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Everything posted by avir0ckerx

  1. I am really excited about posting at DMT today and i will be looking to make some 15-20 posts today so that i can reach my next pay out by next week and get paid on next sunday and my target is to request a payout every week of around 3$ for that i am looking to be active daily at DMT.
  2. well in my view it is not easy to earn 100 $ a day because if we think of it to be for one month we can earn almost 3000 $ a month which is quite a good amount in my view and if one can earn that much each day then i think it will be quite good but i can guarantee it is not easy 2 do so.
  3. well accepting hD money is a very good option it provides an alternative to all the members to withdraw their funds.
  4. moneytalkworld seems to be low on activity after shifting of domain i guess many of the old members are not posting these days so there is less activity and really nothing to post or discuss about all the old content lying unchanged!
  5. fifa 10 also rocked but fifa 11 is obviously yhe best one in my view!!!
  6. paypal isnt good now for indians as because of the new rbi and paypal agreement!
  7. this site is too slow with too many pop ups do not recommend this site!
  8. Hello, I am ready to be a parter @ your web store but tell me what exactly and where do i have to promote your webstore?
  9. it has been almost a year since i have been trading in the forex ( foreign exchange) market it has been quite a good experience for me and i have learnt loads of things.
  10. Username - avir0cker Amount to request (DMT points) :200 Liberty reserve account no-U2738519
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