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Everything posted by koragg245
This design is mostly used by lazy scammers that don't want to do much about their site, they just want it done on its own. Iv'e worked with sites like this, and i have very rough experience. You guys should be careful not to waste your money on sites like this.
When i clicked the link, on the right side of the page i saw WAITING. What does that mean? I taught that they started working officially cause they have handful of members there. Anyways, its great to see them posting their own stats form an trusted hyip monitor.
Looks like some ptc sites still accept payza as its payment processor. This site was made today, and owner doesn't seem to know the recent changes in online money making industry. He should take a look at them before he gets his site shut down. This one looks like an scam though.
I didn't know that you could send less then $1 in paypal. Anyway, site name is hard to remember so i recommend an name change urgently. Owner needs to work on memberships and their benefits. Also, i recommend adding liberty reserve in. Its popular among ptc sites.
If i were to judge it by its appearance, i would say it looks like one of the most unique ptc sites iv'e seen lately, but good thing you posted that screenshot so we know the truth. Poor rate per click of $0.001 is an clear sign of an inexperienced owner. Either he is greedy, or has no idea how to manage his business.
Its nice to see some payment proofs and all those nice words about it, but i look at it differently. Rates you posted are way too low for me. I can't reach payout even with highest rates. If it is good indeed and worth your time, then get more referrals and continue, so what can i say guys: GOOD WORK!
So its something in between an forex and ptc site. I've saw something like that before and it was an scam. This looks good, so i don't know what to think about it. Owner needs to make higher bonuses for upgraded members. Also, having an custom made header is really rare. Great job owner.
Site's dynamic layout seems to be great, but it looks like its there only to hide the crucial parts of the site which are made horribly wrong. Only $0.02 for first 3 memberships and $0.04 for ultimate membership. There is no way i am registering there, i know far better sites than this.
Pay per click rate seems to be standard one, but pay per referral click rate is way too poor. Owner needs to motivate members to get new people in, otherwise the site wont expand. Referring new members is keeping the ptc site alive, and owner needs to learn that.
* Cashout EveryDay Unlimited Amounts Instantly If this is my ptc site, i would feel a bit uneasy having instant payout for all of my members. Instant payment systems are vulnerable to hackers. Good thing its new so, its still lot of work to do on it. Design also needs an change, pink color isn't for business.
Standard PTC Script website layout for the new ptc site, but it still isn't finished. Don't you find it funny how Standard, Premium and Elite memberships have same number of ads and you get same profit from them. Whats the point of upgrading your membership then? Really funny site.
They aren't many paid to post forums these days, maybe 10 at most. This one is among the better ones, and i especially like its high rates and variety of payment processors. Probably the only thing i don't like there is the daily thread limit. Limiting your members is no good.
It depends on many factors. You should take a look at specs of your pc. For example my notebook accepts win xp and vista but i cant have 7. 7 is good if you are looking for performance, but all around vista is the best. Every computer allows it, and its suitable for every task you need to do.
You should never use more than one antivirus at a time. They interfere among themselves and your protection is questionable. Uninstall all three of them, and install Comodo Security Suite. Its free and its firewall its #1 in top 10 of 2012, antivirus is excellent too. I highly recommend it too.
AM i the only one here that finds it fishy and suspicious for an hyip site to post their liberty reserve number on the home page just like that? Don't tell me they can't accept deposits regular way, so they want people to deposit manually. Scam or not, manual deposits are no good.
On the first look it seem to be fine and modest paying hyip, but when you look a bit better, you can see the site statistic, and it cripples the site completely. They are only 4 days online and already earned more than $8k pure profit. Not even Bill Gates could manage that. Tell me about scams...
Do they seriously expect to expand themselves as hyip investing site being poor in everything just like that. Promising you luxury life and showing you pictures to luxury furniture in background is manipulation. Manipulation is what scams do, and this one fits into scams really nice.
No honest and paying hyip site accepts payment processors with advanced policies such as payza, paypal and moneybookers. I can only imagine what would happen when you register. You probably have to deposit manually by sending you money to accounts. I don't think this is any good.
Finally some serious hyip site. They seem to e honest and paying site, and of course they don't lack the famous payment providers such as liberty reserve, perfect money and other. It seems to be made by an expert web designer, and its great to see an https for an change.
Site isn't even finished, at least homepage isn't. How does owner expect someone to get them serious, when they only have one picture and few words on it. They didn't even take care of it, not even for scamming purposes. Statistic seem poor, s i guess its scam.
Its nice to see all that payment proofs and all, but doesn't it seem a bit suspicious for only one guy to be posting all those payment proofs? Not only that, but site also supports Payza, payment provider that clearly stated that it has nothing to do with hyip anymore. I smell scam in the air.
Correct me if i am wrong but there was an original hyip site called silver structure, and it didn't have design like this. I don't think is really so good and honest as it seems, cause no serious hyip site with "instant payments" would have such an poor interface. I believe its scam.
Im confused about this one. Alertpay changed its investing policies and even its name to get the changes know, but they are still hyip sites using it. Some members say its paying, so i guess about payment processor policies, its different story with them.
From my point of view, this site is pushing people to register and invest. I can tell that as an experienced online money maker. This design might fool novices, but every hyip that tires to fascinate visitors with their rates is no good. They usually are scams, and i felt that on my own skin too.
If this is a forex then you should move it to the forex category. Btw site looks great, and owner probably spent a lot of time and money to make an dynamic site like this. Also, its good to know they are paying, i may invest something when i earn, but more research is needed.