When i trade, i would usually have 2 take profit targets.
So that when take profit 1 is hit. Which is marked by the purple line. I would have taken my first profit off and shifted my stoploss for position 2 to break even.
By doing so, i am also on the “SAFE” side. As price may hit Take profit 1 and reverse back down.
And as i have taken profit a TP1, my 2nd position’s stoploss is shifted to breakeven.
So i am in a FREE trade.
So whether or not it may hit TP2. I have already gotten profits.
In this scenario, i have taken profit at TP1 and my 2nd position has hit my stoploss for breakeven.
So i’m out for this trade.
From this scenario you can see that i am not always perfect.
No one is.
By trading on the above method, we are sure that our account size will grow consistently.
Forex Trading Strategies – How I Turned a Losing Trade to a Winning Trade