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Islamnoor34 last won the day on April 14 2019

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About Islamnoor34

  • Birthday 04/07/1994

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  1. The forum is no more. The forum is dead. Now users should move to some other opportunities as the forums has been dead for at least 6 years.
  2. There are issues when we try to access Digital Money Talk Forum meant for talk, earn and share. Most of time when we want to read post or an article we are served with some server issues i.e no access to website
  3. I have gone through their website and there were a lot ambiguities. Whenever I click on main menu i.e buttons of Weenzee, Team, Statistics, Explorer and Settings, I have been asked to login. I think this is not so necessary when to access some core features of website that should be available for guests too. I used their calculator too, When I tried 2$ as initial deposit and I was surprised that I was getting only 72% at 90 days plan whether it was about the profit or capital. They have not also mentioned these clearly.
  4. Fxfred was a great paid to post forum as they were supported by Mayzus and later on mayzus started their own forum hence the future of the Fxfred community was clear to me and the members of the such communities. Mayzus might had turned their back and forum had to die. Forum was the highest paying community well moderated by the moderators. It is biggest loss for the community that earns their pips from the paid to post forums.
  5. If you are skilled and you do not have big capital then resultantly you will have less profits. Hence your skills will not even support your trades and you will have to work hard and it will take long to achieve what you have been aiming for. Free money is good if you do not have any other source of income but if you have another source of income then you must capitalize free money and your savings and make your business and forex trades backups for each other. Hence both free money and investments both can lead you to success
  6. Majority of the posters left the community when they implemented new formula for the posting as maximum limit for the post(s) in 24 hours was 10 posts and user who was active in only one section was deducted 50 percent of his/her revenue and has to make at least 15% posts in Forex discussions else user had to face 30% deduction which was acceptable for old and professional users who keep multiple interests but it was not not only difficult for newbies but also they find it difficult for them to post in multiple sections of the forums.
  7. Forex is itself a branch of education/knowledge. We have to learn this from beginning and profits and loss are there to encourage us to work hard and revoke the deficiencies in our trading. It is difficult for one who can not control his/her emotion(s). Because if you can not control them then definitely will found it difficult and when you will control then you will find it lot easier. Trading signals and eye on the market are the advantage for us if we want to have green pips.
  8. Date: September 08, 2014 10:02:25 AM Amount Sent: $1.00 USD Sender Name: Mayur Bora Sender Email: mayurbora1990@gmail.com Reference Number: C68E9-81223-EFD6B Message: Payout from DMT,Enjoy Posting at forum!!!
  9. Date: 08.21.14 07:23 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U2270110 to account U2400729. Batch: 66293614. Memo: API Payment. Thank you, Admin!
  10. i'm not admin Modern business in the Internet represents a complex system, totality of all types of commercial activity within the Worldwide Web. The very concept of virtual earnings is quite broad, and it is virtually impossible to give it clear and single specific definition. Plan: Test Plan 20 business days or 4 weeks Amount Day Week $50.00 - $500.00 0.85% 5% Business Plan 200 business days or 40 weeks Amount Day Week $100.00 - $1,000.00 1% 6% $1,000.00 - $2,500.00 1.2% 7% $2,500.00 - $5,000.00 1.4% 8% $5,000.00 - $10,000.00 1.6% 9% Payments via: PM Join Now
  11. This is the easier to earn money from them because i found this too helpful and completed lots of offers. Good thing about them is that there is some offer always being sponsored by them .It is the good site after micro workers and micro earners as i know
  12. How do you managed to get the payment from them with such crappy offers. All the offers are about following them or promoting them. There are offers such as blogging and creating videos about JC dollars. Those jobs should be paid higher because those requires extra time and skills
  13. Converter and instant Paypal will be only for upgraded members New and Non upgraded members Withdraw Points in the CASH OUT! drop down has its own withdraw options 1$ 5$ 10$ 15$ 20$ 25$ The Withdraw under this section can take up to 1 month to payout. pending on cpa networks and payments with in the month. this does not mean you wont be paid until the end of the month. it means that all upgraded members instant cash out's comes 1st.
  14. I am having this issue when i try to register with them. We are sorry, but the Socratic Forum Registration Survey is currently closed due to site maintenance. Please come back soon to try again. 28 Need help? Please contact the Project Manager.
  15. They are selected scam. They are not going to pay anyone. Where is the proof dude.I asked my friend from canada, he has taken many surveys from them but his account has not been credited any more. All the surveys were paying but no one credited the account of my friend. This program has better place in scams folder
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