Payment received as normal,admin paid on time ,thanks
Date: 10/19/2012 3:54 PM
Batch: 115419809
From Account: U0027652 (AVO INC)
Amount: $13.00
Memo: Withdraw to AVO7875368 from AVO INC
I was paid again..thanks admin very much!
Date: 10/13/2012 3:13 AM
Batch: 114360385
From Account: U0027652 (AVO INC)
Amount: $8.25
Memo: Withdraw from AVO INC
Admin is honest.I like this hyip site,it really worth to invest big money for me.
Date: 10/10/2012 20:36
Batch: 114008791
From Account: U0027652 (AVO INC)
Amount: 18.00
Memo: Withdraw to AVO8349662 from AVO INC
Thank you.
Great, i got paid again, support is good here, great admin.
Date: 10/10/2012 3:15 AM
Batch: 113875495
From Account: U0027652 (AVO INC)
Amount: $16.26
Memo: Withdraw from AVO INC
WOW! Good site with nice support. Received payment again and again
Date: 2012-10-06 01:08
Batch: 113336755
From Account: U0027652 (AVO INC)
Amount: $12.85
Memo: Withdraw from AVO INC
Paid again as always. This is a very good site with honest admin.
Date: 10/3/2012 6:20 AM
Batch: 112876099
From Account: U0027652 (AVO INC)
Amount: $8.25
Memo: Withdraw from AVO INC
Maybe this is really the best program online Serious paying program. i got paid again and again.
Date: 9/30/2012 8:32 PM
Batch: 112519812
From Account: U0027652 (AVO INC)
Amount: $18.05 LR
Memo: Withdraw from AVO INC
Thanks for payment again,very nice site
Date: 2012-09-29 10:48:00
Batch: 12058008
From Account: U1104573
Amount: $12.75
Memo: API Payment. Withdraw from AVO INC.
paying me every day, good program !!!Thank you Admin! full hourly seems to be a great hourly and I hope it pays more
Date: 9/26/2012 5:41 PM
Batch: 112008499
From Account: U0027652 (AVO INC)
Amount: $16.25
Memo: Withdraw from AVO INC
It is about several times I have been got paid by this site, the admin is doing a very good work! Support It!
Date: 9/25/2012 8:18 PM
Batch: 111859108
From Account: U0027652 (AVO INC)
Amount: $27.00
Memo: Withdraw from AVO INC
Got paid !very good. I think this one is forever. thanks honest admin.
Date: 9/24/2012 9:04 AM
Batch: 111615952
From Account: U0027652 (AVO INC)
Amount: $8.25
Memo: Withdraw from AVO INC