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Everything posted by laneking

  1. Sameordiff batch game http://www.sameordiff.us http://www.betsamediff.com http://www.samewithdiff.com Sameordiff payment proof Headtail game http://www.1gold-game.org http://www.gugold.us Heatail payment proof
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  5. www.1gold-game.org www.gugold.us Your batch number is 117512899 . Flipping coin..... done! And the result is... tail !!!! Horrayyyy!!!! You win!!!! You got $20 in your Liberty Reserve Account (Payout Batch is 117512900 ) YOU 'LL LOST THIS JACKPOT
  6. up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up
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  8. check this out!!!here is payment proof!!! www.1gold-game.org www.gugold.us
  9. www.1gold-game.org www.gugold.us gugold.us is great game ever.today i am so lucky to play this won 70 dollars.its a very popular head tail game. win 250% in second and i can get 15% bounes every single bet. this is awesome. same or diff batch game` www.samewithdiff.com www.sameordiff.us www.betsamediff.com see here is my payment proof ~ here is detail how i can do it... like a genius...LOL ....
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  14. This script is different from others , I really won on betsamediff.com, over 100 bucks I was made easily.here is screenshot of today. If you don’t believe never touch it. But this is really works on me,I am make a decent income here. www.betsamediff.com
  15. This script is different from others , I really won on betsamediff.com, over 100 bucks I was made easily.here is screenshot of today.If you don’t believe never touch it. But this is really works on me,Im make a decent income here. http://www.betsamediff.com · 30 dollars payment proof Try It Now.NR (number for result) = SUM (2 last digit of Liberty Reserve Batch) mod 10.How to play:• Click to button SAME or DIFF and make a spend from your account. After transaction completed, you have your NR. Our system will delay up to 90 seconds, send $0.01 back to your account. After transaction completed, we have our NR.• We using your NR and our NR to decide the result of the game.Rules:• You will win the game, if you bet SAME and your NR color is same to our NR color.• You will win the game, if you bet DIFF and your NR color is different from our NR color.• You will lost the game in all another case.• Min bet $0.25, max bet $500. Spending out of range will return 100%of your spend based.Referral:• Our referral program will pay you 10% and 5% (up to $1) of any losing bet.Example:• You bet $1.00 for SAME, your Liberty Reserve Batch is #92017833, your NR = 3 + 3 mod 10 = 6, our Liberty Reserve Batch is #92017839, our NR = 3 + 9 mod 10 = 2, you will get paid $1.95 instantly.• You bet $1.00 for DIFF, your Liberty Reserve Batch is #92017901, your NR = 0 + 1 mod 10 = 1, our Liberty Reserve Batch is #92017906, our NR = 0 + 6 mod 10 = 6, you will get paid $1.95 instantly.Try It Now.
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