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Everything posted by RecordsHYIP

  1. Date: 2012-25-05 06:34:58 Batch: 96495927 From Account: U0729870 Amount: $0.20 Memo: Withdrawal to RecordsHYIP.com from always-profit.com Thank admin
  2. Date: 2012-25-05 21:06:21 Batch: 96610648 From Account: U2379797 Amount: $0.20 Memo: Withdrawal to RecordsHYIP.com from ProFundCorporation Thank admin
  3. Date: 2012-25-05 21:06:21 Batch: 96610648 From Account: U2379797 Amount: $0.20 Memo: Withdrawal to RecordsHYIP.com from ProFundCorporation Thank admin
  4. Date: 5/25/2012 6:27 AM Batch: 96494897 From Account: U6787200 (SafeLargeInvest.com) Amount: $0.10 Memo: SAFELARGEINVEST.COM THE BEST PLACE TO INVEST FOR SMALL AND BIG INVESTORS Thank admin
  5. Date: 2012-25-05 15:42:51 Batch: 96574195 From Account: U9601572 Amount: $0.30 Memo: Earning from Frontend Investment. Thank admin
  6. Date: 2012-25-05 15:42:51 Batch: 96574195 From Account: U9601572 Amount: $0.30 Memo: Earning from Frontend Investment. Thank admin
  7. Date: 5/25/2012 3:00 AM Batch: 96472985 From Account: U0126059 (imfaids) Amount: $1.20 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from www.imfaids.com Thank admin
  8. ID 00015466 Date Fri, 25 May 2012 03:17:41 GMT From HD8955691 (Veridian Fund) To HD6100928 (RecordsHYIP.com) Gross Amount $0.26 Fee $0.01 Net Amount $0.25 Method api Type HDM Transfer Status Completed Memo Veridian Fund withdrawal Thank admin
  9. Date: 5/25/2012 5:24 PM Batch: 96589146 From Account: U0654341 (dominoshare) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from www.dominoshare.com Thank admin
  10. Date: 03:46 25.05.12. Batch: 9230184. The amount of 0.35 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Memo: API Payment.. Thank admin
  11. Date: 5/25/2012 5:58 PM Batch: 96593349 From Account: U2993957 (EuroxTrader) Amount: $1.00 Memo: Re: Bonus Withdrawal Request Paid to User Name: RecordsHYIP.com Payment from EuroxTrader.com Affiliate Membership Program Pays every on Tuesday and Friday Thank admin
  12. Date: 5/25/2012 4:54 PM Batch: 96584713 From Account: U6227955 (purplepaid.com) Amount: $0.66 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from purplepaid.com Thank admin
  13. Date: 2012-24-05 14:28:34 Batch: 96394318 From Account: U9601572 Amount: $0.30 Memo: Earning from Frontend Investment. Thank admin
  14. Add new program today: Murnex - murnex.com Plans: 12% Daily for 12Days Moola Trust - moolatrust.com Plans: 1.5% - 1.7% - 1.9% - 2.1% daily for 10 Days Invest Mania - invest-mania.biz Plans: 105% After 1 Day, 116% After 3 Days, 142% After 7 Days MVP Income - mvpincome.com Plans: 110% - 114% after 1 day, 124% - 132% After 2 Days, 140% - 156% After 3 Days Silver 22 - silver22.net Plans: 11%-15% daily Trusted Income - trusted-income.com Plans: 105% - 115% After 1 Day, 110% - 135% After 2 Days, 117% - 160% After 3 Days U Money - umoney.biz Plans: 104% after 1 day, 114% after 3 days, 127% after 5 days, 160% after 10 days Aviation Hyip - aviationhyip.com 1.3% - 6% daily for 30 days, 1% daily for life time Genius Gain - geniusgain.biz 15% hourly for 10 hours,3% hourly for 48 hours Pro Fund Corp - profundcorp.com Plans: 10%-12% daily for 12 days Request RCB of my service: 3600% RCB Extra Return - extra-return.com Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 142% - 350% after 7 days, 215% - 1000% after 15 days Xtra Forex - xtraforex.biz Plans: 2%-3% for 100 business days Profits Leader - profitsleader.net Plans: 8-8.75% hourly for 13 hours, 106-116% after 1 day, 32-42% daily for 4 days Daily Returns - dailyreturns.org Plans: 1.5% - 2% daily, 15% weekly, 75% monthly, 999% every year Million Dollars Fund - milliondollarsfund.com Plans: 7% Daily for 30 Days, 10% hourly for 15 hours, 107% - 125% after 1 day Metal Inv - metalinv.com Plans: 2.5% Daily for 365 Days. 30% Daily for 5 Days Better Currency - bettercurrency.com OMC Funds - omcfunds.com Plans: 5-30% daily or 150% after 5 days Fx Millionare - fx-millionare.com 115% - 