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Everything posted by savehouse

  1. this program is not getting much support from members,though the program is having a very low minimum payout but the click rate on the program is pretty much low and i guess thats why the program is not getting much support.even the refferal click rate on the program is low as well and that has led to memebers with many ref not to click on the program.
  2. click rate on this program is very encouaraging and i can tell the program will be flooded with activiies on the program,though the program is new online but the program has manage to start paying ptc members some money,though the minimum payout on the program is pretty much low and encouaaging, guess memebrs just click inhere and cash out.
  3. i wonder how many month it will take for memebrs to click on this program to reach the minimum payout on the program,the program will take more than 3 month to reach,thought the admin of the program is claiming memebrs will only need 100 ads to reach payout on the program but the bad news is that the program isnot having much ads.
  4. i guess this program is kinda ok but the problem i see with the program is the number of ads the program made availbe days,the program is having less than 5 ads avaliabe and i think that will make the minimum payout on the program kinda long,it will take time to reach the minimum payout on the rogram since the ads availbe is jst 4 daily.
  5. well the program is pretty much still new,so i dont think the program will having any kinda proof of payment for now but the program should be having one before the progrm reach 6 to 10 days online,i guess it depend on the number of ads this program made availbe to memebrs, i havnt join the progrm yet as i have enought ptc program that am working on.
  6. well the program is now having low activity on the program and that kinda makes wonder what has being going on with the program, i guess maybe the admin of the program has increase the minimum payout on the program,i wanted to join the program initailly but after i study the progrm i have the feeling somethig isnt right inhere.
  7. well it best if this program is just ignored, the click rate on this program might be standard but the minimum paypout on the program is way too high considaring that the program is having less than 10 ads available for memebrs to click on the program daily.the program is only gonna be waste of time for members that decide to give the program any kinda trial.
  8. well the program is now having proof of payment to show that they are paying,it good to see the payment proof and i hope admin of the program will not increase the minimum payout on the program pretty soon,the program is quiet encoaurging,the click rate is standard and the minimum payout is very ok.
  9. i was hoping this program will be having more tha 10 ads daily for memebrs to click but i guess i ws wrong on this progam, i was thinking i can join the program since the admin of the program stated memebrs will only need 100 ads to reach the minimum payout but the program is having less than 10 ads availble.
  10. admin of this program should have added LR among the payment processor this program is using, i think that will have attract more memebers to the program ,not all memebers have PZ account and majoiryt of ptc memebrs dont have access to PP account,though the program is ok,click rate on the program is standard and the minimum payout is also very ok.
  11. i guess this program will pretty much interesting since th program require just 25 ads to payout, i think the program will gain lots of supprort from ptc memebrs due to the standard click and the low minimum payput the program is having and the good news here is that the program is offering a very popular payment processor to make the program easy for memebrs.
  12. the minimum payout on this program is low and the clcik rate on the program is low as well, i dont think this program will be able to pull the kinda support the program will really like due to the low click rate the prgram is having,though the progrm is giving memebrs more than one way to make some cash with them anyway.
  13. this program is not encouraging the click rate on the program is low and i wonder what the admin of this program was thinking when launching this program.though the minimum payout on the program is low as well but i dont think the program is encoauraing enough the program will struggle to get memebrs that will be clicking on the program.
  14. this is just another program hoping to waste memerbs the time of the members, i dont see any reasonable thing about this program the click rate on the program is low and the minimum payout on the program is pretty high as well, it will take ptc memebrs on this progra more than 3 month to reach the minimum payout on the program.
  15. click rate on this program is low,infact i find it too low but the minimm payout on the program is also kinda ok but if compare to the click rate on the program the one will be discouarage on the program but i guess memebrs with lots of refferal will like to give this program a kinda trial since the program will be ok for them
  16. this prgram is only gonna be a waste of time for standard memers that try to just this program any kinda support.the click rate on the program is low and the minimum payout on the program is high compare to the click,i get it best if this program is just ignored,though the admin said memebr will need only ads 100 ads but program is having less tha 10 ads.
  17. this program has being able to get good attention of ptc members just today that the prpgram was launch the program is having over 800 memebrs,though the active on the program is also ok.but the program has not paidout any thing yet and i guess they will be having a proof of paymnt pretty soon,the click rate on the program is standard and the minimum payout is also low
  18. it pretty prefect to see this program has being running online for like 9 days now and the admin of the rogram has not increase the click rate on the program,the admin of the program has done a very good job and the program is having good numbers of active memebr on line.16,675 Members | 472 Members Online | $1,438 Paid
  19. this is another nice ptc program,the program has just being launch and the program is getting good number of active memebrs online.though the program is not having a paying status from hyip monitors but i guess it good to see this program is offering memerbs good click rate and the minimum payout on the program is very encauraging as well
  20. i think this program should be abke to pull small attentiong from ptc members,the minimum payout on this program might be high but i guess members with lots of ref shuld be able to make something out of this program since the program is having more than 10 ads availba to members daily and the program has started memerbs only need 100 ads clck to cahsout.
  21. well this program is really growing pretty fast the program is getting good support from members,though the clcik rate on the pogram is standart and the minimum payout on the program is very encoauragng,members dont need any number of ads on this program to cashout.memebrs can just click and cash at the same day
  22. i doubt if this ptc program will see anybody that will come and click on this progrm,the click rate on the program is way too low and the miinum payout on the progra compare to the click rate is high.i gues the program is only gonna be a waste of time for memebrs that dedicde to work on the program.i wonder how many ads will avaible inhere .
  23. well i guess it best if this program is just ignored,this program has being running online for over 24 hours now and no hyip monitors is having the program lsited, i guess the program is hiding something we ordinarily investors dont know.though i thought the 30 days plan on this program will be ok but i guess i was wrong on this program.
  24. i guess it best if thread is just closed, i have being trying to access this program for couple of minimum now and i cant access the program and more the program is not having any hyip monitor that have the program listed,i dont think the progam is supported by any hyip monitors becasue i cant find any that have the rogram listed
  25. well i guess the admin of this program has done a good job with this program,the pogram ha being able to sustain the high return they are offering investos for 2 days,i just want to warn investors on this program that despite the paying status the program might be having the program still remain not a safe place for any hyip investors to invest.
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