplify navigation of the forex market. These systems are made up of sophisticated computer software that uses mathematical algorithms to analyze the right times to buy and sell currency. These programs also make the process even easier by conducting the trades for you. Trusting a machine to make choices when large sums of money are at stake may sound like a bad idea, but automated forex trading can actually work better than trading handled by a human. People frequently make mistakes such as math errors, misreading charts, or simply failing to look at all the factors involved. Another common human complication comes from our susceptibility to emotions. Frequently people allow emotions to get in the way of their better judgment, and this can lead to lost money in the forex market. Using an automated forex trading system eliminates these problems and improves your results by keeping track of all the available data and making the best decisions. Online trading with a forex robot can streamline the entire trading process. Automated forex trading systems don't come cheap. A broker will normally require that you put down at least several thousand dollars as an initial investment. Other additional fees are also possible. However, this extra cost can be easily made up for by the benefits of using an automated forex trading system. Traditional trading methods require an individual to invest large amounts of time in studying the market, and training to make the best decisions. Automated training requires none of this since all the expertise is already written into the program. All that's required is that you know the very basics of the market so you know generally how the automated system is operating. Companies that wish to break into the forex market will also find automated trading systems attractive. Since it requires a minimal investment of resources to get started, this can be a good choice for a company that wants to get into the forex market but doesn't have the personnel to handle this new endeavor. Having a computer system do the trading for you also saves money since an employee doesn't need to be trained and paid to trade. One possible drawback of automated trading systems is their reliance on technical rather than fundamental analysis. The computer programs are only able to examine the performance of the market and general trends, not outside factors that may influence changes in the forex market. Political and social events that have a real effect on the forex market can not be analyzed by an automated forex trading system. However, this does not negate the positive effects of these systems since they have a proven track record of success.
Swing trading in forex is a form of quick trading performed by investors aiming to maximize profits and minimize risks by making strategic trades that last from 3 to 30 days. This is a very popular style of trading among investors and day traders across the globe. Swing trading depends on short-term variations in the market, forcing traders to react to the changes in a rapid manner. This form of trading depends more on stress price patterns than actual value. As a trader, you do not wait for currency prices to hit either high or bottom, but wait for short term fluctuations in the market. Swing trading is highly favored by day traders, rather than by large financial establishments or brokerage houses. Swing trading is most profitable when markets are stable. Advantages of Swing Trading in Forex The reason for swing trading in forex being popular is the many advantages it offers over other conventional forms of trading, like buy-and-hold investing and position trading. The returns tend to be higher for an average trader. You can, for instance, trade for a short while and pay your monthly bills. Swing trading is, however, subject to market fluctuations and conditions. Like all forms of trading, swing trading is susceptible to lean phases. When executed properly, you will experience less risk as compared to other methodologies. Unlike conventional investors whose fortunes are tied to bulls and bears, swing traders are free to exit losing trades and step out. There is an exit strategy for swing traders. Another strategy for a swing trader is to short the market even when the market suffers a slowdown. Swing traders can have a flexible schedule unlike most day traders. All you need is to do some market research after work, and place new trades the next morning when the markets open. This style of trading offers more attractive returns due to its less labor-intensive requirements. You also need not worry about: •Scrutinizing financial statements like most investors •Monitoring market crests and troughs like position traders •See your profits vaporize before your eyes due to unfavorable market conditions •Using complicated systems like other traders Swing trading is popular because of the flexibilities it offers. In short, swing trading gives you the highest returns in the least amount of time.
Keen on starting Forex trading? Why would you not be: Many beginning Forex traders are captivated by the allure of easy money. Forex websites offer 'risk-free' trading, 'high returns' and 'low investment' — these claims have a grain of truth in them, but the reality of Forex is a bit more complex. As with anything in life, what you put in will determine what you get out. There are two common mistakes that many beginner traders make — trading without a strategy and letting emotions rule their decisions. After opening a Forex account it may be tempting to dive right in and start trading. Watching the movements of EUR/USD for example, you may feel that you are letting an opportunity pass you by if you don't enter the market immediately. You buy and watch the market move against you. You panic and sell, only to see the market recover. This kind of undisciplined approach to Forex is guaranteed to lose you money, and have you waste your time. Forex traders need to have a rational trading strategy and not allow emotions to rule their trading decisions. The two emotions prevalent in the above example is greed (entering the market immediately) and fear (selling when the market temporarily moves against you). Investing and these two emotions do not gel at all. Keep them out of your trading and you will see results. To make rational trading decisions the Forex trader must be well-educated in market movements. He must be able to apply technical studies to charts and plot out entry and exit points. He must take advantage of the various types of orders to minimize his risk and maximize his profit. The first step in becoming a successful Forex trader is to understand the market and the forces behind it. Who trades Forex and why? Who is successful and why are they successful? This knowledge will allow you to identify successful trading strategies and use them as models for your own. There are 5 major groups of investors who participate in Forex — Governments, Banks, Corporations, Investment Funds, and traders. Each group has varying objectives, but the one thing that all the groups (except traders) have in common is external control. Every organization has rules and guidelines for trading currencies and can be held accountable for their trading decisions. Individual traders, on the other hand, are accountable only to themselves. If you do not keep yourself in check, nobody else will. Why should they worry if you aimlessly waste your money? This means that the trader who lacks rules and guidelines is playing a losing game. Large organizations and educated traders approach the Forex with strategies, and if you hope to succeed as a Forex trader you must play by the same rules. That is studying these strategies and rules before starting to trade is so important. Forex Trading Philosophy — Money Management Money management is part and parcel of any trading strategy. Besides knowing which currencies to trade and recognizing entry and exit signals, the successful trader has to manage his resources and integrate money management into his trading plan. Position size, margin, recent profits and losses, and contingency plans all need to be considered before entering the market. This may sound like Greek now! If it does, you have more reason to get to know these terms. Knowledge will empower you on any investment market, including Forex. There are various strategies for approaching money management. Many of them rely on the calculation of core equity. Core equity is your starting balance minus the money used in open positions. If the starting balance is $10,000 and you have $1000 in open positions your core equity is $9000. When entering a position try to limit risk to 1% to 3% of each trade. This means that if you are trading a standard Forex lot of $100,000 you should limit your risk to $1000 to $3000 — preferably $1000. You do this by placing a stop loss order 100 pips (when 1 pip = $10) above or below your entry position. As your core equity rises or falls you can adjust the dollar amount of your risk. With a starting balance of $10,000 and one open position your core equity is $9000. If you wish to add a second open position, your core equity would fall to $8000 and you should limit your risk to $900. Risk in a third position should be limited to $800. By the same principal you can also raise your risk level as your core equity rises. If you have been trading successfully and made a $5000 profit, your core equity is now $15,000. You could raise your risk to $1500 per transaction. Alternatively, you could risk more from the profit than from the original starting balance. Some traders may risk up to 5% against their realized profits ($5,000 on a $100,000 lot) for greater profit potential. As you can see, the novice needs to get through quite a bit of education, understanding and planning before those 'risk-free' trading, 'high returns' and 'low investment' promises will come into play. What are you waiting for? Get yourself a decent Forex Trading Education
RULE #1) ~ Cut your losers; let your winners ride. One important thing that every new trader must know before entering this highly profitable business is that life is not perfect, even in Forex land, and you should always know one fact: YOU WILL HAVE LOSING TRADES. Every Forex trader does. The key to being a consistent, predictable, reliable trader is to, at the end of the day, add up more wins than losses. And, when you KNOW(based off your trading rules), without a doubt, that YES, indeed you are, in a losing trade, don't keep losing money (lowering your stop loss) just to *prove you are right* or your rules are wrong (however you want to look at it). All traders have to face it — you can't turn a donkey into a ferrari. You can't change the strips of a zebra and you can't turn chicken poop into chicken salad. The best trades are usually "right" immediately (the techniques, rules, methods and strategies you can learn in my website will be your best indicator for just what a "right" trade really is). Remember, people have been trading the markets for a hundred and sixty years. The smart traders know there's going to be another trade. Cut your loses short and compound those winning positions. RULE #2) ~ Thou Shall Not Trade the Forex Without Placing a Stop Loss Order. When you place a STOP order, right along with your ENTRY order, via your online trade station, you've just automatically prevented a potential loss from "running" too far. Before initiating any trade, if you haven't already figured out at what point you would be wrong and would want to cut your loses or, at the very least, reevaluate your position from the sidelines, then you shouldn't be putting on the trade in the first place.
