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Everything posted by smithlover84

  1. A good forex trading strategy will not actually be a forex system, but an analysis that breaks down several different areas of the market itself that will consisten tly produce a profit. Trying to predict the market is just plain foolish, what you need to do is develop a way to spot trends and quickly and accuratel y as possible so that you can take full advantage of them when they occur. Forex market is built on taking advantage of profitabl e trends.
  2. what do u think about my topic
  3. what do u think about dat topic
  4. 3.2 trillion a day, with no signs of slowing down. This spells opportuni ty for you as a Forex trader, and this is one of the best times I can recall to learn to trade and to start trading the enormousl y popular and potential ly profitabl e Forex markets
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