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Everything posted by pinay

  1. This site is ripping off the graphics of eMoneySpace forum, with small alterations to them - not very good impression. The admin of eMoneySpace has notified BuxHost about this, so we shall see how it turns out. But I have a feeling that this site won't survive, since while their click rates are decent and minimum PO is low, their advertising rates are skyhigh. $5 for 500 clicks and $10 for 1000 clicks is way, way too high, and I'm quite sure that not many advertiser is interested in such high rates. So unless the admin has like constant 300% PB promo going, I can't see very many advertisers being interested.
  2. It's the very same rates, only difference to pre-set memberships is that you can just set your own. If you only upgrade to the one I'm looking for (own clicks $0.1, no ref click changes), then that'd be $95/year. And given that there are usually 10+ ads throughout the day, then yes - that's profitable. Not extremely good since it's annual, but since no need to look out for refs, it's pretty nice.
  3. Date: 2012-06-04 14:29:28 Batch: 90700780 From Account: U9733508 Amount: $0.21 Memo: Veridian Fund withdrawal Thank you.
  4. "Professional" doesn't equal "littered with Flash crap, lots of social media plug-ins, few auto-starting videofeeds and interactive <whatsoever>" - quite the contrary. The loading times ultimately come down to each users internet access speed, so there's not much point in sacrificing the outlook of the website for mere seconds in loadtime gain for some users. And if someone really has computer that struggles to open modern websites, it means that their computer is at least 10 years old - and thus antique, to say the least - and they should change, not the content provider. But seems that we only "missed" couple commissions, but as nothing was deducted from the total running days of our positions, we lost nothing. Just hope that such incidents won't be very frequent.
  5. Well, they do have the background of MatrixMails since 2002, so many find it easy to trust such site. I think I'm going to upgrade my PTCBox account for that $0.1 per own click, so while it's not that big earner, I'd be able to make some nice bank just alone. And maybe those free refs we're of some use, lol.
  6. They advertise to handle payments in under 24 hours, but so far been waiting for my $1.5 since Monday. I'm free member, and requested payment to STP. I guess if there's no payment until next Monday, I'll send them a ticked and ask about it. But the bump to my next minimum PO being the fixed $5 is kinda high, but then again, even free members make $0.04 daily...
  7. The whole JBP site needs revamp very badly, since it's very ugly and hard to navigate. I hope they'd get someone to do that - I'm sure it would also bring more confidence for new investors if the site looked professional, which it currently does not. But today the commission payments should be rolling again, so in around six hours I should see them on my account. I believe they will be paid.
  8. Second payment. Requested yesterday, didn't check my PP before now, so fast payments nonetheless. I also won $0.1 on Twickgrid, lol.
  9. Date: 2012-04-04 08:23:04 Batch: 90436543 From Account: U1808420 Amount: $0.80 Memo: Withdraw to 414873 from LoyalFund.Com Thank you.
  10. Anyone knows about the current status of the program? All on-site monitors report Loyal Fund as paying, but it seems that their instant payment feature is disabled, and I still haven't received my lastest withdrawal. I have $0.8 withdrawal pending, so I'll update if I get it, but seems that there's something awry about this program now. Hopefully it won't scam, since I've only gotten about half of my investment back now... edit. Okay, got my payment now. Seems there's some sort of delay. Let's hope they return the instant payment system to order soon!
  11. Yeah, seems to work fine now. But trust JBP? Nah, not really. Every pyramid, aka. Ponzi scheme program will fail eventually, since it's not feasible business model. Because the whole "income" is based on the funds from new members, this one will also eventually disappear. The restart feature is no breakthrough - it's more just agreed thing that once the program hits the phase that it's no longer sustainable, it starts basically from the scratch.