Online, Day trading has exploded across America. Some investors have been very successful and boast of huge gains made in incredibly short periods of time. However, there are many others who experience devastating losses because they have not tapped into the 6 critical factors necessary for successful Futures and FOREX Trading. Success in any profession can be broken down into a number of critical factors. Trading is no different. A successful trading strategy incorporates the following 6 factors. 1. Determination of An Edge: Trading Futures is a zero sum game. There must be an identifiable edge over the other market participants. 2. Disciplined Execution:There is no point in identifying an edge if there is no discipline to follow thru. Create a plan, stick with it, then determine if the plan is successful. If it is not, change the plan. The important thing is disciplined execution. 3. Money Management: If the risk per trade is too aggressive, then there is the risk of blowing an account. If trades are too conservative, then the opportunity to optimize returns is missed. It is critical to establish the maximum expected draw down of any system and set money management rules accordingly. 4. Create a Trading Plan: A trading plan will determine what will be done in any given situation during the trade day. A plan helps keep one focused on execution and not distractions. 5. Responsibility: Responsibility lies with the trader. Gains, losses, success, or failure is determined by the skill, determination and discipline of the trader. 6. Commitment: There must be commitment to placing every trade according to plan, even through the losing periods where every trade seems to end up a loser. Trading seems to throw up extremes of good times and bad times. One must not be over confident during the good times, and one must not give up in the bad times. There also must be adequate time every day to compare actual performances against the trading plan.
Oil futures surged to a record intraday high of $70.85 on August 30th, the day after Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast. While prices have moderated in subsequent weeks, it's worth examining how higher commodity prices and the specter of inflation impacts the foreign exchange (FX) market, particularly the U.S. dollar. Traditional supply and demand factors certainly have contributed to the longer term trend in energy prices. The demand side of the equation has been getting plenty of press this year, with focus on the rapidly growing thirst for oil in both China and India. However, the recent spike in oil can primarily be attributed to hurricane related speculation in the futures market and the limited and centralized (on the Gulf Coast) refining capacity of the U.S. Economic data released in recent weeks has begun to reflect the effects of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which ravaged the U.S. Gulf Coast in August and September. These data reinforce what the Fed has been implying all along; that the economy is growing at a brisk pace and that inflation, not recession, should be the concern. September jobs data showed the first net job losses since May of 2003, but the decline of 35,000 jobs was much smaller than the decline that was anticipated. September CPI showed the largest monthly gain in 25 years. However, when the volatile food and energy components are removed, inflation was a rather mild 0.1%. That was quite a bit less than the market was anticipating and suggests that the higher energy prices are not being passed through to the core number yet. Similarly, the September PPI headline number exceeded expectation and was the largest monthly gain in 15 years. However, again we remove food and energy and see that wholesale prices were up a relatively restrained 0.3%. This core number did beat expectations though, so one might deduce that higher energy prices are starting to impact prices at the wholesale level and it's just a matter of time before these higher prices are passed along to consumers. Weaker than expected retail sales and a new 13 year low in Consumer Sentiment suggests that higher energy prices are indeed weighing on the American consumer's mind. How that will play out, particularly in the retail sector going into the holiday season is now a major focus on Wall Street. With the word 'inflation' seemingly on everyone's lips these days, we expect the Fed to continue on its tightening schedule. The Fed raised the target for overnight borrowing in September by 25bp to 3.75%, the 11th such hike since June of 2004. Another rate hike is expected in October and at least one additional 25bp bump is all but assured in November or December. Rising U.S. interest rates and an expanding U.S. economy have been the driving forces behind overseas flows into U.S treasuries and the stock market respectively. These flows translate into demand for the U.S. dollar, which has kept the greenback generally well bid in September and October. While we would contend that the equities market is vulnerable at this stage, the interest rate differential picture should continue to favor the dollar through year end. High energy prices and inflation fears are not exclusive to the U.S. Central bankers and finance ministers from the Group of 20 industrial and developing nations are meeting in Beijing this month. A statement released on October 16th said, high oil prices "could increase inflationary pressures, slow down growth and cause instability in the global economy.'' This should benefit the dollar as well because in times of global economic uncertainty, the dollar is still considered a "safe haven" currency. While we may see other countries begin to tighten their monetary policies, U.S. interest rates will remain significantly higher. The definitive move above USD-JPY 115.00 bodes well for additional dollar gains against the yen into the 118/120 zone. On the other hand, the July lows in EURUSD at 1.1868 must be convincingly negated to trigger further dollar gains against the European currency. Such a move would shift focus to the 2004 lows at 1.1759/78 initially, but potential would be for a drop below 1.1500. In times of inflationary pressures, the U.S. dollar tends to lose ground against the commodity currencies. Commodity currencies are the currencies of countries that derive the bulk of their export revenues from the sale of commodities. Prime examples of liquid commodity currencies are the Canadian dollar, Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar. The dollar hit a new 17 year low late in September against the Canadian dollar on the back of sharply higher oil and metals prices. While the dollar recovered from those lows, gains are considered corrective in nature and we look for the longer-term downtrend in USD-CAD to continue. Similarly, AUS-USD and NZD-USD are consolidating below important resistances with scope seen for additional short to medium term gains. At some point, domestic inflation and the rise in the U.S. dollar will return focus to the U.S. trade deficit and balance of payments. As U.S. goods and services become more expensive, both domestic and overseas consumers will look elsewhere. That's the point where the U.S. stock market truly becomes vulnerable. Downside risk in the stock market will result in a negative impact on flows into the U.S. and consequently the long-term downtrend in the dollar would likely start to re-exert itself. Conventional wisdom in the financial services industry suggests that placing 5-10% of one's portfolio in alternative investments, such as those offered by CFS Capital, is desirable to achieve the diversification necessary to protect against adverse moves in the more traditional asset classes.