128% After 1 Day, 220% After 3 Days, 600% After 7 Days Invincible Manager - invinciblemanager.com Plans: 0.5% after 1 day, 0.7 daily for 7 days, 1% daily for 30 days (10% bonus) Prime Choice Capital - primechoicecapital.com Plans: 106%-120% After 1 day, 113%-150% After 2 days, 135%-250% After 5 days Quick Dollars - quick-dollars.net Plans: 125% after 1 day, 200% after 5 days 11 Daily Inv - 11dailyinv.com Plans: 11% daily for 13 days America Corporate - america-corporate.com Plans: 1.3% Daily for 20 days, 1.8% Daily for 35 days, 2.5% Daily for 52 days NTG Investment - ntginvestment.com Plans: 4% daily for 30 days, 125% after 7 days Usd Invest - usdinvest.biz Plans: 103% after 1 day,24% daily for 5 days,50% weekly for 6 weeks Extra Funds - extrafunds.in Plans: 0.84% daily for 60 days, 1.34% daily for 90 days Advanceyen - advanceyen.com Plans: 8% Daily or 45% Weekly or 330% After 60 days Invest Inc - invest-inc.net Plans: 1% - 1.6% - 2.2% - 2.8% Daily for 365 Days, 5% - 6% - 6.5% - 7% Daily for 1 Months Easy Money Invest - easymoneyinvest.com Plans: 130% after 5 days, 240% after 8 days, 300% after 14 days Fairnat - fairnat.com Plans: 1% - 2.5%, 1.3% - 2.8%, 1.7% to 3.2%, daily for 40 business days, Ruby Funds - ruby-funds.com Plans: 60% - 65% - 100% Daily For 2 Days, 120% - 200% After 1 Day Commodity Trooper - commoditytrooper.com Plans: 28%-40% daily for 4 days The Pacific Fund - thepacificfund.com Plans: 1.6% daily for 150 Days, 1.8% daily for 200 Days, 2% daily for 250 Days Request RCB of my service: 3000% RCB Invest Foria - investforia.com Plans: 2.8% daily for 60 days Request RCB of my service: 3000% RCB Forex Online Manager - forexonlinemanager.com Plans: 110% after 7 days, 7% - 8% - 9% - 10% daily for 30 days Get Profit Easy - getprofiteasy.com Plans: 2.5% daily for 60 days Online Increment - onlineincrement.com Plans: 3% - 3.5% - 4% - 4.5% - 5% Daily For 50 Business Days Request RCB of my service: 3000% RCB Brulin Fund - brulinfund.com Plans: 105%-120% After 1 day, 130%-185% After 4 days Invest Land - investland.biz Plans: 37% daily for 3 days
  15. Date: 2012-25-05 01:05:17 Batch: 96461840 From Account: U4989813 Amount: $1.94 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Invest.vnmonitor.com Thank admin
  16. Date: 2012-24-05 14:17:01 Batch: 96391808 From Account: U6597521 Amount: $0.40 Memo: Thank You
  17. Date: 2012-25-05 04:07:16 Batch: 96479562 From Account: U7753293 Amount: $0.60 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from ProgressIncome Thank admin
  18. Date: 2012-25-05 03:47:00 Batch: 96477700 From Account: U2617977 Amount: $0.44 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Silver Structure Thank admin
  19. Date: 2012-25-05 04:44:08 Batch: 96483338 From Account: U2483027 Amount: $0.33 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Natural Profit Thank admin
  20. Date: 2012-24-05 12:46:04 Batch: 96374624 From Account: U0729870 Amount: $0.20 Memo: Withdrawal to RecordsHYIP.com from always-profit.com Thank admin
  21. Date: 5/25/2012 12:35 AM Batch: 96459315 From Account: U1073856 (ReliableNetEarnings) Amount: $0.10 Memo: The simple and Fast Way to Grow Your Wealth. ReliableNetEarnings.com. Thank admin
  22. Date: 5/24/2012 12:20 PM Batch: 96371409 From Account: U6787200 (SafeLargeInvest.com) Amount: $0.10 Memo: SAFELARGEINVEST.COM THE BEST PLACE TO INVEST FOR SMALL AND BIG INVESTORS Thank admin
  23. Date: 5/24/2012 6:36 PM Batch: 96430300 From Account: U0311208 (Earth Earn) Amount: $0.30 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from www.earthearn.com Thank admin
  24. Date: 2012-25-05 06:50:18 Batch: 96497613 From Account: U8377759 Amount: $0.20 Memo: EVERYDAY-PAID.COM Thank admin
  25. Date: 2012-24-05 19:24:15 Batch: 96437047 From Account: U5743023 Amount: $0.30 Memo: Payment FROM surplus-reserve.com Date: 2012-24-05 19:24:25 Batch: 96437075 From Account: U5743023 Amount: $0.30 Memo: Payment FROM surplus-reserve.com Thank admin
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