  12. Admin is the same scammer as with Poundbuxptc.com, Powerfulptc.com, Ymbux.com, Fastcashptc, PtCbux and more. Some domain records have been changed to hide the origin, but here's screenshots of them unchanged: Read more at http://www.emoneyspace.com/forum/index.php/topic,219797.0.html
  13. Most likely a scam site, or at least soon-to-be scam site. Same admin as with Biglandbux, Bigofferbux and Gopaybux: Read more at http://www.emoneyspace.com/forum/index.php/topic,220003.0.html
  14. There's no need to worry - JBP is just under DDOS attack, and will be back as soon as possible. You may enter their conference room (http://login.meetcheap.com/conference,jbpdailyconferenceroom) to get up-to-date information about the situation, but there's really no need to panic. But it seems that they're not paying the commissions during downtime (although it does make sense), but as long as there's nothing lost, it's fine.
  15. I read there's currently DDOS attack originating from mainly Korea going on, so no reason to go screaming scam yet. I'm sure they'll get back soon enough, and since the commissions are paid without interaction from the users, then it doesn't really matter if the site is reachable or not. Sure for those willing to invest more this causes some delay.
  16. Date: 4/2/2012 7:09 PM Batch: 90270201 From Account: U9396631 (MoneyTalkVillage) Amount: $4.00 Memo: MTV Payment Thank you.
  17. Yes, it does - if the site is configured that way. If you have 100 clicks minimum requirement with $2 minimum PO, and have click rate of $0.03 then the user would require 66.66 clicks to reach the cashout. However, the admin may force the minimum click rate over minimum PO, so for your first payment you'll go over the minimum. Such are quite rare cases, and with this when it's clearly stated as "no minimum click requirement", why did you even have to wonder about that?
  18. You're just choosing bad sites, I'm member of multiple legit BuxHost sites, and frankly I'd say that NextGen is the best script out there user experience-wise. But to me this site seems to be still under some major preparation, so I wonder have they even launched yet? Rates seem pretty basic, and it seems that they basically have 4 ads per each membership type, which would be very nice considering that the site is brand new.
  19. Social media is used more for swift announcements, than any "likes" in PTC business. Utilizing such mediums is very great way to let the members know about any issues the site might unexpectedly have. Say, the site gets suspended due to crossing their monthly bandwidth cap - this makes members uneasy, since they only get message "domain suspended", without any indication why. Simple FB/Twitter message "Site down due to overusing bandwidth, will be back shortly" makes members keep the trust for the site/admin. And I thought everyone who uses FB hase more than one account for this kind of deals
  20. They wrote "earning is too low", which is correct. Blindly looking at the OP and the rates presented misleads people, since while those rates might be correct for the upgraded members (or in some case, even free members), it's the amount of ads and their combined worth that is the key to determine if the site is worth it. On this site, free members can earn $0.0076 daily from 4 ads. Now since they have $3 as the set minimum PO, that'd mean that free member needs to click for 394 days to reach the PO. Such activity makes no sense at all, don't you agree?
  21. You have very weird look at PTC, seriously. Do you even understand how much time you waste if you really go for 1000 separate sites that'd pay you $1/mo? Unless you never plan to do anything else in life than sit in front of computer, then sure, but otherwise... And looking for only no-minimum sites? Heck, even most sites won't allow that with investment, so you're bound not to find that many.
  22. This one seems bit odd indeed - what "income streams" do they mean? Is there something else than regular PTC site into this program? This kind of forced-investment nature might not be suitable for all, but at least they're stating it fair and square, so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Is OP able to provide any personal payment proofs? As this one looks pretty good judging by the rates, but maybe it's bit too good - considering it's just PTC? Or maybe their other "income streams" generate that 150% ROI?
  23. I'm also bit amazed about getting such deduction really - while occasionally I might've posted a bit shorter messages for sure, but I usually make it up with very long posts. And not only that, but as mony said, some people get no deductions with extremely short posts that basically have no use for anyone (i.e., borderline spamming). Well, won't be complaining more, since it's all up to the mods, but seems very weird...
  24. Yeah, well, only thing we can currently do is just trust the admin and wait. But the payments have been pending for way, way too long time to be really acceptable, but better late than never I guess. Hopefully the payments will be processed this week.
  25. It seems to me that you're completely lost in about how the system even works. Read the FAQ's and tutorials on JBP site, and attend to their conferences if possible (or listen to the recordings) to understand how it works - it eases up the usage a lot when you know what's actually happening.
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