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) has a major influence on forex trading. As an important economic indicator, CPI impacts not only forex, but also interest rates and stock and bond prices. The CPI is also used to make adjustments to cash flow mechanisms, such as pensions, health insurance and income. As a result, most traders and investors will find that the CPI affects their strategies in some way or the other. The CPI compares a household's cost of a specific basket of goods and services with the cost of the same basket during an earlier period. Economic Indicator: How Does CPI Influence Forex Trade? The CPI is an important benchmark for inflation in any economy. Traders must have their eyes fixed on the CPI. Once investors start feeling the heat of inflation, they are bound to change their investing strategies and look for alternate avenues to invest their capital. An investor who receives about 20% on his/her dividends on an investment stands to lose the value of the investment when the inflationary adjustment on the currency is 20% or more. Governments also keep a close eye on the CPI. There are several measures that a Central Bank or the Federal Reserve can take to ensure that CPI remains within acceptable levels. The CPI is also used to adjust payment disbursements to Social Security beneficiaries, military and federal service retirees. The CPI is also a guideline in adjusting the income tax structure to prevent inflation-induced increases in taxes. All these actions have a very direct impact on the forex market. In China, for example, due to the economic boom in recent years, people are making more money than before. As a result, the purchasing power increased, and prices were raised to counter the difference. Such a cycle of increase in wage and purchasing ability is bound to send inflation through the roof. A CPI report can highlight this trend and encourage the government to take remedial steps. The CPI can also sometimes be affected by a hike in price of a particular commodity. For example, a surge in oil prices can affect transportation, food, utilities and retail sales and, as a result, stretches the budgets of the working class. In this case, a major increase in the price of one commodity can trigger a domino affect, which would affect the strategies of investors and traders in the forex market.
Whether it is in the millions or thousands, trading in the Forex is a bit risky. There are a lot of players involved and if you don't arm yourself properly with knowledge about the Forex you may just get swamped. The Forex is the largest most vibrant market in the whole wide world. The financial world has never had a market that involves so much transaction. Over a trillion dollars worth of different currencies exchange hands everyday. Some losing in the trade, while some hit the jackpot and make tons of money. The Forex is characterized by its unpredictability and the liquidity because it deals with foreign currencies and each one's value influenced by their own country. That's why anyone who is greatly considering joining the Forex trade should think twice, thrice and maybe even ten times before doing so. This is not an arena for the weak and nervous. The Forex is a very complex financial arena and only those with enough knowledge, experience and financial capability can join the foray. Managing the risk factors is a priority task for those professionals who do this everyday. They direct and manage accounts from their investors, full confidence is placed on them and their client's success is also their success. Some professional Forex brokers have placed high-value on their credibility. The more clients they have the more they earn as well. They make a profit by eating a slice of their client's profit. If they have made a name for themselves in the Forex trade, they don't need to go look for clients; the clients will look for them and invest. There are those however who wants to manage their own portfolios. A word of caution though, educate yourself first about the trade. Learn the ropes and tricks of the game before throwing your hat in the ring. Try to gain access to many self learn and self study websites that can impart their knowledge with you. Try out the website of the federal Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), there they offer consumer reports as well as articles about applicable laws in Forex trading. Many Forex management firms maintain a website that offers free online tutorials and brochures. You may need all the educational information about the Forex that you can get your hands on. They may not outright say it, but the best and the finest and most skilled Forex traders have learned all the secrets of the game. From trading signals technical indicators, and theories that could explain about the market behavior. When you have mastered these skills, you can have a more accurate prediction of the direction of the market resulting to lower risks and higher profits. Even when dealing with money managers they have to be knowledgeable about the trade so they can be on top of their investments. Have a constant conversation with your broker and be updated about your account. For the self-traders, some of them are very admirable to have the courage to act as their own money managers. As with any business, success will come only after hard work and diligent research. With Forex trading you should always be on your toes for developments. A wise Forex trader knows that that learning and educating about Forex trading never ceases.
Todays current futures market is quite unlike the futures of the 19th century. Todays future market is a worldwide one that includes manufactured goods, financial currencies and treasury bonds, and agricultural products. When you speculate on futures it is not the actual good that is speculated upon rather it is the contract for the goods that is traded as value. Every futures contract includes a buyer and a seller. The following is an example of a futures speculation: A farmer agrees to deliver 1000 bushels of corn to a baker at a price of $5.00 a bushel. If the daily price of corn futures falls to $4.00 a bushel, the farmer's account is credited with $1000 ($5.00 — $4.00 X 1000 bushels) and the baker's account is debited by the same amount. Futures accounts are settled every day. Using the above as an example this is how the contract settlement would play out: If the price of corn futures is still at $4.00 the farmer will have made $1000 on the futures contract and the baker will have lost an equal amount. However, the baker can now purchase corn on the open market at $4.00 a bushel — $1000 less than the original contract, so the amount he lost on the futures contract is made up by the cheaper cost of corn. Also, the farmer must sell his corn on the open market for $4.00 a bushel, less than what he anticipated when entering the futures contract, but the profit generated by the futures contract makes up the difference. Speculators profit by daily fluctuations in the futures market by choosing to buy from the seller (buying short) or from the buyer (buying long). The FOREX market has advantages over the futures market. FOREX is the largest financial market in the world. It is a liquid market and stop orders can be executed more easily and with less slippage than in other markets. The FOREX market is open 5 days a week, 24 hours a day. Traders can take advantages of opportunities as they become available. FOREX transactions are usually instantly executed. FOREX transactions are commission free. Brokers earn money on the spread. Some investors feel that due to built in safeguards that FOREX trading is safer than futures trading.
