Hi, I'm new here, I noticed this forum on mgfunds rating page. I amazed to see alot of negative opinions here, well I have deposited a test in this program not long ago.
3% for 45 days seems reasonable for me. I said on TG forum that I'll post proofs once paid, If you wish I'll post here as well. Fist of all they have a very nice and very "long" FAQ page with all the possible answers there http://mgfunds.com/faq - don't know how that could be missed on the main menu.
I sent 2 massages, 1st to test if they are alive and 2nd to ask about payment, support is pretty fast from my experience (from what is stated they plan to add skype http://mgfunds.com/support) They are also hosted on anti DDOS dedicated server from blacklotus as I see in WHOIS and use SSL for security, they just don't state it for the public like everybody else does (l saw SSL when I signed up) Anyway gotta give it some time, this one have great potential IMHO and I'll let you know once I'll get updates.