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Everything posted by All-HYIPs.info

  1. 2013-03-13 07:58:58;U5625173 (Malaysian INC);2.79;usd;135485419;Withdraw to user all-hyips.info
  2. 2013-03-13 08:16:56;U4176043 (gpgfund);1.50;usd;135487817;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from www.gpg-fund.com 09:35 13.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U2662132 to account U1294989. Batch: 18983336. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from www.gpg-fund.com.
  3. raise-income.com: 09:11 13.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.6 USD from account U3219937 to account U1294989. Batch: 18982265. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 6054, allhyips.
  4. New hyip [13/03] lr pm ego plans: Select a plan: 5% DAILY PROFIT FOR 28 DAYS Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) $10 - $28,000 5.00 6% DAILY PROFIT FOR 28 DAYS Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) $100 - $28,000 6.00 7.5% DAILY PROFIT FOR 28 DAYS Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) $250 - $28,000 7.50 8.5% DAILY PROFIT FOR 28 DAYS Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) $500 - $28,000 8.50 deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 3/13/2013 11:46 AM Batch: 135517758 Sent To: U6938440 (Acron Solutions) Amount: $150.00 Memo: Deposit to acronsolutions.com User all-hyips.info Minimal deposit: 10$ Maximal deposit: 28000$ Referral comission: 5% Payments: Instant Script: GoldCoders Features: SSL Description: Acron Solutions Program is the way to take advantage of the foreign exchange market regardless of your knowledge of the market or trading ability. Through the program, Acron Solutions delivers some of the best foreign exchange traders in the world, called Trade Leaders. Each Trade Leader has passed our rigorous due diligence process including live monitoring of performance and risk management. SIGN UP
  5. New hyip [13/03] lr pm ego stp plans: Plan A - 125% After 1 Day Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) PRO-1 $10 - $500 104.00 PRO-2 $501 - $2,000 105.00 PRO-3 $2,001 - $10,000 107.00 PRO-4 $10,001 - $20,000 115.00 PRO-5 $20,001 - $100,000 125.00 Plan B - 250% After 5 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) PRO-1 $10 - $500 122.00 PRO-2 $501 - $2,000 127.00 PRO-3 $2,001 - $10,000 140.00 PRO-4 $10,001 - $20,000 190.00 PRO-5 $20,001 - $100,000 250.00 Plan C - 800% After 15 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) PRO-1 $10 - $500 172.00 PRO-2 $501 - $2,000 190.00 PRO-3 $2,001 - $10,000 230.00 PRO-4 $10,001 - $20,000 450.00 PRO-5 $20,001 - $100,000 800.00 Plan D - 2000% After 30 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) PRO-1 $10 - $500 400.00 PRO-2 $501 - $2,000 600.00 PRO-3 $2,001 - $10,000 900.00 PRO-4 $10,001 - $20,000 1300.00 PRO-5 $20,001 - $100,000 2000.00 Plan E - 3500% After 45 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) PRO-1 $10 - $500 900.00 PRO-2 $501 - $2,000 1400.00 PRO-3 $2,001 - $10,000 2000.00 PRO-4 $10,001 - $20,000 2700.00 PRO-5 $20,001 - $100,000 3500.00 VIP - 1000% After 10 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) VIP PLAN $2,000 - $100,000 1000.00 deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 3/13/2013 9:01 AM Batch: 135494682 Sent To: U5889719 (PRO.FOREX7) Amount: $100.00 Memo: Deposit to PRO-Forex7.com User all-hyips.info Minimal deposit: 10$ Maximal deposit: 100000$ Referral comission: 3% Payments: Manual Script: GoldCoders Features: SSL Description: We are an international investment company, our mission is to provide our clients with the trust assets management services at the Forex market. We are sure that you will be interested in our on-line platform for the real-time investments. This platform is designed to make investments via Internet easy and comprehensible. SIGN UP
  6. 2013-03-12 16:27:26;U9449581 (NewFixTrade);4.50;0.0500;222.7600;usd;135397697;Invoice #710, all-hyips.info;false;api
  7. 2013-03-12 14:47:19;U1886056 (FinvacePRO);14.00;0.1400;218.2200;usd;135380696;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from finvace-pro.com;false;api
  8. New hyip [12/03] lr pm ego stp plans: 12,5% for 12 business days Daily interest: 12.5% Amount of investment: $20 - $50'000 Investment period: 12 business days Compounding: available* Principal: not return Total return : 150% Total profit: 50% [/code] deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 3/12/2013 6:39 PM Batch: 135414459 Sent To: U9790453 (Elite Capital Club Limited) Amount: $200.00 Memo: Invoice #327, all-hyips.info Minimal deposit: 20$ Maximal deposit: 50000$ Referral comission: 7.5% Payments: Instant Script: Other Features: SSL Description: We are a team of professional, skillful and experienced Forex traders with more than 5 years of successful trading activity on almost ten different currency pairs. Investments help us earn higher returns and give you the chance to have your money securely managed by a team of trusted financial advisers. Total win-win situation. You help yourself by helping us. SIGN UP
  9. IM-Solutions (ims-ltd.org): 12:55 12.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.45 USD from account U2818037 to account U1294989. Batch: 18940679. Memo: API Payment. Cashout 4908.
