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Everything posted by savehouse

  1. well i wouldnt be surprised if this program did manage to get a paying status from hyip monitors, i think the minimum investment on this program will attract investors to this program.and i belive the admin of the program will like to pay the first set of investors to attract investors to the program before the program will scam them.
  2. i think this program should be able to pull attention from hyip monitors and investors,though the daily return on the prgram is high but the minimum investment required by the program will make the program to get investors and i can the the total return is also very reachabe for the admin
  3. the admin of this program might have being long in hyip business,the program is offering investos a high daily return and the total return being offered is high as well, i wonder why the admin of the program has added some much payment processors to the program when the return is not resonable
  4. well i think this program will be good for hit and run if the program did manage to get a paying status today,then it will be ok for investors to join the program.though the total return the program is offering is high but i belive investors can still get somethign from this program
  5. i guess admin should start approving payment request on this program,now that am really accumulating point on the program admin has reduce the approver of payment, i was hoping i ought to have being paid when i got to the program today but my request has not being approved yet,i guess i still to do some waiting inhere.
  6. woow! i guess that good news, i guess i will definately being approve on the forum then,i will resume posting on this program when i get paid, i still another 500 point on the program which i can request later, am only using the oppurnity the program has proved with slow payment to post at other forum as of now.
  7. i was able to make just 10 post inhere today, as i hard lttile time to post on the program, i was hopintg to have being paid on this program since yesterday but the admin has not tread my request yet.hopefully i will be paid inhere pretty soon and i hope to be able to make another anyother request on this program by friday.
  8. i was able to make another set of post in here today.i was able to post 50 post and i hope to return to the program in 2 days time,i really dont know the program have being kinda quiet in last couple of days,the program is not as active as if use to be.am hoping to be paid inhere in few days ,though my request have not been approved yet
  9. i gues this hourly program is at the prime time that investors can join the prgram and do hit and run on the program,though the program has being running online for like 4 hours now but i still believe the program will pay investors to the nexr 6 - 7 hours,so i guess investors can take advange of the program now.
  10. this program is only gonna be waste of time for ptc memebrs that wanna try this program out,the program will take more more than 2 month to complete a circle on this program,the minimum payout on the program is way too and the click rate on the program is standard but the program is having less than 10 ads availabe to memebers daily.
  11. i really dont like ptc program that make use of euro, i kinda find the euro confusing and i think admin of ptc program use it to confuse members by offering a high click rate that they cant mainatin,though the payment processors this program is using is not gonna help the program as majority of ptc memebers dont have access to PP account.
  12. yeah, i can tell this program will be a good place for ptc members to click,the other sister program of this program are doing really well and i guess admin is someone one can trust as well.so don think the program will struggle with activeis on the program since the admin of the program is a known person.
  13. another good program that will be flood with ptc active members,the program was just laucnh yesterday and the program is already having close to 1000 members memebrs with alomst 200 members active,thats shpw the kinda support the prpgram is getting from ptc memebrs , i just hope admin will not increase the minimum payout.
  14. i think this is gonna be a good place for ptc members to come click,the click rate on the program is very encoauraging and the minmum payout on the program is nice as well and the good about the program is that members can quickly reach the minimum payout since the program is having good numbers of ads for memebrs to click.
  15. i guess i can only advise ptc memebrs to just ingore this program,the program is offering a very low click rate and the minimum payout on the program is way too high, i guess it will take more than 6 month to reach the minimum payout of 5$ on this program, and i can tell this program wll have being gone by then.
  16. i doubt if this program will get any memebrs that will click on the program,the click rate on the program is way too low compare to the minimum payot on the program.even the ref click on the program is too low as well, i just wonder how long it will take to reach the minimum payout on this program.it best if this program is just skipped.
  17. i this program has just being launch todays and the program has already gotten over 600 members on the program with over 70 active online now,i think this program is really dont well.though the program is not having a paying status from hyip monitors as of now but i can tell the program will be having one pretty soon.
  18. i guess i will have love to join this program but the currency the program got me kinda confuse, i really dont like program that use euro as currency on ptc program,they do get me confuse and that why i dont click on them.though i think this program is ok becasu the program is having good support from ptc memebrs.
  19. well the minimum payout on this program and the payment processor the program is using will be the problem with this program.the progrm is offering ptc members standard click rate but the minimum payout on the program comare to the click will too long for any member to reach the minimum payout on the program
  20. click rate on this program is low and that kinda make the minimum payout on the program kinda high as well,though 2$ is low but if compare to the clicl rate on the program then one will see that the program will take more than 2 month to the minimum payout of 2 dollar on the progam, i guess it best if this program is ignored.
  21. well despite the fact the daily return being offered by this program is reachable but i dont think the program will sustain the roi for 30 days,the program is promising investors 90% profit in 30 days, i guess the program will just paying investors for few daily and the program will make a run on investors investment.
  22. i doubt if this program will have any kinda problem sustaining the roi they are offering investors, i guess investors just need to wait few hours to see the program having a paying status before investing with this program.i guess the program will be flooded with hyip monitors pretty soon since the program is very reaonable.
  23. this program is making use of possible payment processor investors can think of but i wonder why the term on the program is not stated,i have being to the page of the program and it samething,i wonder why the admin of the program has not added the term of the program on the page of the program,i guess the admin of the program is hiding something.
  24. i guess another program that just need to be ignored,any investors that think he/she can get something from this program will only loss his investment on this program,even if this program did manage to get a paying status from hyip monitors which i doubt it best if the program is skipped.
  25. i think this program has worth it takes to sustain the daily return they are offering investors,the total return investors stand to get on this program is very sustainable and reachable.in fact some investors might find the total return the program is offering investors kinda long but i can tell the program can sustain it.
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