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Everything posted by All-HYIPs.info

  1. 2013-04-16 08:07:54;U1291426 (Airlines Profit);11.00;usd;140331820;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from airlinesprofit.com
  2. 2013-04-16 08:06:04;U3401007 (Strong Forex);8.32;usd;140331587;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from Strong Forex - Strong Earnings
  3. 2013-04-16 07:51:10;U2084262 (Eagles Investment);0.90;usd;140329861;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from Eagles Investment
  4. 2013-04-16 07:47:01;U3207618 (Car Ltd.);1.50;usd;140329313;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from Car Ltd.
  5. 10:32 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 2.4 USD from account U4788057 to account U1294989. Batch: 20940222. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from sanderagroup.com.
  6. 10:43 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 19.13 USD from account U5081862 to account U1294989. Batch: 20940726. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from mersedes-profit.com.
  7. 10:05 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.9 USD from account U1942484 to account U1294989. Batch: 20938694. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from stable-investment.com.
  8. 2013-04-16 01:16:10;U9769189 (Financial Freedom);1.48;usd;140293849;
  9. Invest-capital.net: 09:37 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 4.75 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20937229. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 09:27 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20936724. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 09:20 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 2.37 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20936389. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 09:13 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20936052. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 08:39 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.8 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20934427. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 08:36 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20934289. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 07:00 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20930945. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 01:46 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 9.5 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20925716. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 00:47 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20925104. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 00:04 16.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 9.5 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20924246. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 23:06 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 18.52 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20922746. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 22:01 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.8 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20920345. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 21:49 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.95 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20919773. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 21:28 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20918756. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 21:26 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20918654. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 21:20 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20918341. Memo: API Payment. Auto.
  10. breezybrisk.com не платит!!! (( breezybrisk.com SCAM!!! ((
  11. goldenrush.org не платит!!! (( goldenrush.org SCAM!!! ((
  12. deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 4/16/2013 3:40 AM Batch: 140304153 Sent To: U8267196 (OilTrustFund) Amount: $50.00 Memo: Deposit to Oil Trust Fund User all-hyips.info
  13. New hyip [16/04] pm lr plans: Hourly VIP 7% hourly for 21 hours! (147% total) (only one deposit allowed) Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%) Plan 1 $4,000 - $100,000 7.00 5.1% hourly for 21 hours! (107% total) Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%) Plan 1 $300 - $4,000 5.10 130% after 1 day! Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $4,999 104.00 Plan 2 $5,000 - $100,000 130.00 200% after 3 days! Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $4,999 114.00 Plan 2 $5,000 - $100,000 200.00 320% after 5 days! Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $4,999 125.00 Plan 2 $5,000 - $100,000 320.00 650% after 10 days! Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $4,999 160.00 Plan 2 $5,000 - $100,000 650.00 870% after 15 days! Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $4,999 200.00 Plan 2 $5,000 - $100,000 870.00 1850% after 32 days! Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $2,000 - $100,000 1850.00 deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 4/16/2013 3:27 AM Batch: 140303076 Sent To: U3696595 (profitideology) Amount: $200.00 Memo: Deposit to profit-ideology.com User all-hyips.info Minimal deposit: 10$ Maximal deposit: 100000$ Referral comission: 1.5% Payments: Manual Script: GoldCoders Features: SSL, profit-ideology.com - Licensed Nameserver Information: ns1.rivalhost-global-dns.com ns2.rivalhost-global-dns.com ns3.rivalhost-global-dns.com ns4.rivalhost-global-dns.com Description: Are you feeling unhappy with your hourly or weekly wage you get at your regular job? Want to boost some digits on your bank account? Say hooray! Profit-Ideology is exactly the tool you need to increase your total income quickly, conveniently and with no big expenses. Investments online is a source of income of new generation that you now have access to. Isn't that great? Your bright future is now here, you are holding it in your hands. Simply sign up an account with us, get started, and start your successful investment career right off the spot. Pure transparency, no hidden fees and no strings attached. SIGN UP
  14. deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 4/15/2013 8:18 PM Batch: 140273928 Sent To: U6184451 (RevnexForex) Amount: $200.00 Memo: Deposit to revnexforex.com User all-hyips.info
  15. New hyip [16/04] pm lr ego stp plans: Standard Plan 6.5-8% daily for 20 business Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $999 6.50 Plan 2 $1,000 - $4,999 7.00 Plan 3 $5,000 - $100,000 8.00 Advanced Plan 140-180% after 20 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $999 140.00 Plan 2 $1,000 - $4,999 150.00 Plan 3 $5,000 - $100,000 180.00 Premium Plan 300-380% after 40 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $999 300.00 Plan 2 $1,000 - $4,999 320.00 Plan 3 $5,000 - $100,000 380.00 Royal Plan 640-800% after 80 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $999 640.00 Plan 2 $1,000 - $4,999 680.00 Plan 3 $5,000 - $100,000 800.00 deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 4/15/2013 8:33 PM Batch: 140275206 Sent To: U1961358 (If Capital Group) Amount: $200.00 Memo: Deposit to ifcapitalgroup.com User all-hyips.info Minimal deposit: 10$ Maximal deposit: no limit Referral comission: 5% Payments: Instant Script: GoldCoders, ifcapitalgroup.com - Licensed Name Servers: ns11.koddos.com ns12.koddos.com Description: IF Capital Group is a money management company providing global investment opportunities that offer security, stability and impressive financial performance. Our service to investors and merchants is based on three main principles: guarantee, stability and no risk. SIGN UP
  16. 2013-04-15 17:01:28;U3746805 (ReallyTrusted.com);10.60;usd;140251439;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from ReallyTrusted.com
  17. 2013-04-15 15:35:39;U5402358 (Racho Finance);0.75;usd;140237824;Earning from Racho Finance
  18. 2013-04-15 11:34:06;U2888282 (WEALTHBIZDEAL);1.50;usd;140201266;wealthBIZdeal
  19. 2013-04-15 09:31:15;U5819827 (AGO Forex);8.30;usd;140185043;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from agoforex.com
  20. Реферальные платит чесно и точно! Invest-capital.net: 19:14 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20910792. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 18:51 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 3.8 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20909554. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 18:40 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.95 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20908847. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 18:32 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20908222. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 18:20 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 0.47 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20907541. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 17:21 15.04.13;Account;Receive;Received Payment 4.75 USD from account U1752410 to account U1294989. Batch: 20903780. Memo: API Payment. Auto.
  21. 2013-04-15 09:11:53;U1291426 (Airlines Profit);11.00;usd;140182388;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from airlinesprofit.com
  22. 2013-04-15 09:08:41;U9903478 (Harvest);6.00;usd;140181976;Withdrawal Request 2013-04-15 05:07:46 for all-hyips.info
  23. 2013-04-15 09:02:35;U5368216 (enstrade.com);4.50;usd;140181225;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from enstrade.com
  24. 2013-04-15 08:53:47;U3207618 (Car Ltd.);1.50;usd;140180095;Withdraw to all-hyips.info from Car Ltd.
  25. 2013-04-15 08:35:47;U7162958 (MutualWealth);4.12;usd;140177746;Mutual Wealth withdrawal transaction number 93237011
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