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Everything posted by All-HYIPs.info

  1. 05/17/2013 10:14,144265160,API,U8688321,0,Incoming,USD,3.50,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from 40DaysForex
  2. 17.05.13 12:59;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.5 USD from account U2660504 to account U1294989. Batch: 22505842. Memo: API Payment. 49804037907. 17.05.13 10:19;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.57 USD from account U2660504 to account U1294989. Batch: 22498947. Memo: API Payment. 26641179294.
  3. 17.05.13 20:41;Account;Receive;Received Payment 2.00 USD from account U5321912 to account U1294989. Batch: 22528861. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from hyipinvest.net.
  4. 17.05.13 22:11;Account;Receive;Received Payment 53.2 USD from account U3263963 to account U1294989. Batch: 22532901. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from summerinvest.biz. 17.05.13 16:35;Account;Receive;Received Payment 25.75 USD from account U3263963 to account U1294989. Batch: 22516964. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from summerinvest.biz.
  5. 05/17/2013 09:30,144260022,API,U1029631,0,Incoming,USD,3.52,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from BrightFutureInvest.com
  6. 05/17/2013 09:42,144261486,API,U0894423,0,Incoming,USD,19.50,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from luxury-life.biz
  7. New hyip [18/05] pm lr plans: 13.75% every 6 hours for 48 hours or 15.62% every 12 hours for 96 hours or 26.66% every 24 hours for 144 hours our deposit: 18.05.13 07:19 Transfer Sent Payment: 200.00 USD to account U5517751 from U1294989. Batch: 22543732. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. InvestorsUNION. details: Minimal deposit: 5$ Maximal deposit: no Referral comission: 7% Payments: Instant Script: Other Features: SSL. DDosProtection Name Servers: Name Server: NS5.NLKODDOS.COM Name Server: NS6.NLKODDOS.COM Created by Registrar: EVOPLUS LTD. Last Updated by Registrar: EVOPLUS LTD. Description: Investors UNION - safe, profitable, convenient! SIGN UP
  8. 17.05.13 20:32;Account;Receive;Received Payment 2.4 USD from account U5571464 to account U1294989. Batch: 22528277. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw 1381.
  9. 05/17/2013 16:42,144316655,API,U8267196,0,Incoming,USD,2.50,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from Oil Trust Fund
  10. 05/17/2013 10:52,144269930,API,U5402358,0,Incoming,USD,0.75,,not-private
  11. 05/17/2013 08:34,144253397,API,U6065463,0,Incoming,USD,9.00,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from unlimfunds.com 05/17/2013 10:18,144265669,API,U6065463,0,Incoming,USD,9.00,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from unlimfunds.com видеообзор hyip проекта Unlim Funds: http://youtu.be/F4KhO2n0OOs
  12. 05/16/2013 08:40,144114772,API,U6131610,0,Incoming,USD,11.30,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from BESTInstantly.com
  13. 05/15/2013 12:51,144007905,API,U5728881,0,Incoming,USD,4.40,,Withdraw to SA5369821 from SecureAssets 05/16/2013 17:22,144185285,API,U5728881,0,Incoming,USD,4.40,,Withdraw to SA5369821 from SecureAssets
  14. 16.05.13 20:08;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.79 USD from account U1000736 to account U1294989. Batch: 22475314. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 16.05.13 20:00;Account;Receive;Received Payment 4.49 USD from account U1000736 to account U1294989. Batch: 22474972. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 16.05.13 19:45;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.79 USD from account U1000736 to account U1294989. Batch: 22474287. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 16.05.13 18:53;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.35 USD from account U1000736 to account U1294989. Batch: 22471361. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 17.05.13 09:27;Account;Receive;Received Payment 4.5 USD from account U1000736 to account U1294989. Batch: 22496562. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 17.05.13 03:08;Account;Receive;Received Payment 4.49 USD from account U1000736 to account U1294989. Batch: 22487409. Memo: API Payment. Auto. 17.05.13 01:36;Account;Receive;Received Payment 9.00 USD from account U1000736 to account U1294989. Batch: 22486334. Memo: API Payment. Auto.
  15. 16.05.13 11:04;Account;Receive;Received Payment 1.83 USD from account U2372828 to account U1294989. Batch: 22447795. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to Yury from Jordan Inc.
