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Everything posted by savehouse

  1. i dont think this program will be able to get attention of hyip investors,i think the program is offering investors too much and i dont think the program will able to sustain the roi they are offering investors,though 154% in28 days is ok but the daily return of 5.5% is kinda high, i just dont feel this program is safe for any hyip investors to invest.
  2. well i think this program hourly program is still in the radar of paying time,though hourly program are not to be trusted but think one can trust this program for few hours since the program is still less than 8 hours onlie and the program has just begin to get support from hyip monitors,the program is havng a paying already with few hyip monitors.
  3. i really dont like program that offer investors for ever plan,i dont think this program is safe for any hyip investor to invest with the program,the 30 days plan on the program makes the program not a safe place for any hyip investors to invest with the program.i dont see this program paying any hyip investors that invest with the program.
  4. well i can only wish investors that have iinvest with this program best of luck witht the program ,i dont see myself investing with this rogram and i hope anybody that ivestors should only be planing for hit and run on the program,i dont see this program staying around for more 2 - 3 days,so investors should invest wisely.
  5. i guess this is just another program hoping to be smart on investors,though there is a program like this around offering same high daily return to investors and the pogram has manage to sustain payment for 4 days now,though am not saying this program is safe for investors but i think the program can still surprise investors by paying for few days.
  6. Displayed Username : savehouse Amount To Request (DMT points): 500 Liberty Reserve ID : U7788637 -Thank You Admin and Mods.
  7. well this program has being running onlie for 3 days now and the prgram is not getting any attention from ptc memebrs,the click rate on the prgram might be standared but the mimumin payout on the program is way too high for a program thats having less than 5 ads avaliable for memebrs,only one memebrs is online on the program
  8. with the multiple option this program is giving ptc members to work on this program i can tell the program will get support from members desite the low click rate the program is offrign ptc memebrs,the minimum payout is another thing that will encoaurage members to wanna give this program trial,despite the low click rate.
  9. well i guess this thread can be close,even if this program did manage to get a paying status from hyip monitors the program is not safe for any hyip investors to invest with the program,moreover the program is offerig an hourly plan among the plan on the program,that will even make the program make a quick run on investors investment.
  10. well i just want to update this thread,this program is not paying investors,again though i was able to still see few proof of payment from the program but the real fact is that the program has started paying investors selcetively,so i guess nobody should be thinking of hit and run on this program as the program is nt a scam..http://www.hyip-cruiser.com/?a=details&lid=1980
  11. without being told,this program ought to have being gone by now and i did some reseach on the program just to be have clear on the program and i wasnt surprise to see that the program has stop investors,though the program is an hourly program and am not surprise with the program status..http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/zendollar.biz?final=1
  12. well i wonder why this program is starting slow,the program is nt getting the kinda support i thought the program is be getting,i guess they might be more to this program that we ordinary investors did not understand on this program,the program has being running online for 5 days now and the program cant bosst of 10 hyip monitors despite the nce return..http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/makkhi.biz?final=1
  13. well i dont thiknk this program is a new program, according to my reseach on this program,the program has being running online for more than 500 days now,and the good thing inhere is that the program is getting much support from hyip monitors,thought i dont think the program will get much attention since the program is an old program but i guess some memebrs might not know..http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/suinvest.com?final=1
  14. wow! on this program with the kinda support this program is getting from hyip monitors,though the admin of the program should have done better with the script of the program and the program is not secured,i wonder what will happen to investors investment when hacker attrack the program.but the program has manage to keep hacker away for the pass 5 days
  15. i think the daily return this program is promising investors is kinda high but i guess the program should be able to sustain it for few days,though the program has just being running online for 4 days now and the program is getting few suport from hyip monitors with over 5 of them having the program listed with paying status.http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/100daily-cash.com?final=1
  16. i guess the greedy investors that invest with this program never get anythng from the program becasuse according to my reseach on this program i cant even find any proof of payment from the program and when i check with hyip monitors, i wasnt surprse either with the result i got.the program did not pay any of the hyip monitors that invest with the program,they all have the program listed with scam status..http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/pacofunds.com?final=1
  17. well this kinda program dont last long,though the program is having a paying status but i can see 2 hyip monitors also having the program listed with not paying status, i guess it best if this program is lft along and moreover program like this dont last more than 3 to 5 days.so i guess the program might have started selective payment.http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/finprofund.us?final=1
  18. i wonder why this program is nt getting the kinda support i though the program will be getting from hyip monitors,the program is just being monitored by 6 hyip monitors,though almost all the monitors invest with the program and 5 of the progrm having the program listed with paying status.the program has being running 5 days online,though the program is a long term program.
  19. well this is just another program that just need to be ignored by investors,the program has being running onliine for 5 days now and the program can not even get any hyip monitors that will invest with the program,i guess thats a cear sign that the program is not a safe place for any hyip investors to invest.http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/doublein10.com?final=1
  20. i guess it best f this program is just ignored or this thread to be closed,the program is not getting any kinda support from hyip monitors with only 3 hyip monitors having the program listed and only one invest with the program and other just kept the program will waiting status,though the program has being running online for 5 days now but i dont think the program safe.http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/romanfinance.com?final=1
  21. i wonder how this high unreasonable total return program has being able to maintain payment for 3 days,the program has being running onine for 3 days now and the program is having the kinda support i really cant believe,the program is being listed by more than 15 hyip monitors with majority of them having the program listed with paying status.http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/financebenefit.com?final=1
  22. despite the high return this program is promising investors,this program has manage to sustain the high return for 3 days now,the program is having a paying status with hyip monitors,though am not saying the program is safe for investors to invest with the program am only surprise the program has being able to manage payment fpr 3 days.http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/extradeposit.com?final=1
  23. i wonder what this program has said to hyip investors to make the program have this much support,the program is having a paying status with hyip monitors despite the high return the program is offering investors,the program is having more than 10 hyip monitors that have the program listed with majority of thm havng the program listed with paying status
  24. this program has being running online for 3 days now with paying status from hyip monitors like GP,though the program is not getting much support from hyip monitors with only 4 hyip monitors that have the program listed and only 2 invest with the program.i guess the program migh not be safe for investors to join them and invest now.
  25. i guess the minimum investment on this program will attract investors to this program,though the program is offeirng hit return to investor but i still think hit and run can still be dome on this program,the good thing inhere is that the program is having few support from hyip monitors,so i guess investors can capitalise on that.
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