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You may have realized that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the way to go to get your pages ranked highly in the Search Engine Rankings Pages (SERPS) and you may have bought a few web tools to help you, or you may have approached an SEO company, which, having relieved you of a few hundred bucks, has now deserted you because you took a one-off deal - the cheapest SEO option. Unfortunately you may have jumped only a page or two and still not be anywhere near making the money you thought you would with your website. There are cheap SEO services out there in Internet land which offer you some or all of the following and here I am not quoting from any one particular website for SEO services; this list is only an example of what is on offer. Keywords and density of 2 or 3 per cent Meta tags and on page coding such as H1 and H2 tags, words in bold etc. Outbound links Backlinks Search engine-friendly URLs However you can do all this for yourself. Also if it were that simple to rise in the SERPS all sites would rise fantastically. What these SEO services do not offer are relevant backlinks from top sites in your niche, neither do they offer to help you with original content for your site which is of prime importance these days for a site to get at the top of the SERPS. They can increase your SERPS position, but you won't be where you want to be-in the first five of those coveted pages. What they probably will do is post a few comments on forums with your URL link although the comments may not be on forums which are relevant to your niche, so they are fairly useless. Commenting isn't a terribly good way of getting a high profile site unless your views are new and attention-grabbing. They probably won't use Tools and Extras - Google Places, Google Shopping, etc which can make all the difference between you and your competitors. (You know about these tools for online marketing don't you?) A good SEO service company will give you quotes for their annual service, and will expect to work with you and your site for its lifetime. SEO is a continual process and the experts will test out the potency of keywords, and help you get high quality content, which most of the cheap SEO services don't mention, because they can't deliver. The better firms will consistently optimize titles and page design so that they have a positive impact on visitors to your site and they will create sitemaps for ease of negotiating the pages. They will use a systematic approach to build social media links and other relevant, quality links. These links will be built, with keyword anchors and optimal on-page placement, so that visitors will leave your site with a very good impression of it and return, and you will also ultimately climb into those top SERPS. Don't waste your cash on cheap SEO tools and services as they won't help you get rich quick. If you want to make money from your site you will need to make an investment in a good SEO service
Every site which wants to attract more traffic needs to rise in the Search Engine Rankings Pages (SERPS) and once upon a time, when such things were in their infancy, you could buy thousands of backlinks to any sites and yours would rise in the SERPS. However, this doesn't work in these (slightly) more sophisticated times. Google's Panda exercises caught a lot of sites off-guard and even some of the large sites which have content which can be used on other sites as long as there is a backlink to the original site and author, had some problems because in some cases of their over-reliance on ads on their pages which almost obscured the articles and which certainly detracted from the content. What you need to have are backlinks from reputable sites in your niche or which are relevant to your content. For example, if your site is selling silver jewellery, there is little point in you having a backlink form a firm that specializes in hunting and fishing equipment, while having backlinks from a site which sells polished and unpolished stones for jewellery making would be relevant. Google is increasingly policing sites and penalizing ones which do not come up to its ever-increasingly higher standards. If content on a site is stuffed with keywords, it will be penalized. Keyword density should be 2 % of the total number of content words, so if your product description is of 200 words, then you can have a key word or phrase in it four times. Your description should be written in clear, concise language and make sense to the visitor. If you have a lot of satisfied customers, get the Google + button as this seems to help in SEO. (The Facebook Like button is not counted in Google's page ratings system.) Don't have ads on your site that obscure the content; lightboxes are irritating and will ultimately drive traffic away from your site, as will constant reminders that plug-ins are necessary to read content. Visitors want to find the information they are looking for without being hassled to sign up for membership with forms that completely block out content. Think about your own experiences on the Net when advertising on your site, and try to avoid those things that annoy you when you are in other sites. Don't ignore social media marketing, or mobile marketing, as with the growth in sales of smartphones and tablets, this could be the way for online marketing to go in the near future. Don't go madly around the Net leaving comments wherever you can in order to get backlinks. How many people read comments on blogs, compared to how many people go to wiki or Yahoo! answers for information? Answer questions from your niche on sites such as these and get viable and useful backlinks as you leave your URL on these very visible sites, so have high profile, worth-having backlinks. There comes a time when you have to ask yourself if you can climb the SERPS on your own or whether you need expert help. It depends how much you want to succeed and how much money you have to spare. If you can afford the money and you know that you have a good site and products that can sell well, then perhaps it's time to approach an SEO service and discuss your needs with them. There are many good ones around, so don't just pay for the cheapest service- it won't be the best.