One of the cardinal rules of Forex trading is to keep your losses small. With small Forex trading losses, you can outlast those times the market moves against you, and be well positioned for when the trend turns around. The proven method to keeping your losses small is to set your maximum loss before you even open a Forex trading position. The maximum loss is the greatest amount of capital that you are comfortable losing on any one trade. With your maximum loss set as a small percentage of your Forex trading float, a string of losses won`t stop you from trading. Unlike the 95% of Forex traders out there who lose money because they haven`t applied good money management rules to their Forex trading system, you will be far down the road to success with this money management rule. What happens if you don`t set a maximum loss? Let`s look at an example. If I had a Forex trading float of $1000, and I began trading with $100 a trade, it would be reasonable to experience three losses in a row. This would reduce my Forex trading capital to $700. What do you think those 95% of traders say at this time? They would reason, "Well, I`ve already had three losses in a row. So I`m really due for a win now." They would decide they`re going to bet $300 on the next trade because they think they have a higher chance of winning. If that trader did bet $300 dollars on the next trade because they thought they were going to win, their capital could be reduced to $400 dollars. Their chances of making money now are very slim. They would need to make 150% on their next trade just to break even. If they had set their maximum loss, and stuck to that decision, they would not be in this position. Here`s a perfect illustration why most people lose money in the Forex trading market. Let`s start out with another $1,000 float, and begin our Forex trading with $250. After only three losses in a row, we`ve lost $750, and our capital has been reduced to $250. Effectively, we must make 300% return on the next trade and that will allow us to break even. In both of these cases, the reason for failure was because the trader risked too much, and didn`t apply good money management. Remember, the goal here is to keep our losses as small as possible while also making sure that we open a large enough position to capitalize on profits. With your money management rules in place, in your Forex trading system, you will always be able to do this. by David Jenyns
What is Money Management: describes strategies or methods a player uses to avoid losing their bankroll. Money management in the foreign exchange currency market requires educating yourself in a variety of financial areas. First, a definition of the foreign exchange currency or forex market is called for. The forex market is simply the exchange of the currency of one country for the currency of another. The relative values of various currencies in the world change on a regular basis. Factors such as the stability of the economy of a country, the gross national product, the gross domestic product, inflation, interest rates, and such obvious factors as domestic security and foreign relations come into play. For instance, if a country has an unstable government, is expecting a military takeover, or is about to become involved in a war, then the country's currency may go down in relative value compared to the currency of other countries. The Forex, or foreign currency exchange, is all about money. Money from all over the world is bought, sold and traded. On the Forex, anyone can buy and sell currency and with possibly come out ahead in the end. When dealing with the foreign currency exchange, it is possible to buy the currency of one country, sell it and make a profit. For example, a broker might buy a Japanese yen when the yen to dollar ratio increases, then sell the yens and buy back American dollars for a profit. There are five major forex exchange markets in the world, New York, London, Frankfurt, Paris, Tokyo and Zurich. Forex trading occurs around the clock in various markets, Asian, European, and American. With different time zones, when Asian trading stops, European trading opens, and conversely when European trading stops, American trading opens, and when American trading stops, then it is time for Asian trading to begin again. Most of the trading in the world occurs in the forex markets; smaller markets for trade in individual countries. Simply put forex trading is the simultaneous buying of one currency and selling of another. Over $1.4 trillion dollars, US of forex trading occurs daily and sometimes fortunes are made or lost in this market. The billionaire George Soros has made most of his money in forex trading. Successfully managing your money in forex trading requires an understanding of the bid/ask spread. Simply put the bid ask spread is the difference between the price at which something is offered for sale and the price that it is actually purchased for. For instance, if the ask price is 100 dollars, and the bid is 102 dollars then the difference is two dollars, the spread. Many forex traders trade on margin. Trading on margin is buying and selling assets that are worth more than the money in your account. Since currency exchange rates on any given day are usually less than two percent, forex trading is done with a small margin. To use an example, with a one percent margin a trader can trade up to $250,000 even if he only has $5,000 in his account. This means the trade has leverage of 50 to one. This amount of leverage allows a trader to make good profits very quickly. Of course, with the chance of high profits also comes high risk. Like many other speculative investments, a key part of money management for the forex trader is only using money that can be put at risk. It is wise to set aside a portion of your net worth and make that the only money you use in forex trading. While the chances of good profits are there, if you should have a problem and get wiped out, you'll only have a limited amount of money placed at risk. Also remember that the market is n constant motion. There are always trading opportunities. If a currency is becoming stronger or weaker in relation to other currencies there is always a chance for profit. For instance, if you believe that the Euro is gong to become weak compared to the US dollar then selling Euros is a good bet. If you believe that the dollar is going to become weaker than the yen, or the pound sterling, then selling dollars is wise. Staying current on the news and current events in the countries whose currency you hold is a smart move. Many people reach points where they can predict currency changes based on political or economic news in a given country. Remember though that forex trading is speculation, so be careful when managing your funds and only invest what you can afford to risk. Please always make sure you check with the pros when dealing in this market unless you are doing this as a hobby and don't have a lot at stake in it. There are a lot of big boys playing here and they won't lose much sleep if you and thousands others lose their shirts... by David Mclauchlan
You may have relatives or friends who trade the markets. They could be trading shares, futures, options or forex. You may have heard of their exciting trading stories and perhaps this aroused your curiosity and you wondered whether you should trade too. One of the first questions you ask before you trade would be: what are the costs of trading. The costs of trading depend on several factors, including the instrument and market you are trading. Most of the costs you pay are to your brokerage firm. They need to make a living in exchange for the services they provide. Generally, you would expect to incur the following costs: Commissions Slippage Spread Platform Fees Expenses Commissions These costs are charged by brokers. The commission you pay is usually calculated as a percentage of the size of your trade. For example, if you are buying or selling $10,000 worth of shares, your broker may charge you 1% of that. They may also charge in tiers: for example, if you are buying or selling shares with a total market value of less than $10,000 then your broker may charge you $30. If it is under $20,000, they may charge you $50. Therefore, if you bought $5,000 worth of shares, you would still pay $30 commission. And if you bought $12,000 worth of shares you would still pay $50 commission. Slippage The price of a commodity is always moving as long as the market is open. Therefore, if the price of a share is quoted at $10 now, it does not mean that when you decide to buy, you will buy those shares at $10 each. When you put in your order and it gets filled, the market price may have already changed. If your order to buy the shares was filled at a price of $10.25, and you bought 100 shares, then your total slippage cost is: $25 (that is 100 shares * $0.25). If you had the same slippage when you sell, then the entire slippage costs for you getting in and out of the market would be $50 (that is $25 * 2 trades). Spread The spread is the difference between the bid to buy and offer to sell for the commodity. If the most eager buyer is willing to buy US Dollars for 0.7500 Australian Dollars each, but the most eager seller is only willing to sell them for 0.7510 Australian Dollars each, then there is a spread of 10 pips. These 10 pips are referred to as the spread. If you bought 100,000 USDs, the spread would cost you 100 Australian Dollars. (Pips are discussed further in the book: The Part-Time Currency Trader .) Platform Fees Some brokers charge you monthly for using their trading platforms. Expenses These costs include those associated to your trading education like buying books, trading software, data subscription and so forth. Some people may 'brush' these costs aside as negligible costs of having fun, much like the coins they put in poker machines. However, if you want to look at trading as a business, you have to minimize them and make sure you are getting the most for every dollar you spend to ensure your long-term survival. by Marquez Comelab
