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Everything posted by emmanuel95

  1. Well 0.50% per hour is not too high and should be sustained for altleast a round well from the stat it seems they dont have much active investors in here but the good thing is that they are paying now and early investors can make profit in here.
  2. Well they have a very low minimum deposit in here well i think the investment plan in here is attractive but the fact is that the roi is very high and i dont think the admin will be able to pay for more than a round.
  3. I think they are using a strange domain name and i dont think it is wise to invest our money in such program i think investors shouldnt be greedy in here because this program is just another scam and investors should stay away from it.
  4. I dont think this program is attractive in looks well i think the minimum deposit is very low and affordable and the admin should be able to sustain the roi but i think the term here is very long and with low daily earning i think it will take very long to reach BEP in here.
  5. This program is using a free domain name and i think the roi is too high and unreasonable i think investors should not risk investing their money in this type of program because they are all scams so it is better to stay off.
  6. Well the stat of this program shows that over $25,000 have been invested in here i think that is good and i can see that some monitors is now listing this program with a paying status now and i think with the sustainable roi in here they should be paying for long.
  7. Well they have made some payout now becausw i can see payment proof there well i think the click rate offered in here is good and i think with the low minimum payout here we should be able to cashout in a short time.
  8. Well i think the click rate in here is high and $6 monthly earning for being active daily i think that is attractive so we can cashout three times a month, we can even earn more if we have many referrals well i think i will give this one a trial.
  9. Well i think the script here is nice and from the stat it seems they have many registered members now but they still havent made any payout now well i think the click rate here is good and the daily earning will be high also.
  10. Well i think the click rate in here is very low and as standard members the daily earnings in here will be too low which is discouraging and considering the low click rate i will say the minimum payout here is high.
  11. Well the click rate here is ok but i think the minimum payout in here for first cashout is high and i cant be reached easily and it seems the payment process is made manually i think that will make the payment process slow.
  12. Well i think the script use here is nice compared to that some other ptc program and i think the click rate in here is very high and i think it wont be difficult to reach payout here well they havent made payout yet so i hope to see payment proof soon.
  13. Earn up to $0.02 for Your Click Earn up to $0.02 for Your Referral Click No Investment Required! Minimum Payout as low as $0.04 PAYMENT PROCESSORS ACCEPTED >>>>>PERFECT MONEY<<<<< http://www.nexgenbux.com/?ref=emmanuel95
  14. Free Premium upgrade for 10000 members pay up to 0.05 per click pay up to 0.03 per ref click unlimited direct referral $1 min payout pay with egopay payza paypal etc. http://soneribux.com/?ref=emmanuel95
  15. Well it seems much has not been invested in here i think the admin may need to do some promoting if he wants to get more investors in here well i am just going to wait and see how this one goes.
  16. I think the minimum deposit in here is low and affordable and i think the principal is not included in the plan well the roi offered in here is very reasonable and i think they should be able to sustain it for a long time i just hope the admin is honest.
  17. Well i think they have good security implemented in here so i think this program is safe and the minimum investment in here is moderate i think many investors can afford it well i think this program should be paying for many rounds if the admin is honest because the roi is sustainable.
  18. Well there are so many payment proof i think that is really encouraging well the admin have good security implemented in this program i think that is really encouraging well i think the roi in here is sustainable so i hope they will pay for a long time.
  19. Well i think the minimum deposit in here is too high and unaffordable to many small investors and the roi offered by the admin here way too unreasonable i dont see how how the admin can make so much profit in minutes to payout such roi i think this program will end up a scam.
  20. Well it seems there some monitors who is listing this program with a paying status now but i think many investors will prefer to stay away from this program because of the free domain use here and i think the investment plans in here is unreasonable i think it is much better to skip this program.
  21. Well it seems this program has been up for two days now and no one has deposited money in this program i think that is bad well i think the admin will need to do some promoting in monitors or other places in other to get good investors in here.
  22. Well it is good to see a payment proof but i think this program is not going to last for a long time because the investment plans offered by the admin is not sustainable well the minimum deposit is low i think investors will be willingly to try a hit and run with a low investment.
  23. minimum payout $1.00 And for first 1000 members free $0.50 And the something upgrade 1 month for free Accept Paypal Up to $0.0550 your click up to $0.030 ref click THEBIGBUX.COM
  24. Well they are using a server which is encouraging well i think the investment plans in here is very atrractive and reasonable i think they should be able to sustain it and the minimum deposit in here is low i think any one can afford to invest in here.
  25. Well 30% for 3days i think the principal is returned at end of investment well i think the retun offered in here is too high and i think they will not ne able to sustain it well the site is not in english.
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