I'm not an admin in this site..
"We give free pionner to our first 5000 members" Total Members: 461 SO HURRY UP
Another contest here
"Hi members
im glad to tell you that since today start our first DIRECT REFFERAL CONTEST.
The contest will end when at least 15 members got more than 50 direct refferals, and the rewards will be:
1st- 40 usd on rental balance and 5000 ptc credits
2nd- 35 usd on rental balance and 2000 ptc credits
3rd- 30 usd on rental balance and 10000 banner views
4th- 25 usd on rental balance and 5000 banner views
5th- 20 usd on rental balance and 2000 banner views
6th- 15 usd on rental balance and 1000 banner views
7th- 10 usd on rental balance and 1000 banner views
8th- 5 usd on rental balance and 500 banner views
9th- 5 usd on rental balance and 400 banner views
10th- 5 usd on rental balance and 300 banner views
in case of a tie breaker, the member with more upgraded DR will win.
nextly, more contest will come. now, run to promote and get your reward
thnks for support"