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Everything posted by RecordsHYIP

  1. Date: 7/16/2012 3:28 PM Batch: 103461644 From Account: U6471554 (topmostgain) Amount: $1.00 Memo: topmostgain.com Thank admin
  2. ID 00019110 Date Mon, 16 Jul 2012 00:00:54 GMT From HD8955691 (Veridian Fund) To HD6100928 (RecordsHYIP.com) Gross Amount $0.78 Fee $0.01 Net Amount $0.77 Method api Type HDM Transfer Status Completed Memo Veridian Fund withdrawal Thank admin
  3. Date: 2012-17-07 04:45:25 Batch: 103528079 From Account: U5398400 Amount: $0.50 Memo: Instant Payout from NoRiskCapital Thank admin
  4. Date: 2012-17-07 04:45:05 Batch: 103528043 From Account: U2529773 Amount: $0.50 Memo: Instant Payout from GPIncome Thank admin
  5. Date: 7/17/2012 4:50 AM Batch: 103528441 From Account: U0139796 (Stock Profit Investment Group) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Withdrawal to RecordsHYIP.com from Stock Profit Investment Group. Thank admin
  6. Date: 7/16/2012 10:20 AM Batch: 103419539 From Account: U2993957 (EuroxTrader) Amount: $1.00 Memo: Payment from EuroxTrader.com Paid to User Name: RecordsHYIP.com Members Daily Profit Share Thank admin
  7. Date: 7/17/2012 3:46 AM Batch: 103523190 From Account: U9492740 (Innovation Hourly) Amount: $40.00 Memo: Thank admin
  8. Date: 7/15/2012 4:22 PM Batch: 103341054 From Account: U6787200 (SafeLargeInvest.com) Amount: $0.30 Memo: VOTE US WHEN GET PAID. JOIN IN 150% AFTER 2 DAYS NOW. DO NOT MISS IT. GUARANTEED BY SAFELARGEINVEST.COM. Thank admin
  9. Date: 2012-15-07 07:11:26 Batch: 103299376 From Account: U4154424 Amount: $0.20 Memo: DAILYPAYING.COM Thank You
  10. Date: 7/15/2012 2:23 PM Batch: 103330796 From Account: U8424273 (invinciblemanager) Amount: $0.29 Memo: invincible manager Thank admin
  11. Date: 7/15/2012 9:30 AM Batch: 103309495 From Account: U2617977 (Silver Structure) Amount: $0.80 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Silver Structure Thank admin
  12. Date: 7/15/2012 9:17 PM Batch: 103358269 From Account: U7687666 (roifinance) Amount: $2.00 Memo: RecordsHYIP.com Thank admin
  13. Date: 7/15/2012 7:55 AM Batch: 103302378 From Account: U0010269 (GoldPensClub) Amount: $0.25 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Gold Pension Club Thank admin
  14. Date: 2012-15-07 14:34:33 Batch: 103331918 From Account: U9601572 Amount: $0.30 Memo: Earning from Frontend Investment. Thank admin
  15. Date: 2012-16-07 02:36:15 Batch: 103375566 From Account: U2941088 Amount: $0.30 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Harrick Gold Invest Thank admin
  16. Date: 7/15/2012 4:04 PM Batch: 103339659 From Account: U6607091 (Profit Depository) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Profit Depository Thank admin.
