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Everything posted by yogeshwartyagi

  1. You have received a payment to your account U7552528 (yogeshwartyagi): Date: 2/25/2011 3:21 PM Batch: 56046895 From Account: U1723759 (GoldElite) Amount: $1.00 Memo: GoldElite.biz payment to yogeshwartyagi Thank you.
  2. Transaction ID00001433 FromHD2803951 (Mayur Bora) ToHD3239525 (yogesh tyagi) Amount$2.00 MemoPayout from DMT, Please post proof in different forum!!
  3. I am quite convinced by site design as it look professional and with SSL Security installed. On plans front 4% a day for 40 days is very attractive plan and it also does not look excessive so we should doubt sustainability. Now this hyip is too new and just has got paying status on monitors since two days, let it prove itself few more days.
  4. I did not like color scheme on the site - even login information (user name and password) text boxes are not visible, This in turn will make it dififucult to use this site. 20% Weekly returns are really attractive but 30+20% referal commission is such which is not going to help the program stay longer.
  5. @budado I appreciate your hardwork to bring on technical information about the alexa ranking for xtgem.com, still this thread is not about xtem but a program gainprofit that is a subdomain on xtgem.com Anyway i still agree that little benefit of huge traffic on xtgem.com may reach to this program also.
  6. Nice to see @ bvdpro that you invested in this hyip please update as you get paid, this is good that you invested early stage so that you can make faster profit with this program because profits being higher this program cannot be expected to stay for long term.
  7. It is very difficult for me to log in my account as the captcha available on the login screen is not readable many times I think GDP should better come with clean captchas and or enhance number of tries we can make trying login it happend to me last time that i was able to login in 8th try.
  8. Yeah we should never click in any link in an email even if it appear to be received from Liberty Reserve itself, There are many scammers who send the email just to cheat people in the name of reputed programs.
  9. You have received a payment to your account U7552528 (yogeshwartyagi): Date: 2/24/2011 2:56 PM Batch: 55971651 From Account: U1723759 (GoldElite) Amount: $1.00 Memo: GoldElite.Biz Payment to yogeshwartyagi Thank you.
  10. Don't worry, everything is OK. Except the 20 points for warning level, no other point deduction because your posts still considered good quality. Just hope to see discussion among members and made DMT a healthy forum. There is no personal issue included in those comments. Thx.

  11. @standart, look this is not really a paid-to-promote as they dont pay a fixed rate for the clicks your site generates, but instead they share revenue earned, and you for the activites of your referals be they advertiser or publisher. But i still agree with you that 50$ payout is really high that too when earning potential is variable.
  12. Oh yea i already took notice of it and am trying to avoid blank threads that has no replies, Well this is visible in my posts for last some time. Further it would help us lot in improving if you look between the lines of posts, instead of just looking and trend and size of posts etc., and a little time for forum cleaning please today i have reported many posts that are either spam or illegal. Anyway thanks a lot.
  13. Yea i agree with you @archu that roi is a bit low in this program only 1.3% for each trading day, But still the duration of plan being 180 trading days we make nice profit finally, and when this program is delivering really nice peformance as it has been 88 days that this has paying status now on GP and other monitors, everything looks cool about this.
  14. Every thing is fine from site design to professional look, from Good security to Nice plans and online support, from nice but reasonable plans to affordable minimum investment, but still i find it less attractive as we only reach bep on getting princpal back after 50 days other wise we only get a maximum 90% of our invested funds, the fact is when it comes to returning principal many hyips gets into financial trouble - so i consider those hyip better which does not return princpal.
  15. @Girdhar long term plans are good, well sustainable but still less attractive as returns are quite low a mere 30% in 130 days, But your share program is nice as it gives 20% per month for 3 months and then principal, still i dont find any mention of this plan on the site, Though i have seen on forums thread where you launched the plan. Should not you provide details about this on your site and here in thread? Anyway once I collect some money i am thinking to to put some in your shares....
  16. Yeah the site dont open any more i tried and site could not be loaded. Really sad for those who invested in this program and has not reached bep yet due to their highly attractive plans. But @djfritz and @dierdre when you understand that the site is not any more - you should have reported it to admin/mod so that they can move it to closed hyip section.
  17. Site design is really simple and it is using a cheap script, niether any security nor good hosting is visible There is nothing in rate us page and nothing looks legit in this program, "200% after 1 day" is a plan that only hyips with scaming mentality can offer, and i dont think this program is worth investing.
  18. Yeah even i feel there is lot more in the bag of fxcambier, the longer it stay paying the more pretty it is looking, In fact this is from top few best program that are able to pay for long period, no! we cannot predict 100% about a hyip, but still past performance is considered the best criteria to guess its future performance.
  19. @ budado you are'nt only who want make faster profit but most of us want to generate higher wealth in shortest time, Even then i think we should consider risk reward ratio, and should diversify our invests into short as well as long term for better appreciation and good safety. Right?
  20. You have received a payment to your account U7552528: Date: 2011-22-02 20:56:09 Batch: 55842949 From Account: U6269424 Amount: $0.03 Memo: Thank you.
  21. 1 to 2% daily for 60 days is very attractive return offered by this hyip and this much considered reasonable without afffecting sustainabilty. Site is looking good with nice efforts for protection including DDOS, SSL. What make this further attractive is we earn on week days unlike others where we earn on buisness days only.
  22. This is just another hyip with cheap script and simple design, Both first two plans are highly attactive and well sustainable for very short term. But third plan Test Plan : 140%-150% after 1 day is what make this hyip very risky as such high returns are quite difficult to sustain every for few days.
  23. Program uses simple design and a cheap script. And on the top plans offer very high and unreasonable returns that looks difficult to sustain even in short term, Not even good welcome response received from the investors, and only around 600$ deposit yet though this has got paying status since 2 days now on monitors.
  24. First of all i would like to congratulate admin for bringing a hyp with distinct plan and a site with distinct look, But this program is not receiving any response from investors and the main reason for getting only 20$ invested in 4 days is their plans which offer quite low returns and that too plans are fixed term while many hyip investors like daily plans including me. Further shortest term plan is with 102% return but it need at least 50$ deposit which is not affordable for me. Even if one try to test this program with anything less than 50$ he need to wait at least 40 days to see any return on his investment.
  25. In this program while designing plans admin has considered sustainability as core issue, None of the plan offer unreasonable or excess profit and all of them will help this program stay for longer period. The returns are quite low begin with 111% in 60 days as princpal is included but these may be considered as plus point also as program may stay for very long.
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