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Everything posted by rose

  1. the site design is attractive and it has a professional outlook the plans offered are attractive and short term with very high profits which seem to be difficult to sustain fior long the minimum investment of $5 is affordable in all the plans and able for investor to try the site out
  2. the site is suing a cheap template and there is no DDOS or SSL protection further the plans offered are with good profit which is not far too high and can expect the site to run a month or two the minimum investment of $10 is not far too high to try the site
  3. its clear the site is using a copied template and also the script used is copied as there are many errors in the information disclosed one such information is the site is accepting both liberty reserve and alertpay as per the information published in the face of the site but in the faq its stated only liberty reserve is accepted. i feel the admin should have double checked the information before publishing
  4. the site is offering hourly plans all are too risky as from my experience many hourly plans doesn't run for long and scam soon I feel the minimum investment of $10 its far too high and too risky to teat the site
  5. even though alertpay doesn't always help the investor to get back their funds only if the admin of the site doesn't have funds in his account. but at least it gives a option and confidence to the investor to recover his principle if the site doesn't pay
  6. I am not questioning your investment's here and there was no necessary for you to post screen shot what i was trying to say is the admin seem to publish incorrect information in their faq and may be they are using a copied faq and didn't bother to make any changes and this would reduce the quality of the site
  7. the site is using a nice template and its having DDOS protection further the plans all are having affordable minimum investment which makes the site triable by all but the plans are offering very high ROI which i feel unrealistic to afford by the admin
  8. The site design is good and attractive in a video type where the important design is displayed at one look and the site is also secured by DDOS and SSL making it more secure to invest . i see the site domain is registered for 5 years and not 1 year like other sites which shows the site long term running objective out of the plans i feel the 12 days daily plan is good since its less risky compared with other plans where the investor is paid at expiration since this meas under the expiration plan if the site doesn't pay the investor will lose heavily
  9. The site design is nice an its using a cheap template with no DDOS and SSL protection the plans offered are quite unrealistic with very high ROI which is not practical to achieve further as the minimum investment is only $1 we can always give the site a try
  10. hello i think the points to be deducted is 460 and not 200 and the net amount is $4.6 and not $2
  11. The site is using a cheap design and its not attractive the plans offered are far too risky since they are offering very high ROI especially the one day plan where it offers 50% profit will affect the running of the site in the long run. further i fell the minimum investment's of $10 is far too high to test the site
  12. Hey iam able to access the site now so i will withdraw my previous comment and seem like the site has suffered short term maintenance problem the site is having a nice looking design and its protected by DDOS the site is already running for 57 days and i feel the 7 day plan is much better and more attractive and the minimum investment of $5 is not too high to test the site out
  13. As the site has exceeded five investors now the 110% After 2 Hours plan is no more in existence but instead of it the admin has added another new plan 11% Daily For 11 Days which seem more stable than the hourly plans. currently all the plans are offering good ROI which is not very high for short term and seem sustainable for a few weeks but there is less response for this may be because no monitors have being listed for this program
  14. The site is running for almost 10 days and the monitors are showing paying status but the site stats indicate it will run less than one more week if the minimum investment was less than $10 i would have tested the site but iam not willing to bear the loss if the site scam further i see the site accepts payments through alertpay and this will give protection to investor to recover his principle sounds less risky
  15. The site is back and it looks like the site was suffering short term maintenance problems out of the plans available only the 180 days plan is affordable and the ROI of 1.% daily seem to be reasonably sustainable i feel its worth to give the site a try
  16. Started Nov 22, 2010 Running days 61 Total accounts 421 Total deposited $ 79,219.10 Total withdraw $ 16,913.00 Visitors online 23 Members online 5 Last update Jan 22, 2011 The site stats indicate the program has being running successfully for the past two months and the gap between deposit and withdrawal indicate the site is capable of running for a further period of 2-3 months without many problems so its a good time now to invest and earn some profits further the site is also secured by site securities which makes it more secured to invest here
  17. Its encouraging to see a hyip is willing to offer its own debit card which shows the long term intention of the admin but its not worth the offer because only a few will get qualified for it due to its high minimum investment requirements so i hope the admin should make this offer moire accessible to all by reducing the minimum investment's amount
  18. Username : rose Amount To Request (DMT points) : 460 Alertpay ID : lillyrose09@hotmail.com Thanks
  19. I was amazed to see many monitors have been listed in the site rate-us page and they are showing paying status the site is already running for 48 days and have completed three cycle and running the fourth successfully so there need not be any fear in investing here and as there are RCB offers also available the investor can earn more through them
  20. Ita amazed to see many monitors have been listed to rate the site and there investments are low below $25 each and this shows the monitors doesn't have confidence on the long running since they haven't invested in large amount and all of them are showing waiting status further there are many RCB offer available where the investor can make use of it
  21. Not unlike other hyips here the members need not be registered but can directly make an investment and also the site has DDOS protection and which makes the site secure the profits are low and stable but not attractive and the minimum investment's of $10 is an affordable amount to try the site
  22. Info Started Jan 20, 2011 Running days 2 Total accounts 26 Active accounts 9 Total deposited $ 900.00 Today deposited $ 0.00 Total withdraw $ 0.00 Visitors online 9 Members online 0 Newest Member PaidOrScam Last update Jan 22, 2011 The site stats indicate the site is running for two days and so far no payouts have being released but the plans offered is with daily payouts sop this makes me suspicious about the site that will it pay its investors and whats the reason for the delay
  23. Well i dont think the minimum $5 is far too high to try this site out and also the re are RCB offer of 1000% available enabling investor to recover part of the principle soon and this reduces the risk Also the referral commission of 6% is good so i think its a good source of income for investors to earn by promoting this site
  24. I think the admin may have removed the minimum withdrawal clause because there ma be many resistance from the investor and anyway its good to see there is no more any minimum withdrawal limit hey once you get paid keep posting the payment proof so that i will also try and invest here as the plans seem stable for me
  25. if you are referring the vnmonitor as the PTP forum then its a different admin from this site but as you have not stated clearly what is the forum name lets wait till you do your search but if the admin is for both is the same person then as you said the site plans will also run long
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