  17. Date: 2012-15-07 14:25:27 Batch: 103331044 From Account: U3182497 Amount: $0.60 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from www.westerncapitalfinance.com Thank admin
  18. Date: 7/15/2012 12:13 PM Batch: 103320650 From Account: U3544418 (ContexCapital) Amount: $0.50 Memo: Withdrawal request from ContexCapital for: RecordsHYIP.com Thank admin
  19. Date: 2012-16-07 02:33:08 Batch: 103375335 From Account: U2529773 Amount: $0.65 Memo: Instant Payout from GPIncome Thank admin
  20. Add new programs today: 4 FXT - 4fxt.com Plans: 11% - 12% - 13% - 14% - 15% daily for 10 days Genius ROI - geniusroi.biz Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 200% after 3 days, 127% - 275% after 5 days Nano Income - nanoincome.com Plans: 108% after 1 day, 120% after 2 days, 132% after 3 days Dividend Business - dividendbusiness.com Plans: 114% - 118% after 1 day, 120% - 125% after 2 days, 134% - 140% after 4 days Finance Century - finance-century.net Plans: 13% - 15% hourly for 8 hours, 27% - 28% hourly for 4 hours, 108% - 115% after 1 hour Earth Inv - earthinv.com Plans: 8% daily for 30 days, 115% after 1 week, 175% after 28 days Mega Profits - mega-profits.biz Plans: 105% - 128% after 1 day, 120% - 235% after 3 days, 180% - 640% after 7 days Expert Kapital - expertkapital.net Plans: 7% daily for 22 days 5 Star Invest - 5starinvest.com Plans: 125% after 1 day, 210% after 3 days, 350% after 5 days Ultra Cash - ultracash.org Plans: 16% - 20% daily for 10 days, 10% - 13% daily for 20 days, 9% - 12% daily for 30 days Now Paying - now-paying.com Plans: 14% hourly for 8 hours, 53% - 65% hourly for 2 hours, 105% - 130% after 1 hour Cos Profits - cosprofits.com Plans: 112% after 1 day, 126% - 132% after 2 days, 140% - 148% after 3 days ROI Finance - roifinance.com Plans: 105% - 110% after 1 day, 110% - 125% after 2 days, 118% - 200% after 5 days, 450% after 10 days Profi Table Bank - profitablebank.net Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 117% - 200% after 3 days, 136% - 500% after 5 days Techno Income - technoincome.com Plans: 2% daily for 60 days, 115% after 7 days, 120% after for 10 Days BBK Fund - bbkfund.com Plans: 0.5% daily for 30 days, 1% daily for 60 days, 1.2% daily for 90 days Events Dollar - eventsdollar.com Plans: 106% - 125% after 1 day, 121% - 150% after 3 days, 156% - 275% after 7 days My Adrenaline - my-adrenaline.com Plans: 10% daily for 15 days, 21% daily for 7 days, 14% daily for 15 days, 1 hourly for 5 days Burning Funds - burningfunds.com Plans: 7% daily for 40 days, 8% daily for 50 days, 150% after 5 days Nano Metall - nano-metall.com Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 200% after 3 days, 127% - 275% after 5 days High Profit Day - highprofitday.com Plans: 20% daily for 7 days, 150% after 7 days Earn Total - earntotal.ru Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 130% - 195% after 4 days, 145% - 250% after 10 days Harvest Abundant - harvest-abundant.com Plans: 103% - 110% after 1 day, 115% - 140% after 3 days, 150% - 220% after 7 days Best Deposit - best-deposit.net Plans: 16% - 17% hourly for 7 hours, 37% - 40% hourly for 3 hours, 108% - 115% hourly after 1 hour Alp Traders - alptraders.com Plans: 115% after 3 days, 1.7% - 3.3% daily for 24 business days Ture Profit - ture-profit.com Plans: 53% - 65% hourly for 2 hours, 102% - 125% after 1 hour Vivo Credit - vivocredit.com Plans: 1% - 2% daily for 365 days, 3% daily for 300 days Invest In Cars - investincars.com Plans: 105% - 128% after 1 day, 128% - 188% after 3 days, 198% - 428% after 10 days Thanks all for choose my service Admin RecordsHYIP.com
  21. Date: 7/13/2012 11:14 AM Batch: 103104885 From Account: U2617977 (Silver Structure) Amount: $0.40 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Silver Structure Thank admin
  22. Date: 7/14/2012 7:17 AM Batch: 103206329 From Account: U0010269 (GoldPensClub) Amount: $0.25 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from Gold Pension Club Thank admin
  23. Date: 7/15/2012 4:45 AM Batch: 103291263 From Account: U6607091 (Profit Depository) Amount: $77.00 Memo: Thank admin.
  24. Date: 7/15/2012 9:20 AM Batch: 103308496 From Account: U3357991 (LiarsNoMore Ltd.) Amount: $1.00 Memo: Withdraw to RecordsHYIP.com from liarsnomore.com Thank admin
  25. ID 00019017 Date Fri, 13 Jul 2012 18:33:48 GMT From HD8955691 (Veridian Fund) To HD6100928 (RecordsHYIP.com) Gross Amount $0.26 Fee $0.01 Net Amount $0.25 Method api Type HDM Transfer Status Completed Memo Veridian Fund withdrawal Thank admin
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