  16. 15.05.13 20:22;Account;Receive;Received Payment 3.1 USD from account U5966989 to account U1294989. Batch: 22421314. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from niz.cc. 17.05.13 10:53;Account;Receive;Received Payment 2.81 USD from account U5966989 to account U1294989. Batch: 22500498. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to all-hyips.info from niz.cc.
  17. 05/15/2013 22:57,144072996,Site,U9769189,0,Incoming,USD,2.00,, 05/16/2013 19:41,144199271,Site,U9769189,0,Incoming,USD,2.20,,
  18. deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 5/17/2013 7:09 PM Batch: 144330771 Sent To: U5194971 (Affiliate Trust Group) Amount: $200.00 Memo: Deposit to AffiliateTrustGroup User all-hyips.info
  19. 05/16/2013 21:36,144207762,API,U7861037,0,Incoming,USD,8.35,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from After100Days
  20. 16.05.13 00:10;Account;Receive;Received Payment 50.00 USD from account U3571394 to account U1294989. Batch: 22430577. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw 6 of 7 from Pays 7 Days. 17.05.13 00:10;Account;Receive;Received Payment 50.00 USD from account U3571394 to account U1294989. Batch: 22485030. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw 7 of 7 from Pays 7 Days.
  21. New hyip [17/05] pm lr ego stp plans: 10-12% daily for 14 days deposit You have successfully sent a payment from your account U5097978 (All HYIPs info): Date: 5/17/2013 6:05 PM Batch: 144325398 Sent To: U8330100 (OTFinance) Amount: $50.00 Memo: Deposit to otfinance.net User all-hyips.info Minimal deposit: 10$ Maximal deposit: no limit Referral comission: 4% Payments: Manual Script: GoldCoders Features: SSL Reverse IP Lookup Results 1 domains hosted on IP address Name Servers: otf.bl1.blockdos.com otf.bl2.blockdos.com Description: OT Finance is focused on trading Options with lucrative returns in a very short amount of time. In the options market we more use the Indices and currencies to trade with which are the more volatile markets in the world. If you are looking for a passive income and don't know where to start or how to do it, OTFinance.net is here with the goal to provide you with a viable choice. We provide exclusively reliable investment plans to our customers, being individuals or corporates. Being a successful trading company made us to present our services to the public from all over the world, regardless of where you live, all you need is being opportunistic not to miss this chance. SIGN UP
  22. 05/16/2013 07:00,144103532,API,U8687505,0,Incoming,USD,2.50,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from uniqueinvestment.net 05/17/2013 08:19,144251960,API,U8687505,0,Incoming,USD,2.50,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from uniqueinvestment.net
  23. 05/17/2013 07:06,144243891,API,U2888282,0,Incoming,USD,1.50,,payment from wealthBIZdeal
  24. New hyip [17/05] pm lr plans: 1.4% daily for 30 days or 1.8% daily for 90 days or 2.2% daily for 180 days deposit 17.05.13 17:36 Transfer Sent Payment: 200.00 USD to account U5920239 from U1294989. Batch: 22520147. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Deposit to novarroinvestment.com User all-hyips.info. Minimal deposit: 1$ Maximal deposit: 10000$ Referral comission: 5% Payments: Manual Script: GoldCoders, novarroinvestment.com - Licensed Features: SSL Name Servers ns1.ddos-guard.net ns2.ddos-guard.net ns3.ddos-guard.net ns4.ddos-guard.net ns5.ddos-guard.net Description: Novarro Investment, based in Poznan, Poland, is one the most influential business strategy consulting firms in the world. Novarro Investment employs some 1,500 consultants drawn from the ranks of top business schools, including Harvard, Stanford, and Wharton (University of Pennsylvania). A major share of the firm's clients are among the world's 500 largest corporations, but Novarro Investment also advises mid-sized companies and nonprofits as well as performing some government work. The company's areas of expertise include branding, corporate development, deconstruction, globalization, organization, pricing, strategy, and technology and communications. SIGN UP
  25. 05/16/2013 06:56,144103095,API,U6169285,0,Incoming,USD,1.50,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from ENGINEXCAPITAL.COM 05/17/2013 08:17,144251815,API,U6169285,0,Incoming,USD,1.50,,Withdraw to all-hyips.info from ENGINEXCAPITAL.COM
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