The presented article covers one of the most important (in author's opinion) aspects of trading in general and Forex trading in particular — managing of orders and positions. This includes choosing entry points, making decisions about exit points, stop-loss and take-profit of the trader. I hope this article will help new traders, who just began to work with Forex, and also to experienced traders who trade regularly and regularly make or lose their money to the market. When I started to trade Forex and made my first big losses and profits I began to notice when very important thing about the whole trading process. While the right time to enter a position was rarely a problem for myself (nearly 80% of all my open positions had gone into the "green" profit zone), the problem was hidden in the determining the right exit point for that position. Not only was it important to cut my risk on the potential losses with stop-loss orders, but to limit my greediness and take profit when I can take it and make it as high as I can. There are many known guidelines and ways to enter a right position at a right time — like major economic news releases, global world events, technical indicators combinations, etc. But while the entering into a position is optional and trade can decide to miss as many good/bad entry point moments as they wish, this is untrue if we talk about exiting a position. Margin trading makes it impossible to wait too long with an open position. More than that, every open position in a certain way limits trader's ability to trade. Choosing the good exit points for positions could be an easy task if only the Forex market wasn't so chaotic and volatile. In my opinion (backed by my trading experience) exit orders for every position should be toggled constantly with time and as the new market data (technical and fundamental) appear. Let's say, you took a short position on EUR/USD at 1.2563, at the time you are taking this position the support/resistance level is 1.2500/1.2620. You set your stop-loss order to 1.2625 and your take-profit order to 1.2505. So now, this position can be considered as an intraday or 2-3 days term position. This means that you must close it before it's "term" is over, or it will become a very unpredictable position (because market will differ greatly from what it was at the time you have entered this position). After the position is taken and initial exit orders are set, you need to follow the market events and technical indicators to adjust your exit orders. The most important rule is to tighten the loss/profit limit as time goes by. Usually if I take a middle term position (2-4 days) I try to lower the stop and target order by 10-25 pips every day. I also monitor global events, trying to lower my stop-losses when very important news can hurt my position. If the profit is already quite high, I try to move my stop-loss the entry point, making a sure-win position. The main idea here is to find an equilibrium point between greed and caution. But as your position gets older the profit should be more limited and losses cut. Also, trader should always remember that if the market began to act unexpectedly, they need to be even more cautious with exit order, even if the position is still showing profits. Every trader has their own trading strategy and habits. I hope this article will make its readers think about such an important aspect of trading as the exit orders and this will only improve their trading results. by Andrey Moraru
Option overlays in the forex are a great way to control risk while taking advantage of the upside in trading. Options are a broad subject so I only intend on discussing one concept in this article and then will follow up with another article on a second overlay strategy. One of our trading systems at uses option overlays, and you can follow along month by month to see how this strategy actually performs in real time. The two concepts I will talk about are very common and can be executed easily and without constant maintenance. Those are two things I like to look for in a system so I am not the one making all the mistakes for the first time and so I can have a life along with my forex trading. I will cover protective puts in this report and covered calls next. PROTECTIVE PUTS A put is an option with three components. The first is a contract. When you buy a put, you are buying the right to sell someone the underlying currency at a predetermined price for a predetermined period of time. You could buy a put today to sell a lot of the GBP/USD at $2.0000 any time between now and a date you choose in the future. If the currency pair falls to 1.9900, you can still sell it for 2.0000 and realize a profit. In fact, it doesn't matter how far the currency falls. If it is still within your time window, you can sell the currency for 2.0000 at will. The set price (2.0000) that you have selected for your contract is known as the strike price. The second component is time. Options are available in monthly increments. That means you can buy one that is good until next month or 12 months from now. The choice is up to you. Finally, options cost money. The price of an option is called the premium. The premium is higher the more valuable the options is. An option with a long time frame and a great strike price is more expensive than one with a very short time frame and a more speculative strike price. I think the best way to explain this is to use an example. Example 1: Let's assume that on January 22, 2007, you wanted to buy one contract of the GBP/USD. Let's assume it had a price of 1.9750. You are a prudent investor, and you want some protection from risk in the market so you buy a protective put that allows you to sell this contract at 1.9750 anytime before that contract expires. In this case, the contract would have expired a month later on the third Friday of February, the 16 th . That put will cost you the equivalent of 150 pips per contract. The pair subsequently dropped to 1.9502. In that case, the put will still be worth 248 pips because you can still sell the lot for 1.9750 (1.9750 — 1.9502 = 0.0248). That is exactly equal to the amount you would have lost on the contract you were long so they wash each other out. In fact, the only thing you are out is the 150 pips you paid to purchase the contract in the first place. You didn't have to set a stop because you were totally protected. Even though the contract value dropped significantly-more than the 150 pips you had planned for-you had a hedge that protected your capital. Example 2: The following month's trade, February to March, would have been another loss, but the March to April trade was a winner. For the March to April trade, you could have purchased the long position in the currency pair for 1.9372. You could have covered your position with a put at 1.9350 that would have cost you 120 pips, leaving you with some exposure between 1.9350 and 1.9372. However if you add those two positions, you had a level of total risk similar to what you had during the January to February trade. During the month, your long position rose significantly to 2.0027. That means you made 655 pips. What about your put? Well, there is no way you will want to sell this position for 1.9350 so you will just let the put expire worthless. That will reduce your gains by the amount you paid for the put so your new total is a net gain of 535 pips. This strategy can appear to be slightly complicated at first, but it is worth learning more about it as it offers significant benefits. Institutional traders use option overlays, such as protective puts, all the time. It helps control risk and reduces total volatility in a portfolio. Here are a few more of the benefits, along with two of the cons, of this strategy. Benefit #1-No stops You do not need to set a stop on your long currency position. How many times have you been right in your direction but got stopped out on a whipsaw in the market? I am positive that this happens to most forex traders on a regular basis. With a protective put, you are in charge and can let the exchange rate drop to zero, if that were possible, without exceeding your maximum loss. By the way, this benefit is also true during announcements. You are now in control. Benefit #2-Unlimited upside Unlike many hedging strategies, this technique still allows for unlimited upside. Although gains are offset by the price of the put, gains can still be significant. Benefit #3-Lower portfolio volatility The total portfolio has lower volatility because your downside is capped. Here is an additional example. I will assume that pricing and volatility has been reasonably constant, on average, during the last 10 years and that your strategy is to buy a long position on the GBP/USD and an at the money put with total portfolio leverage of 20:1. That would have returned 10 percent per year during that period. When you combine this advantage with some prudent analysis, it is entirely possible to see much better returns than this. Con #1 — Cost of the put The put will cost you 150 pips if you let it run until expiration each month-whether the market goes up or down. That price eats into your upside and creates a predetermined downside. Even if the market dropped less than 150 pips, the maximum loss will be the same. Con #2 — Cost of trading If you purchase a put, you will pay a commission. With commission prices falling all the time, this is usually nominal but it adds another pip worth of losses to each month's trading. The most difficult thing for most investors to do is to protect their capital. You will hear successful individual investors often say that if you can effectively protect your capital, profits will take care of themselves. I agree with that sentiment and use protective puts to help give me an edge. At we maintain a model portfolio in the trades section that uses option overlays to illustrate the concept in real time. Log in, and check it out to see what we are up to and what this looks like over time. by Jogn Jagerson, author of Profiting With Forex, a McGraw-Hill publication.
