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About Shollay20

  • Birthday 09/17/1990

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  • Location
    Nigeria Kwara state
  • Interests
    Moneymaking, sport, jokes, qoutes....and many more...

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  1. gooday i just want to confarm the minimum deposit of this website, and how realiable is it, and account security?? Thank in advance.
  2. I think this is good opinion, because flooding is plentyful in the forum, admin weldone, i think 30 post per day is okay.
  3. Can someone post their payment proof here to see, i like $5 per post, i hope is not a scam..
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  6. My favourate song is "beautify" sing by akon, this lyric is co simple and straight forward.
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  9. I cannot say my favourate movies because i hate horror films, but i have watched Silent Hill, and The Ring but Silent Hill is some how sweet...i hate seeing human blood in the movies...
  10. Someone should please post the payment proof here, i read it that most of their moderator and administrator are not active, is sound some how funny to me.
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  12. It seem that the site is good, i will like to join the site to make cool cash there...
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  14. Date: September 08, 2014 10:02:25 AM *.Amount Sent: $1.00 USD *.Sender Name: Mayur Bora *.Sender Email: mayurbora1990@gmail.com *.Reference Number: C68E9-81223-EFD6B *. *.Message: Payout from DMT,Enjoy Posting at forum!!! Weldone brother i cant wait to see you progressing...
  15. some people see forex as low earning engine because people used to lost befor starting to be successful in forextrading....
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