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Everything posted by rose

  1. its clear the site is using a copied script as the faq has many errors which were not crosschecked before publishing for example the currency used in faq state only liberty reserve whereas in the site home page its stated as both perfect money and liberty reserve
  2. the site design is attractive with DDOS protection. the plans are hourly with good return which seem easy to try as the minimum investment is only $1 and affordable by newbies. i will check for payment proof to confirm the site is paying before thinking of joining
  3. i feel the site design is simple and not attractive and is using a cheap template with low quality script further plans are short term with very high ROI enabling investor to earn a short term return while the site is paying but as the site plans are offering high return i dont think the site will run long
  4. @ malingAyam good you see you are able to test the plan is it the 10 day plan you invested at. iam currently short of funds but will try it if the site is still paying when i get funds in my account further looking forward to see the payment proof posted by you
  5. Started Jan 25, 2011 Running days 1 Total accounts 140 Active accounts 63 Total deposited $ 2,076.69 Total withdraw $ 240.40 Visitors online 26 Members online 14 Newest Member joevina Last deposit: $ 10 (investlife) Last withdraw: $ 6 (hyipbanker) Last update Jan 26, 2011 the site is already running for 1 day and the site stats indicate the site is paying as hourly plans are not expected to run long its better to check for payment proof and invest here and earn some profits at the initial stage of site launch
  6. The site is using a cheap script and the template used is also cheap the plans are offering extra ordinary returns which are far too high and unrealistic to sustain for long the minimum investment of $1 enables newbies to try the site
  7. the site plans are too risky offering very high profits and from my experience this type of sites will not run more than a week. as per the site stats the site has being running for 3 days and has paid 93% of its deposit funds as withdrawal so i dont think the site will run more than a day or two
  8. expecting a hyip to run for 1 year is far too risky but if you can just ensure the site will run for a period more than 50 days at least you can get your principle back and any days thereafter you will be at profit and the minimum investment is also affordable to test the site
  9. Iam not sure whats the problem with the site since today when i tried to access the site i get the above mentioned message and looks like the site is suffering some technical problem and hope the site will be back soon
  10. this offer increases my suspicious about the site as the site is not publishing any stats i feel the plans are not getting much response and thats the reason the admin is offering such an unrealistic bonus offer to get more deposits. and this offer will prevent the site from running long
  11. the site is suing a subprofessional template and a brilliant script further the site is protected by DDOS other than the first plan none of the other plans are affordable by any investor the ROI of 120% for four days sounds attractive and the site can expect to run for 2-3 weeks
  12. the site is launched today with very high profit where i feel the site will not run more than 2 weeks but as the minimum investment's is $1 i will surely try this site tomorrow after seeing some payment proof to confirm the site is paying
  13. The site design looks professional and the script used is brilliant the plans are for short term with attractive ROI which is relatively high and seem unrealistic so its very unlikely the site will run more than a month the site currently accept only LR and this may prevent the site from getting more response
  14. Started Jan 10, 2011 Running days 15 Total accounts 38 Active accounts 11 VIP accounts 0 Total deposited $ 389.51 Today deposited $ 0.00 Total withdraw $ 40.25 Visitors online 1 Members online 0 Newest Member hv Last update Jan 24, 2011 the response for the site seem to be very low and its almost 15 days passed this may be due to the low level of referral commission rate that the program is not promoted highly if this situation is to continue the site may face problems ton run long
  15. Created: 2010-11-21 Expires: 2015-11-20 Updated: 2010-12-21 Whois Server: whois.biz Name Server: NS1.1000DNS.NET Name Server: NS2.1000DNS.NET Name Server: NS3.1000DNS.NET the domain is registered for 5 years and this indicate the site has a long term intention to run . further there are many famous monitors listed and this shows as the site has heavily invested on monitors it will not close down sooner all the monitors listed are showing paying status and there is good response to the site plans
  16. the site is giving me problems in accessing since when i attempt to open the news page and faq session the site keeps going offline and i have to refresh the browser each time to access the site hope the site will not disappear all of a sudden
  17. the ROI offered under all the plans are far too high and makes me suspicious whether the site will run long and cover the plan period Also the minimum investment of $10 is too expensive to test the site
  18. Started Jan 23, 2011 Running days 1 Total accounts 46 Active accounts 17 Total deposited $ 875.00 Total withdraw $ 219.50 Visitors online 1 Members online 0 Last update Jan 24, 2011 the site has being launched yesterday and the stats indicate the site has started paying further as the monitors is also showing paying status i feel its better to check for some payment proof and invest here while the site is paying and earn some profits
  19. The site is suing a cheap template with cheap script and has DDOS and SSL protection the plans offered are short term which high profits which are expected to run a short time period since the minimum investment is $1 we can always try the site
  20. I received my first payout from this site ALERTPAY: Money Received ***************************************************************************************************************** THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - PLEASE DO NOT REPLY. ***************************************************************************************************************** Dear You've got cash! Neeraj Mandhre (neerajmandhre@gmail.com) just sent you money through AlertPay. Payment Details Date: January 23, 2011 6:37:57 AM Amount Sent: $5.00 USD Sender Name: Neeraj Mandhre Sender Email: neerajmandhre@gmail.com Reference Number: Message: Payment From MTW Forum, Thanks ! View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account. Thanks for using AlertPay, The AlertPay Team
  21. well this type of programs pay only for a couple of days at launch so its always better to invest a the early stage while the site is paying and earn some profits further the monitors listed are showing paying status so iam sure kapo.. will be able to earn his profits
  22. the plans are far too stable as they pay investors based on what they earn so there is no way for the plans to fail but on the other hand its not attractive since the investor will not know how much his earnings are an this may prevent them from planning their earnings on the other hand the minimum investment of $15 is not affordable by newbies to try the site
  23. The site is using a attractive template which looks more professional and the plans are offering reasonably good interest which seem more stable and sustainable but the high minimum investment is far too high preventing many from joining the site
  24. its good to note the admin has mailed the members the delay in the payment because of liberty reserve is under maintenance if not the investor may have got panic if the site payouts got delayed and may have come to a conclusion the site is having cashflow problems
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