In comparison to the amount of time, money and energy spent by some traders on Forex robots, error-proof technical strategies, and quasi-magical foreign exchange trading courses where we are promised to be made super-traders, it is a pity that money management receives insufficient attention. Although almost every trader worthy of the title is aware that success in Forex is largely dependent on careful management of losses, as well as profits, this aspect of trading is somewhat neglected in preference to indicators, statistics, analysis and strategy. Yet the first issue faced by a beginning trader is losing money while trading, and strategy or analysis doesn't say much about how to cope with it. As such, careful study and practice of money management methods must be paramount in the mind of the trader who is committed to achieving success in trading Forex. What is analysis? It is the identification of high probability scenarios for profits. Probability does not involve any certainty, and by definition, any analytical scenario, however solid it may be, will lead to losses sooner or later. In the case of the beginner, whose skills are underdeveloped in best cases, and undeveloped in the worst, losses will come a lot sooner than profits. It is clear, then, that any trader's education must begin with a good understanding of the importance and necessity of money management skills. Money management teaches us how to manage losses, and how to maximize profits. It all commands us to cultivate a responsible and disciplined attitude to trading by acquiring consistency in our habits. We are taught not to be erratic in trade sizes, to be consistent about the entry of stop loss or take profit orders, and above all, to regard loss as a natural, and indeed, inseparable part of a trading career. There are many ways of managing loss, but there is no way of avoiding it altogether in a trading career. Even George Soros has had a number of serious, sometimes massive blunders in his long career, but he is still regarded as a master trader by many. Warren Buffet bought the shares of an oil company at the peak of the oil bubble in 2008, and he made wrong choices with Salomon Brothers in the 90's as well. But all these traders were quick to recognize errors, and mange losses instead of denying them and letting them fester and achieve huge proportions. What happens to those who refuse to accept losses, and choose to add to them with the hope of eventual gains is obvious in the case of Nick Leeson and Jerome Kerviel, one of who bankrupted a U.K. bank, and the other lost $7 billion. Both went to jail eventually. So money management is the heart and soul of trading, the safety valve against errors, and the shield against fear and irrationality. Forex trading brokers may give you the tools of technical analysis and tens of indicators, but money management skills can only be acquired by diligent and patient practice, and a total commitment to success in trading. On the other hand, a master of money management is a master trader, and it is but a matter of time before he perfects his skills in analysis and strategy and acquires the great riches which he deserves. By Carl Hayes
If you trade the forex market you will undoubtedly be aware that it is a high risk venture. Most traders who trade currencies end up losing money. Unfortunately, some traders end up losing a substantial part of their net worth. Many traders, especially new traders are attracted to forex because they see brokers offering �200 to 1 leverage� and in some cases even higher amounts. It is a common belief amongst new traders that they can use this leverage to generate a substantial amount of wealth. This belief nearly always ends in tears. To be a successful forex trader, it is imperative that you treat trading like a business. It is unlikely that you could put $50 in to a business and turn it into $20,000 in a short frame of time. Granted, there are exceptions, but they are EXTREMELY few and far between. You need to apply this same theory to forex trading. One of the biggest reasons traders lose money is having an account size that is too small. One of the major advantages is forex is that you can effectively borrow as much money as you like from your broker. However, it is important to remember that borrowing money to trade will increase your profits, but it will also increase your losses. There are no universal rules to state how much you should borrow. Many new traders should start off borrowing very little, if anything. Of course, it does depend on the type of strategy that you use. If you have a $10,000 trading account, most brokers would allow you to open positions to the value of at least $500,000. If you bought a USD pair, this would be 50:1 leverage. The position size is 50 times the size of your account. It would not take much of a price movement in the wrong direction to cause a significant loss to your account. Many new traders start with a small account balance. The same principle can be applied to a $100 account trading a $5,000 position. The smallest position allowed by many brokers is often $10,000, yet they may still allow you to open an account with $100. The brokers don't mind, they know that 99% of the clients who do this will blow their account. The point I am trying to get across is the one of being realistic. Treat trading as if it is a business. Aim for realistic returns. Think about the stock market or mutual funds. They often earn less than 10% per year on average. If you can make 30% per year trading forex, that is significantly higher! Don't expect to make $1,000 a month from your $100 account. It almost certainly will NOT happen. by Eric Martin
Two very important concepts of forex money management are leverage and margin. Leverage allows forex traders to invest much more into currency trading than is available in their trading accounts. Thus, forex traders can operate larger funds. Margin is the real funds that are required to be held in the trading account as a collateral to cover any possible losses. Forex Money Management: Leverage Profits and losses in the forex market tend to be higher than what you would experience in the stock market even though the actual price of currencies may not fluctuate wildly. Most brokers allow a 100:1 leverage. This means you can buy or sell €100,000 worth of currencies, even though you have only €1,000 in your trading account. Some brokers offer leverage as high as 400:1. Leverage can also work against you in forex trading. For example, if a currency moves against your expectations, the leverage would multiply your loss by the same factor as it would multiply the gain. Many people starting forex trading do not completely understand the concepts of leverage and margin. Leverage appears to be an amazing service provided by brokers. However, one must remember that even a 1% fluctuation of currency prices could wipe out your entire capital, depending on the amount of leverage offered by the forex broker. Using a smaller leverage could help you prevent losing too much too fast. So, you need to find the perfect balance. Forex Money Management: Margin In the example stated above, when you buy €100,000 worth of currencies, you are in fact borrowing €99,000 for your purchases. The €1,000 that is used to cover your losses is the margin. A trader may choose the highest leverage (200:1), with the margin being only 0.5%. However, sound money management principles say that the trader should never trade huge lots. This would prevent leverage from hurting the trader. Therefore, it is essential to understand how much leverage your forex broker offers and what the margin requirements are. If you are new to trading, you should compare the leverage and margin specifications of different brokers. by Kitz S
