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Everything posted by savehouse

  1. this program is a long term program and i think only hyip monitors will be interested on the program and that's why the program is having good support from hyip monitors already, i dont see the program like a program that will having problem soon,the program is well design and the admin of the program has dome well with the protection of the program.
  2. they are lots of reasons why i cant advise anybody to give this program a trial,the minimum investment on the program is way too high for me and the program is not attractive,the admin of the program did not spend much on the program,the program look too ordinary and no professional touch on the design of the program
  3. well the admin of this program advise is still keeping this program running,though the program is just 2 days old and i can only advise investors to invest wisely on this program,program like this dont last long around,they only stay 2 to 3 days before making a run on investors money,i guess one need to get on this program on the right time and am kinda scared the program might not be that safe again by tomorrow when investors will due.
  4. even hyip monitors refuse to have the program listed on their page and the few once that have the program listed did not invest with the program,i guess that a clear sign that the program is not safe for any hyip investor to invest not even hit and run is advisable inhere because the program will not pay any investors that try to invest with the program
  5. i guess this is just another program investors just need to ignore,what this program is offering investors is total not possible and i can tell the program is only gonna scam investors that think they can get anything from the program,the program has being running online for 2 days now and no hyip monitor invest with the program and i guess that's a clear sign that the program is not safe.
  6. this program is really confusing to some members inhere,though i think the one plan of 101% but i dont think the program will sustain the 30 days plan,i think the admin of the program will pay investors to attract more investors to the program before the admin might make a run on investors investment.the one plan on this program is offering a very return, i dont think i can even advise hit and run on this program.
  7. i dont think there is anything confusing on this program,the program is mid-term program and the admin of the program has included our principal in the daily return investors will be getting,so the total return inhere is 200%,i think it kinda much in 50 days business anyway.100% in 50 days is much anyway and i think that will make the program not a safe place for investors.
  8. i guess the minimum investment on this program might make this program to struggle to get investors.though the program is a very good program and the daily return and total return investors will get on the program is very reasonable and encouraging.the program is not promising too much to investors and i think that will make the program to grow but the minimum investment might just make the program slow.
  9. anybody thinking of getting something out of this program should prepare to lose all his investment on this program,i can tell this program will not pay any dime to any investors,all the plan on the program are totally unreasonable and reachable, i wonder where the admin of the program want to get the program to sustain the program.
  10. i can tell this program has worth it takes to sustain the daily return they are offering investors,the program is gonna do really well and the term on the program is also reasonable,good to see the program is also protected,i dont thik there is gonna much worry for investors on this program and i believe the program will getting support from hyip monitors
  11. this program is a long term program and i think only hyip monitors will be interested in giving this program any kinda trial,though the program is very attractive and it well design but the term on the program will make the program struggle to get ordinary hyip investor that will like to invest with the program.
  12. the daily return might be ok inhere but the program is really lacking some necessary features that will make the program safe and ok. i can only advise investors to invest wisely on this program and proper research need to be done before investing with this program 120% in 40 days is reasonable but the lacking features the program might not complete the term.
  13. i can only advise investors to just ignore this program,though i kinda like the admin of the program,i think the admin of the program is new to hyip programs and that's why he/she is offering such an unreasonable plan to investors,i can tell the program can never get any hyip monitors that will invest with the program ,not even hit and run is advisable on the program.
  14. the admin of this program has done a good job with this program, i kinda like the design of the program and i find the program attractive,all the plan on the program are very ok and they are all sustainable,i dont think the admin of the program will have any kinda problem sustaining the daily return they are offering investors
  15. this program is kinda confusing to me,i think the 30 days plan is only safe plan on this program but the other short plan is kinda attractive but the total return the program is promising investors is way too high and other short plan and think that's why the program is gonna have problem sustain the 30 days plan that is safe on the program
  16. <p style="margin-left: 40px;">well there are some plan on the program that are sustainable and reachable and they are other plans on the program as well that are not ok,i guess investors should invest wisely on this program and i think the shortest plan on the program is the only safe plan on this program any other plan is not safe for anybody to invest.</p>
  17. i will have loved to invest with this program but i dont think the program is safe for investors,the program is running some kinda confusing plan, i will have ove to invest on the 30 days plan on the program but the minimum investment required is way too high and i can tell the program will not complete the term on the plan they are offering.
  18. this program is just another scam program in disguise, i can tell this program can not sustain the daily return they are offering investor for 30 days.the total return investor stand to get on the program is too high and i can tell the program can very sustain the total return 240% after 30 days is total impossible and i guess investors should be careful when investing with the program.
  19. this program has being running online for almost 2 days now,though the program is still having a paying status with hyip monitors but i dont think the program safe for any investors anymore since the program is having an hourly plan among the plan they are offering and the program might stop paying investors at anytime if proper research is not done on the program.
  20. i will have loved to invest with this program if this program had just being launch to day but the program has being running online for over 15 hours now and i dont trust any hourly program to keep paying after staying online for 10 hours.i guess it best if investors just look for other better program that will pay and ignore this program.
  21. the minimum investment on this program will really tempt some investors to wanna give the program a trial but the truth remain that the program is not safe for any dime,even if this program did manage to pay,am sure they will only do that for 2 to 3 days before the admin of the program will make a run on investors investment.i guess it best if the program is just ignored.
  22. i can tell this program will only be paying investors to attract more investors to the program,i dont think the program is safe and if the program did manage to complete the first plan am sure they will not complete the 10 days plan,i think the minimum investment required is also high compare to the fact that the program is not safe for investor to invest
  23. the low minimum investment request by the admin of this program will have attract investors to the program but i dont think the program is safe for any new investor to wanna give a trail despite the paying status the program might be having from hyip monitors,anybody joining this program now should have it in mind that he/she will get nothing back from the program.
  24. <p style="margin-left: 40px;">i can tell this program will struggle to get hyip investors and hyip monitors that will like to invest with the program,the term on the program is too long and i dont think any investor will be willing to hang on with a program for that long and ore over we dont know if the program will even complete the term on the plan they are offeing.</p>
  25. woow! the minimum payout on this ptc program is very ok,though the program is still new online and they haven't paid any dime out yet, but believe this program will be a good place to come click and i can tell they will be having proof of payment to show pretty soon.the click rate on the program is also very encouraging.
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