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Everything posted by hardworks

  1. By just trading in a smart ways. The ways are led to the way to make profits are, › Do demo trading for some months with seriously, and also with some spirit › Do cent account trading until you start to earn consistently › Try to predict the market 80% accurately with the help of technical analysis
  2. My biggest deposit is $200. seems very huge for me, in beginning, i didn't have any aware of the risks involved in Forex trading. So, i just start to trade with $200 without any proper knowledge. After some weeks, i just lose it in step by step. So, i strongly recommend to all newbies that never do this mistake on your trading journey.
  3. Scalping: Scalping is a short term trading style in which we can able to get reasonable profits in a short term and also by many orders. It needs some experience in analysis area, so that, will able to know the right entry and exit point. If we are wrong in our analysis, we will face loses in a short term too.
  4. Advantages: › Can able to get experience with out any real loses. › Can able to test Expert advisor in strategy tester without waiting for too much time. › Can able to learn the basic of trading by using the trading platform via demo account. Disadvantages: › We will not get real experience, we may use heavey lot size without any emotions and fear factors. › There should be no planing while trading.
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