  10. american-dream-inc.com не платит!!! (( american-dream-inc.com SCAM!!! ((
  11. 2013-03-12 09:08:18;U7215442 (BornFund);8.10;usd;135329127;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from bornfund.com
  12. 2013-03-12 08:46:40;U0213085 (AxiomInvGroup);2.25;usd;135326238;Withdraw to all-hyips.info. Axiom Investing Group
  13. 10:27 12.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U2662132 to account U1294989. Batch: 18934217. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from www.gpg-fund.com.
  14. raise-income.com: 09:49 12.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.6 USD from account U3219937 to account U1294989. Batch: 18932622. Memo: API Payment. Invoice 5882, allhyips.
  15. 2013-03-11 18:13:36;U9449581 (NewFixTrade);5.30;usd;135234024;Invoice #257, all-hyips.info
  16. 2013-03-11 17:43:43;U1886056 (FinvacePRO);6.73;usd;135230016;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from finvace-pro.com
  17. New hyip [12/03] lr pm ego stp plans: Plan A - 107% - 125% After 1 Day Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $4,999 107.00 Plan 2 $5,000 - $9,999 111.00 Plan 3 $10,000 - $50,000 125.00 Plan B - 124% - 200% After 3 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $500 124.00 Plan 2 $501 - $1,000 129.00 Plan 3 $1,001 - $2,000 134.00 Plan 4 $2,001 - $5,000 139.00 Plan 5 $5,001 - $10,000 169.00 Plan 6 $10,001 - $50,000 200.00 Plan C - 142% - 315% After 5 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $500 142.00 Plan 2 $501 - $1,000 149.00 Plan 3 $1,001 - $2,000 156.00 Plan 4 $2,001 - $5,000 164.00 Plan 5 $5,001 - $10,000 242.00 Plan 6 $10,001 - $75,000 315.00 Plan D - 205% - 995% After 10 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $500 205.00 Plan 2 $501 - $1,000 225.00 Plan 3 $1,001 - $2,000 245.00 Plan 4 $2,001 - $5,000 280.00 Plan 5 $5,001 - $10,000 638.00 Plan 6 $10,001 - $100,000 995.00 Plan E - 3333% After 30 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $4,999 850.00 Plan 2 $5,000 - $9,999 2091.00 Plan 3 $10,000 - $50,000 3333.00 VIP Plan : 350% After 4 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10,000 - $30,000 350.00 deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 3/12/2013 7:44 AM Batch: 135316964 Sent To: U9585220 (SuperWithdraw.com) Amount: $200.00 Memo: Deposit to SuperWithdraw.com User all-hyips.info Minimal deposit: 10$ Maximal deposit: 100000$ Referral comission: 2% Payments: Instant Script: GoldCoders Description: SuperWithdraw.com has been gaining really big profit on international FOREX Market. The traders of our company combine strategy based on a scientific way which implies calculating probability of bargain outcomes, risks and many other factors in order to produce high quality program. SuperWithdraw.com is totally brand new format of investment program which you have never seen before, everything you see on our program, is the effort of hard work done by our experiences specialist. It means that every asset investment management is done and managed on a scientific way which implies calculating probability of bargain outcomes, risks, and many other factors. And that's where our long experience becomes very useful and reliable, it allows our program to offer a stable profit percentage to our customer. SIGN UP
  18. deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 3/12/2013 7:44 AM Batch: 135316964 Sent To: U9585220 (SuperWithdraw.com) Amount: $200.00 Memo: Deposit to SuperWithdraw.com User all-hyips.info
  19. deposit: You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 3/12/2013 4:09 AM Batch: 135292700 Sent To: U8220813 (PWRINC.net) Amount: $30.00 Memo: Deposit to PWRINC.net - Filling Your Pockets With Cash User all-hyips.info
  20. raise-income.com: 08:38 11.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.45 USD from account U2818037 to account U1294989. Batch: 18872771. Memo: API Payment. Cashout 4859.
  21. New hyip [11/03] lr pm plans: 1,5% daily for 10 days or 1,75% daily for 20 days or 2% daily for 30 days deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 3/11/2013 1:19 PM Batch: 135186488 Sent To: U5429455 (NewFixTrade) Amount: $200.00 Memo: Invoice #162, all-hyips.info Minimal deposit: 1$ Maximal deposit: no limit Referral comission: 5% Payments: Manual Script: Other Features: SSL Description: We are forceful and experienced company called NewFixTrade. We have already been working in Forex Market for more than five years. During this time, we not only have acquired great experience, but also have elaborated our own unique trading strategy that has given no reason to doubt its effectiveness. Today we offer you to become our company’s client and partner in order to earn money together day after day. To do that you don’t need to be a professional trader or analyst, you don’t have to work 10 hours per day. We do everything instead of you. SIGN UP
  22. 2013-03-11 06:34:42;U7215442 (BornFund);7.50;usd;135124408;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from bornfund.com
  23. 2013-03-11 06:19:35;U0213085 (AxiomInvGroup);2.25;usd;135122735;Withdraw to all-hyips.info. Axiom Investing Group
  24. 2013-03-11 06:10:52;U7162958 (MutualWealth);3.22;usd;135121913;Mutual Wealth withdrawal transaction number 93174298
  25. 07:55 11.03.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U2662132 to account U1294989. Batch: 18871134. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from www.gpg-fund.com.
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