First, what is Forex: The FOREX or Foreign Exchange market is the largest financial market in the world, with an volume of more than $1.5 trillion daily, dealing in currencies. Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location, no central exchange. It operates through an electronic network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another. Mind Games defined: Mind Games are a kind of social interaction where participants try to screw with one anothers' heads. The concept is most often used colloquially to refer to deceitful, confusing or Machiavellian situations. However some mind games are described by the psychology of transactional analysis. When it comes to trading on the Forex market, winning is a matter of the mind rather than mind over matter. Any trader who's been in the game for any length of time will tell you that psychology has a lot to do with both your own performance on the trading floor and with the way that the market is moving. Playing a winning hand depends on knowing your own mind — and understanding the way that psychology moves the market. Studying the psychology of the market is nothing new. It doesn't take a genius to understand that any arena that rides and falls on decisions made by people is going to be heavily influenced by the minds of people. Few people take into account all the various levels of mind games that motivate the market, though. If you keep your eye on the way that psychology influences others — including the mass psychology of the people that use the currency on a daily basis — but neglect to know what moves you, you're going to end up hurting your own position. The best Forex coaches will tell you that before you can really become a successful trader, you have to know yourself and the triggers that influence you. Knowing those will help you overcome them or use them. Are you saying 'Huh?" about now? Believe me, I understand. I felt the same way the first time that someone tried to explain how the mind games we play with ourselves influence the trades and decisions that we make. Let me break it down into more manageable pieces for you. Anything involving winning or losing large sums of money becomes emotionally charged. All right. You've heard that playing the market is a mathematical game. Plug in the right numbers, make the right calculations and you'll come out ahead. So why is it that so many traders end up on the losing end of the market? After all, everyone has access to the same numbers, the same data, the same info — if it's math, there's only one right answer, right? The answer lies in interpretation. The numbers don't lie, but your mind does. Your hopes and fears can make you see things that just aren't there. When you invest in a currency, you're investing more than just money — you make an emotional investment. Being 'right' becomes important. Being 'wrong' doesn't just cost you money when you let yourself be ruled by your emotions — it costs you pride. Why else would you let a loser ride in the hope that it will bounce back? It's that little thing inside your head that says, "I KNOW I'm right on this, dammit!" To most people, being right is more important than making money. Here's the deal. The way to make real money in the forex market is to cut your losses short and let your winners ride. In order to do that, you have GOT to accept that some of your trades are going to lose, cut them loose and move on to another trade. You've got to accept that picking a loser is NOT an indication of your self-worth, it's not a reflection on who you are. It's simply a loss, and the best way to deal with it is to stop losing money by moving on — and really move on. Moving on means you don't keep a running total of how many losses you've had — that's the way to paralyze yourself. This brings us to the next point: Losing traders see loss as failure. Winning traders see loss as learning. Not too long ago, my twelve year old son told me that before Thomas Edison invented a working light bulb, he invented 100 light bulbs that didn't work. But he didn't give up — because he knew that creating a source of light from electricity was possible. He believed in his overall theory — so when one design didn't work, he simply knew that he'd eliminated one possibility. Keep eliminating possibilities long enough, and you'll eventually find the possibility that works. Winning traders see loss in the same way. They haven't failed — they've learned something new about the way that they and the market work. Winning traders can look at the big picture while playing in the small arena. Suppose I told you that last year, I made 75 trades that lost money, and 25 that made money. In the eyes of most people, that would make me a pretty poor trader. I'm wrong 75% of the time. But what if I told you that my average loss was $1000, but my average profit on a winning trade was $10,000? That means that I lost $75,000 on trades — but I made $250,000, making my overall profit $175,000. It's a pretty clear numbers game — but how do you keep on trading when you're losing in trade after trade? Simple — just remember that one trade does not make or break a trader. Focus on the trade at hand, follow the triggers that you've set up — but define yourself by what really matters — the overall record. Bottom line: You can't keep emotions out of the picture, but you can learn not to let them control your decisions. Keep it all in perspective and realise that there are a lot of big boys playing this game and playing it to win... by David Mclauchlan
Back when I first started learning about investing, I decided to start from the beginning and read basic books on personal finance as well as "guides" for understanding all of the investment world in a nut shell. Most of these authors were very knowledgeable and informative, but their investment advice was far too conservative for my taste. They would literally write chapter after chapter talking about the differences between conservative investing, which according to them generally yields somewhere around 5% PA, as opposed to "risky" investing which usually meant a diversified stock/mutual fund portfolio yielding (in my mind) only slightly higher averages. What kind of returns can you expect in the stock market? Well they say the market has gone up an average of 10% a year since Adam and Eve. Popular indexes like the DOW and the now more popular S&P500 have always, like real estate, "gone up over time." Now, these market averages are almost worshiped like golden calves. Repeatedly drilled into my brain was the concept that there were hundreds (if not thousands) of fund managers and other "professionals" out there with Harvard degrees, decades of experience, millions of dollars under management, and they were all spending 15 hours a day consuming every single bit of market information in the hopes of beating these golden calves by a few points. What chance did I have? If Dr. Fund Guru Jr. who eats, sleeps, breathes the markets and has more credentials than I have individual hairs on my body can't consistently make 20% a year...well...forget it kid...your chances are slim to none. I guess I'll buy some shares of XYZ fund and accept the scraps off the table from the stock gurus. NOT! The foreign exchange market offers many benefits that the stock market does not have. Most of these have been beaten to death on various forums, blogs, articles, e-books, etc. However, it's always good to reiterate the positive (my own personal reason is last): — Forex offers unprecedented liquidity. With over two trillion dollars transacted per day on the market, it makes filling any buy/sell order virtually instant. That equates to less slippage and more profitability. "Paper trading" stocks vs actually trading stocks is very different, because orders may not be filled in a timely manner. The difference between trading a forex demo account and an actual account is virtually nill. — Forex is available 24 hours a day 5.5 days a week, as opposed to the daylight trading hours of the stock exchanges. — Forex is uncontrollable by large entities. Large net worth individuals, banks and fund managers who throw their weight around in the stock market can often have huge effects on price action. Because of the immense volume of foreign currency traded per day, the market is unmoved by "heavy hitters." Not even central banks can control the Forex market. — Forex offers up to 200:1 leverage as opposed to 2:1 stock leverage. — Forex has no restrictions for selling short, as opposed to the stock market's "uptick" rule — Forex can actually be traded INSIDE of an IRA or Roth IRA account. — Forex gains are taxed at the preferred 60/40 rate, no matter what trading style you use (intra-day, swing, position) as opposed to the tax penalties for holding stocks for short periods of time. The list does go on, but for me the biggest advantage is a psychological one. I know it probably sounds silly, but fear and intimidation can sometimes subconsciously defeat us before we even begin. I don't like the idea of having to live up to, and in a way, compete with "professional managers" who have more knowledge of the fundamentals of the markets than I ever will. It's almost as if Forex, in some way, levels the playing field. I don't have to psychologically compete against anyone's idea of what kind of returns are "acceptable and realistic" and what kind of returns are "pure fantasy." I only have to trade until I can find an acceptable reward to risk ratio, and consistent profitability thereof. The only one I compete against is myself. by Joshua White
