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Everything posted by yogeshwartyagi

  1. Thank you friends for your support. Together we shall recover the problems faster. We shall let you enter your egopay details soon. By then keep your egopay account ready: If you do not have an account with egopay create one here https://www.egopay.com/?XDjsUQ
  2. Give them some time to solve their problem and come back. If things do not improve you may switch to alternative methods.
  3. We do not have a referal system, so you do not earn points for the posts made by your referal. But please invite good members to join, as that shall be adding to healthy discusson and shall help us grow together.
  4. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $2.12 Points need to be deducted: - 212 - Post quality ok.
  5. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $1.80 Points need to be deducted: - 180 - Post quality good.
  6. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- 20% Net Amount: $0.10 Points need to be deducted: - 150 - Post quality very poor. Apart from 80 points deducted for warning, you got another 60 points deducted for the short/useless posts you made. Such posts cannot be paid http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/27842-thebux-the-buxnet/page__view__findpost__p__358287 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31636-miracle-funds-miracle-fundscom/page__view__findpost__p__358321 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/174-neobux-neobuxcom/page__view__findpost__p__358290
  7. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- 30% Net Amount: $Nil Points need to be deducted: - 152 - The posts you made are short /meaningless and spam posts. You get 152 points deduction and will not get paid. Also you made some wrong format and adveritsing threads. http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31646-minimum-payout-1-ptc/page__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31645-earn-money-to-upload-image/page__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31626-earn-money-by-neobux-and-probux/page__fromsearch__1
  8. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- 10% (Charged in previous request) Net Amount: $8.00 Points need to be deducted: - 1000 - Post quality ok. 200 points deducted for violating rule number 2. As per this rule each thread should have your own referal link, in none of your 6 thread mentioned below you used your referal link. http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31617-mhponline-mhponlinebiz/page__hl__mhponline.biz__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31620-needmoneyearn-needmoneyearncom/page__hl__needmoneyearn.com__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31618-vgoodinvestcom-vgoodinvestcom/page__hl__vgoodinvest.com__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31616-pay-invest-pay-investru/page__hl__%22pay-invest.ru%22__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31615-chumfinancial-chumfinancialcom/page__hl__chumfinancial.com__fromsearch__1
  9. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $1.67 Points need to be deducted: - 167 - Post quality ok.
  10. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- 40% Net Amount: $8.00 Points need to be deducted: - 1000 - Post quality ok. 160 points deducted for warning. 40 Points deducted for additional thread found duplicate. Also you were making your own reviews in hyip discussion, please read others posts and get involved in ongoing discussion.
  11. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $5.00 Points need to be deducted: - 500 - Post quality ok.
  12. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $2.00 Points need to be deducted: - 200 - Post quality ok.
  13. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $18.56 Points need to be deducted: - 2000 - Hyip payment reporter. 24 points deducted for 8 deleted posts from discussion threads. 120 points deducted for posting payment reports in 3 discussion threads. http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31606-wishreservepay-wishreservepaycom/page__view__findpost__p__358337 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31606-wishreservepay-wishreservepaycom/page__view__findpost__p__358367 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31606-wishreservepay-wishreservepaycom/page__view__findpost__p__358368 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31606-wishreservepay-wishreservepaycom/page__view__findpost__p__358377 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31105-oiltrustfund-oiltrustfundcom/page__view__findpost__p__358047 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31105-oiltrustfund-oiltrustfundcom/page__view__findpost__p__358359 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31508-alphaebank-alphaebankcom/page__view__findpost__p__357454
  14. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $8.00 Points need to be deducted: - 800 - Post quality ok.
  15. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $7.88 Points need to be deducted: - 948 - Hyip payment reporter. - 40 point deducted for duplicate thread in hyip discussion http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/24674-felmina-hourly-felmina-hourlycom/page__hl__%22felmina-hourly.com%22__fromsearch__1 - 120 points deducted for Hyip payments reported in discussion thread http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/18526-forex-trust-fund-forex-trust-fundcom/page__view__findpost__p__226747 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/18199-eldinero-eldinerobiz/page__view__findpost__p__223164 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/18199-eldinero-eldinerobiz/page__view__findpost__p__223602
  16. Thread closed being duplicate ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................
  17. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $2.00 Points need to be deducted: - 200 - Post quality ok.
  18. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- 10% Net Amount: Nil Points need to be deducted: - 213 - Apart from warning level, you violated forum rules repeatedly and created problems for forum by making so many duplicate threads. So you cannot get paid for this. Some of duplicate thread are listed below. http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31331-onedollarinvest-onedollarinvestbiz/page__hl__onedollarinvest.biz__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31673-myliveprofits-myliveprofitscom/page__hl__myliveprofits.com__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31355-greatprofitdaily-greatprofitdailycom/page__hl__greatprofitdaily.com__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31670-greatprofitdaily-greatprofitdailycom/page__hl__greatprofitdaily.com__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31669-dhabibusinessgroupnet-dhabibusinessgroupnet/page__hl__dhabibusinessgroup.net__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31671-revenuesharingnetwork-revenuesharingnetworkcom/page__hl__revenuesharingnetwork.com__fromsearch__1 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31354-glowfinance-glowfinancecom/page__hl__glowfinance.com__fromsearch__1
  19. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $4.50 Points need to be deducted: - 500 - Post quality ok. Good to see that you did not copy the reviews from others forums this time, but many of them need elaboration and 50 points deducted for want of additional info.
  20. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $1.44 Points need to be deducted: - 150 - Post quality ok. 6 points deducted for 2 deleted posts.
  21. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- 30% Net Amount: $0.20 Points need to be deducted: - 200 - 120 points were deducted for warning level. The single thread you created was found duplicate, and most of your posts are found very short/uninfomrative and senseless so got further 60 points deduction. http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/13996-refbackbank-refbackbankcom/page__st__20__p__353907#entry353907 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/19297-kolotibablo-kolotibablocom/page__p__353751#entry353751 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/6660-choosing-currency-pairs/page__p__353713#entry353713 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/21348-probux-probuxcom/
  22. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $5.00 Points need to be deducted: - 500 - Post quality ok.
  23. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $2.64 Points need to be deducted: - 330 - Post quality still need improvement. 20% deduction continues for want for better quality. http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31354-glowfinance-glowfinancecom/page__p__355725#entry355725 http://www.digitalmoneytalk.com/topic/31324-invest-code-invest-codecom/page__p__355726#entry355726
  24. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- 20% Net Amount: $0.57 Points need to be deducted: - 200 - 80 points deducted for warning level, 63 points deducted for 21 posts that got deleted being payment reports in discussion.
  25. Post Checking have been made[Approved] Warning:- Nil Net Amount: $2.20 Points need to be deducted: - 220 - Post quality ok.
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