Sorting out keywords is an essential part of SEO work and so it has seen rise to large numbers of keyword tools, either online pages or software, some free and some paid for. The problem is, many can make your SEO even worse because they make life even harder for the search engines. Why Can't They Work Accurately? Well the biggest issue is that nobody actually knows how Google, Yahoo, Bing and all the other search engines really treat keywords. There are a few widely known factors such as ensuring the keyword is in the URL, the title, the meta description tag and to a "certain" density within the visible content of the page. It's also widely known that if you try to stuff keywords into the ALT tags of images or put them in white on a white background your starting to ask for trouble with the search engines. It doesn't work. But beyond this keyword tools for SEO are based on the theory of the software creator. That does not mean they are all bad. It's more a case of being in Canada, wanting to go to Mexico and finding a man who is able to take you to Texas and offer an educated guess as to which road should lead to your final destination. Keyword Tools That Make Things Worse But some keyword tools actually make things worse because they include assumptions and one of the biggest mistakes is stop words. These are words that some believe the search engines ignore such as "on", "in" or "which". The trouble is we don't know for sure which ones each of the various search engines actually do ignore and you don't know, while doing SEO work, which ones the keyword tools are ignoring. The Trouble With Will A classic example might be "will". It could appear dozens of times on a page in contexts like "They will reply" and "we will contact you". Stop word to be ignored in SEO? No it isn't, not for websites that helps users write their last Will and Testament. For them it is very much a keyword. The same can be said for "the" - definitely a keyword for the Times Higher Education supplement and that 1980s band, The The; "it" which obviously could be Information Technology; and "us" which could mean you and I but could also refer to one of the most powerful countries in the world (search engines aren't always case-sensitive). So if your keyword tools strip out any of these because the programmer thought it would be a good idea and save you work, then your SEO may not be quite right and your website won't perform as well as it should. You may end up blissfully unaware that your website is far more optimised for "the" than it is for the keyword desired. It's not wasted work, it's incomplete work and incomplete SEO that confuses the search engines. Pure Keyword Tools for SEO The best route is to choose keyword tools, or write one yourself, with no filters. Only after you have cleared up those "little and unimportant words" does the time come to concentrate on the overall keyword density and placement you want that makes your SEO work and gets you to the top of the search engines.
One of the efficient and cost effective ways of advertising your business is through the internet. Having an online presence has always been the best way to market your services and products. It is a reliable method that lets customers and new prospects find you easily. Between the social networking sites, article marketing SEO and websites, one might experience a difficult time when marketing. All you need to do is to have new content that is related to your business all the time. Article marketing SEO is beneficial when it comes to advertisement. Different people use the internet services to market the services and products they have to the targeted audience. They normally hire experienced SEO writers. These are experts who can offer the services. Some people normally choose to write their own website articles. This is a good idea but then it might not deliver the results that you had anticipated. The only better way of doing it is by allowing the people who are good at it to do it. They are well trained and have different article marketing SEO strategies. They know what should be put in the content. They are also aware of the kind of people who are being targeted. Take your time and find the SEO article writers who can deliver. It will be better off if you will consider looking for the people who can do content writing, articles syndication and SEO. With this you will only be concentrating on your business and leaving the content writing to the article writers. They will offer you with quality article marketing SEO services that will be operative and strategies that meet all your needs. In case you do not know the keywords to use, you can always ask them. These writers will provide you with phrases and keywords that will create an article marketing SEO strategy that suits you. Article marketing SEO should increase the chances of your business being among the top ten listings in the search engines. The proficient article writers will make sure that they offer the best services ever. If they provide you with a good content then this will build a link. Link building always allows different people to discuss about your business and use the info on your page then link it. It is one of the ways of article marketing SEO that has been resourceful. The article writers always ensure that they have created a website content that can be shared to other social networking sites. Through this way, your business will be known worldwide. Just find the right writers who can provide you with article marketing SEO services that will let the targeted group know your business.