When it comes to trading, one of the most neglected subjects are those dealing with trading psychology. Most traders spend days, months and even years trying to find the right system. But having a system is just part of the game. Don't get us wrong, it is very important to have a system that perfectly suits the trader, but it is as important as having a money management plan, or to understand all psychology barriers that may affect the trader decisions and other issues. In order to succeed in this business, there must be equilibrium between all important aspects of trading. In the trading environment, when you lose a trade, what is the first idea that pops up in your mind? It would probably be, "There must be something wrong with my system", or "I knew it, I shouldn't have taken this trade" (even when your system signaled it). But sometimes we need to dig a little deeper in order to see the nature of our mistake, and then work on it accordingly. When it comes to trading the Forexa market as well as other markets, only 5% of traders achieve the ultimate goal: to be consistent in profits. What is interesting though is that there is just a tiny difference between this 5% of traders and the rest of them. The top 5% grow from mistakes; mistakes are a learning experience, they learn an invaluable lesson on every single mistake made. Deep in their minds, a mistake is one more chance to try it harder and do it better the next time, because they know they might not get a chance the next time. And at the end, this tiny difference becomes THE big difference. Mistakes in the trading environment Most of us relate a trading mistake to the outcome (in terms of money) of any given trade. The truth is, a mistake has nothing to do with it, mistakes are made when certain guidelines are not followed. When the rules you trade by are violated. Take for instance the following scenarios: First scenario: The system signals a trade. 1. Signal taken and trade turns out to be a profitable trade. Outcome of the trade: Positive, made money. Experience gained: Its good to follow the system, if I do this consistently the odds will turn in my favor. Confidence is gained in both the trader and the system. Mistake made: None. 2. Signal taken and trade turns out to be a loosing trade. Outcome of the trade: Negative, lost money. Experience gained: It is impossible to win every single trade, a loosing trade is just part of the business; our raw material, we know we can't get them all right. Even with this lost trade, the trader is proud about himself for following the system. Confidence in the trader is gained. Mistake made: None. 3. Signal not taken and trade turns out to be a profitable trade. Outcome of the trade: Neutral. Experience gained: Frustration, the trader always seems to get in trades that turned out to be loosing trades and let the profitable trades go away. Confidence is lost in the trader self. Mistake made: Not taking a trade when the system signaled it. 4. Signal not taken and trade turns out to be a loosing trade. Outcome of the trade: Neutral. Experience gained: The trader will start to think "hey, I'm better than my system". Even if the trader doesn't think on it consciously, the trader will rationalize on every signal given by the system because deep in his or her mind, his or her "feeling" is more intelligent than the system itself. From this point on, the trader will try to outguess the system. This mistake has catastrophic effects on our confidence to the system. The confidence on the trader turns into overconfidence. Mistake made: Not taking a trade when system signaled it Second Scenario: System does not signal a trade. 1. No trade is taken Outcome of the trade: Neutral Experience gained: Good discipline, we only need to take trades when the odds are in our favor, just when the system signals it. Confidence gained in both the trader self and the system. Mistake made: None 2. A trade is taken, turns out to be a profitable trade. Outcome of the trade: Positive, made money. Experience gained: This mistake has the most catastrophic effects in the trader self, the system and most importantly in the trader's trading career. You will start to think you need no system, you know better from them all. From this point on, you will start to trade based on what you think. Confidence in the system is totally lost. Confidence in the trader self turns into overconfidence. Mistake made: Take a trade when there was no signal from the system. 3. A trade is taken, turned out to be a loosing trade. Outcome of the trade: negative, lost money. Experience gained: The trader will rethink his strategy. The next time, the trader will think it twice before getting in a trade when the system does not signal it. The trader will go "Ok, it is better to get in the market when my system signals it, only those trade have a higher probability of success". Confidence is gained in the system. Mistake made: Take a trade when there was no signal from the system As you can see, there is absolutely no correlation between the outcome of the trade and a mistake. The most catastrophic mistake even has a positive trade outcome, made money, but this could be the beginning of the end of the trader's career. As we have already stated, mistakes must only be related to the violation of rules a trader trades by. All these mistakes were directly related to the signals given by a system, but the same is applied when getting out of a trade. There are also mistakes related to following a trading plan. For example, risking more money on a given trade than the amount the trader should have risked and many more. Most mistakes can be avoided by first having a trading plan. A trading plan includes the system: the criteria we use to get in and out the market, the money management plan: how much we will risk on any given trade, and many other points. Secondly, and most important, we need to have the discipline to follow strictly our plan. We created our plan when no trade was placed on, thus no psychology barriers were up front. So, the only thing we are certain about is that if we follow our plan, the decision taken is on our best interests, and in the long run, these decisions will help us have better results. We don't have to worry about isolated events, or trades that could had give us better results at first, but then they could have catastrophic results in our trading career. How to deal with mistakes There are many possible ways to properly manage mistakes. We will suggest the one that works better for us. Step one: Belief change. Every mistake is a learning experience. They all have something valuable to offer. Try to counteract the natural tendency of feeling frustrated and approach mistakes in a positive manner. Instead of yelling to everyone around and feeling disappointed, say to yourself "ok, I did something wrong, what happened? What is it? Step two: Identify the mistake made. Define the mistake, find out what caused the mistake, and try as hard as you can to effectively see the nature of that mistake. Finding the mistake nature will prevent you from making the same mistake again. More than often you will find the answer where you less expected. Take for instance a trader that doesn't follow the system. The reason behind this could be that the trader is afraid of loosing. But then, why is he or she afraid? It could be that the trader is using a system that does not fit him or her, and finds difficult to follow every signal. In this case, as you can see, the nature of the mistake is not in the surface. You need to try as hard as you can to find the real reason of the given mistake. Step three: Measure the consequences of the mistake. List the consequences of making that particular mistake, both good and bad. Good consequences are those that make us better traders after dealing with the mistake. Think on all possible reasons you can learn from what happened. For the same example above, what are the consequences of making that mistake? Well, if you don't follow the system, you will gradually loose confidence in it, and this at the end will put you into trades you don't really want to be, and out of trades you should be in. Step four: Take action. Taking proper action is the last and most important step. In order to learn, you need to change your behavior. Make sure that whatever you do, you become "this-mistake-proof". By taking action we turn every single mistake into a small part of success in our trading career. Continuing with the same example, redefining the system would be the trader's final step. The trader would put a system that perfectly fits him or her, so the trader doesn't find any trouble following it in future signals. Understanding the fact that the outcome of any trade has nothing to do with a mistake will open your mind to other possibilities, where you will be able to understand the nature of every mistake made. This at the same time will open the doors for your trading career as you work and take proper action on every mistake made. The process of success is slow, and plenty of times it is attributed to repeated mistakes made and the constant struggle to get past these mistakes, working on them accordingly. How we deal with them will shape our future as a trader, and most importantly as a person. by Raul Lopez