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  1. Displayed Username : Benokyo Amount To Request (DMT points) : 204 Liberty Reserve ID : U6832897 Thanks admin
  2. I got enough points! and adding LR to the title make it wrong format?!!
  3. DELETE it plz
  4. Thats the message I'm getting while I'm requesting my second payout
  5. http://i53.tinypic.com/qrf711.jpg Here it's for the alexa toolbar mission, About the review I've written one like like 10 days ago and they did NOT post it in the reviews yet , I don't know why but it happened. Wondering how long would it take for the review to show up..
  6. Sorry that I didn't pay attention to this very point , never the less I'm re asking for payment
  7. I'm not an admin here http://www.pacobux.com/ Your click $0.0100 Referral click $0.0010 Current ads 7 Which invest more in advertising will take one of these prizes; -Membership ULTIMATE (1 month)+3$ you purchase balance -Membership ELITE (1 month)+2$ you purchase balance -Membership PREMIUM (1month)+1$ you purchase balance Contest rules; -Minimum investment to qualify for the prize is; -50.000 views membership ULTIMATE -20.000views membership ELITE -8.000views membership PREMIUM -Minimun participants 15 for the contest begins; -Valid only for transactions via alertapay, paypal -All participants no winners, receive in its balance of purchases $ 1 at the end of each contest.
  8. Greetings, I'm not an admin in this site.. JOIN FROM HERE "We give free pionner to our first 5000 members" Total Members: 461 SO HURRY UP Another contest here "Hi members im glad to tell you that since today start our first DIRECT REFFERAL CONTEST. The contest will end when at least 15 members got more than 50 direct refferals, and the rewards will be: 1st- 40 usd on rental balance and 5000 ptc credits 2nd- 35 usd on rental balance and 2000 ptc credits 3rd- 30 usd on rental balance and 10000 banner views 4th- 25 usd on rental balance and 5000 banner views 5th- 20 usd on rental balance and 2000 banner views 6th- 15 usd on rental balance and 1000 banner views 7th- 10 usd on rental balance and 1000 banner views 8th- 5 usd on rental balance and 500 banner views 9th- 5 usd on rental balance and 400 banner views 10th- 5 usd on rental balance and 300 banner views in case of a tie breaker, the member with more upgraded DR will win. nextly, more contest will come. now, run to promote and get your reward thnks for support"
  9. This for sure scam site , they'r making it impossible to get enough balance to request cashout as I was almost getting it they stopped giving me surverys so I left , I wouldn't advise you guys to join it aswell.
  10. So you'r saying I can't cashout aswell because of the pending request? I got almost 2 dollars at the moment in my balance and I'm clicking everyday till I get the min~ cashout balance and I got the same problem as yours with almost the same waiting period (two months).
  11. I got 2 suggestions for you, First of all DO NOT request huge amount to withdraw or else it would be ignored as happened to me earlier (7$), And second if you'r staying infront of the computer for more than 3 hours exploring the internet you can keep Onbux view ads page open and keep refreshing it once and while cuz there's alot of mini ads and exposure nowadays.
  12. Thread Title : Benokyo - 1st request Content Format Displayed Username : (Benokyo) Amount To Request (DMT points) : (184) Payment option Liberty Reserve ID : (U6832897 )
  13. check our forum rules, it has been stated clearly about "Warning level".

  14. I've posted review there but it's getting investigated at this very moment and I will check it later to get the proof that I did in the meanwhile there's the second step : http://img819.imageshack.us/i/dmt1.jpg LR : U6832897
  15. Ye , I have to say they did make the golden members more unsatisfied and they don't pay attention to the fact that tons of people look up for Onbux as the leading of ptc industry and above all of this it has very good rank in Alexa that shouldn't be wasted for some bucks that the members actually deserve!
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