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Everything posted by RecordsHYIP

  1. Date: 5/31/2012 10:39 AM Batch: 97364988 From Account: U1425567 (Milliondollarsfund) Amount: $0.20 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from milliondollarsfund.com Thank admin
  2. Date: 2012-01-06 10:33:22 Batch: 97526475 From Account: U5167468 Amount: $0.10 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Just Been Paid Hourly Thank admin
  3. Date: 2012-31-05 04:15:11 Batch: 97321553 From Account: U2483027 Amount: $0.33 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP from Natural Profit Thank admin
  4. Date: 2012-01-06 06:14:58 Batch: 97492645 From Account: U0729870 Amount: $0.20 Memo: Withdrawal to RecordsHYIP.com from always-profit.com Thank admin
  5. Date: 5/31/2012 10:47 AM Batch: 97365865 From Account: U1073856 (ReliableNetEarnings) Amount: $0.10 Memo: 200% AFTER 5 DAYS Guaranteed by ReliableNetEarnings.com. Thank admin
  6. Date: 2012-01-06 07:49:41 Batch: 97504380 From Account: U0463170 Amount: $0.30 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from starincome.net Thank admin
  7. Date: 2012-01-06 06:17:41 Batch: 97492924 From Account: U2379797 Amount: $0.20 Memo: Withdrawal to RecordsHYIP.com from ProFundCorporation Thank admin
  8. Date: 6/1/2012 4:56 AM Batch: 97485217 From Account: U6787200 (SafeLargeInvest.com) Amount: $0.20 Memo: SAFELARGEINVEST.COM SPECIAL PLAN: 150% AFTER 2 DAYS Thank admin
  9. Date: 2012-31-05 09:33:00 Batch: 97356291 From Account: U8377759 Amount: $0.20 Memo: EVERYDAY-PAID.COM Thank admin
  10. Date: 2012-01-06 09:34:05 Batch: 97517604 From Account: U8065478 Amount: $0.20 Memo: ALEXINVESTMENT.COM Thank admin.
  11. Date: 2012-31-05 12:42:55 Batch: 97383591 From Account: U9601572 Amount: $0.80 Memo: Earning from Frontend Investment. Thank admin
  12. Date: 2012-31-05 16:40:02 Batch: 97335972 From Account: U5743023 Amount: $0.30 Memo: Payment FROM surplus-reserve.com Thank admin
  13. Date: 2012-31-05 13:18:35 Batch: 97389373 From Account: U0717988 Amount: $1.00 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from RaiseInv Thank admin
  14. Date: 2012-01-06 04:19:56 Batch: 97481963 From Account: U5487338 Amount: $0.40 Memo: Harry Investment Payout completed Thank admin
  15. Date: 6/1/2012 19:22 AM Batch: 97503316 From Account: U0126059 (imfaids) Amount: $0.60 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from www.imfaids.com Thank admin
  16. Date: 2012-01-06 07:55:18 Batch: 97505133 From Account: U3991615 Amount: $1.00 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from KGS Fund Thank admin
  17. ID 00016003 Date Thu, 31 May 2012 01:48:18 GMT From HD8955691 (Veridian Fund) To HD6100928 (RecordsHYIP.com) Gross Amount $0.26 Fee $0.01 Net Amount $0.25 Method api Type HDM Transfer Status Completed Memo Veridian Fund withdrawal Thank admin
  18. Date: 2012-31-05 17:41:55 Batch: 97428143 From Account: U1184371 Amount: $1.00 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Trusted-Income.com Thank admin
  19. Date: 03:23 31.05.12. Batch: 9315949. The amount of 0.35 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Memo: API Payment.. Thank admin
  20. Date: 6/1/2012 12:39 AM Batch: 97463778 From Account: U0139796 (Stock Profit Investment Group) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Withdrawal to RecordsHYIP.com from Stock Profit Investment Group. Thank admin
  21. Date: 2012-01-06 08:42:32 Batch: 97510859 From Account: U2283308 Amount: $0.20 Memo: HONEST-PAYING.COM PROFIT Thank admin
  22. Date: 2012-01-06 04:15:46 Batch: 97481564 From Account: U9261886 Amount: $0.50 Memo: Payment sent from Brulin Fund payout system! Thank admin
  23. Add new program today: Top Of 7 - topof7.com Plans: 4.79% hourly for 24 hours, 9% daily for 7 days Bank 57 - bank57.com Plans: 19% - 21.5% daily for 10 Days, 28% - 32% daily for 5 Days, 38.3% - 44% daily for 3 Days Perfect Earn - perfect-earn.com Plans: 105.5% - 124% After 1 Day, 118% - 179% After 3 Days, 135% - 295% After 5 Days Raise Inv - raiseinv.com Plans: 18% - 21% - 25% - 30% daily for 6 Days, 112% - 138% - 170% -200% After 6 Days Racing Inv - racinginv.com Plans: 1% daily for 30 - 60 - 90 days Tri Profit - triprofit.com Plans: 105% - 135% after 1 day, 120% - 215% in 3 days, 135% - 300% after 5 Days Effective Earnings - effectiveearnings.com Plans: 108% - 130% after 1 day, 122% - 200% after 3 days, 136% - 200% after 5 days Easy Fx Income - easyfxincome.com Plans: 105% - 120% After 1 Day, 116% - 170% After 3 Days, 138% - 450% After 7 Days Maco Prime - macoprime.com Plans: 110%-125% after 1 day, 135%-165% after 3 days, Win Profit - win-profit.com Ubc Empire - ubcempire.com Plans: 3.48%-3.52% Hourly for 1 day, 37.4%-38% Daily for 3 days, 21%-22% Daily for 6 days Just Been Paid Hourly - justbeenpaidhourly.info Plans: 103% - 115% - 135% after 1 hours, 1% daily forever Inv Smart - invsmart.com Plans: 105% - 125% After 1 Day, 130% - 180% After 3 Days, 210% - 450% After 10 Days Mac Funds - macfunds.com Plans: 26% - 31% daily for 5 days, 158% after 5 days Dob Funds - dobfunds.com Plans: 21.5% - 23% - 25% - 29% daily for 6 days Forex Trade Income - forextradeincome.net Plans: 6.5% Daily For 21 Days, 195% AFTER 28 Days, 10.5% Daily For 21 Days Fast Income Payment - fastincomepayment.com Plans: 5% daily for 30 days, 105% after 1 day, 120% after 3 days Pay Income - pay-income.net Plans: 2% daily for 75 days, 5% daily for 20 days, 125% after 10 days Star Income - starincome.net Plans: 7% hourly for 16 hour, 9% hourly for 12 hours, 13.5% hourly for 8 hours Richer Trend - richertrend.com Plans: 28% - 30% - 33% daily for 4 days Gerax Trade - geraxtrade.com Plans: 18% - 20% - 24% Daily for 6 Days, 1.8% - 2% - 2.4% Daily for 100 Days, 4% - 5% - 6% Daily for 60 Days Thanks all for choose my service Admin RecordsHYIP.com
  24. Date: 2012-30-05 10:00:45 Batch: 97196071 From Account: U6597521 Amount: $0.40 Memo: Thank You
  25. Date: 07:35 31.05.12. Batch: 9317114. The amount of 0.16 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from ProgressIncome.. Thank admin
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