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Everything posted by yogeshwartyagi

  1. @indieover may be you will get it tomorrow - it happened to me in past. And you said it right that we should try creating more topics so that people get more opportunity to make post at their preferred subject but new topics are not approved as easily as post get approved. I Made few post at night and when i did not see in the morning i thouht these were not approved so made few more posts in the morning and great to notice that all these posts appear now - am sure now i shall get paid tommorow.
  2. yeah @andry sometime payouts are delayed but we (members at dmt) trust admin so no one is worry, here last couple of payments has been made quite in time and we can notice few new banners which are good for the forum and for members too.
  3. Yeah @andry activitywise forum is doing really good as i always see many members online and actively posting And i agree not necessarily this is a connection problem but may be they are looking to get some advertisements to members Even neng is looking slow this time in approving payment requests.
  4. I am not actually actively promoting this program since long - as i dont get time to put the link on sites and or send email to my safelists. But it is only my referals which work and some time i am getting paid due to their efforts as we earn 10% of our referals earning at this site.
  5. @andry i think you decided to leave the this forum at right time, and in fact you saved lot of time being wasted Not only my requests are not paid for few months - but i noticed people asking for payout in shoutbox which admin never replied anything about. So admin/mod are requested to close the thread as this is not PTP any more.
  6. User: yogeshwartyagi email: yogeshwartyagi@gmail.com LR: U7552528 Thanks ... good contest
  7. Things are looking pretty about this program, so i just made a deposit of 5$. Here goes my deposit into powerful-strategy:
  8. Just got an email from macbond-admin From: support@macbond-finance.com date Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 6:00 PM
  9. Friends we have to accept the truth that this is not PTP any more. Yeah admin has not declared it so but he also has not paid users, few of my requests were not paid and though were removed - also lot of other members complaining for not being paid, so i am not active on the forum any more.
  10. New forum - none got paid yet despite few approved requests. Minimum request is set at quite high considering low 2 cent a reply rate further referal contest is good but prize for the contest is not disclosed yet. Would wait to hear from other members before joining.
  11. You have received a payment to your account U7552528: Date: 2011-27-06 19:31:13 Batch: 64279941 From Account: U6269424 Amount: $0.06 Memo: Thank you.
  12. After getting 4 super fast payouts I feel now the things are a bit slow and first time i see few pending payments on this forum other wise mod use to approve payments with hours and admin was also paying very fast in fact i got paid the same day of requesting or hardly the next. I talked to admin and got to know that he has some net work problem and assured that everything will be fine by tuesday-wednesday.
  13. It is taking time to make post on the forum and i feel it is difficult for new thread to get approved - though most of my posts (replies) appear usually next day. But as the forum is becoming old many threads are being closed so we are left with less options to reply to, just wish admin approve more new threads to make it easy for people to reply the thread they have interest in.
  14. It is motivating me to go and increase my activity on mtv seeing people getting paid. True that activity on the forum is quite good but that does not mean only that forum is more attractive for members. But members are left with no option but to keep on making posts being minimum payout high set at 5$. I am still at mid way as made only 2.5 yet.
  15. One great performing hyip program which offer quite reasonable but attractive daily roi of 2.15% for a whole year. This looks complete program as it has affordable minimum of 1$, perfect site design with good protection, attractive and sustainable plans and accepting all major payment processors so a should have in portpolio hyip.
  16. What I like most in this program that they have got distinct site design, roi offered is quite reasonable and should be sustained well without much efforts for long. But i am surprised to see that though it is listed on monitors since 8 days it still has waiting status, better to wait until things are clear.
  17. IT2INV has a pretty design and professional look and combined with well planned information. What makes it more attractive are their plans which are filled with highly attractive roi that offer at least 150% in short period of 15 days. No rate us page provided on the site which make it difficult to find status of this hyip. The message "All payments for the interests of the deposits invested at our company are guaranteed and insured by SonPoll Insurance Company." pops up while we open the site though it can mislead people who may deposit without finding terms and conditions of the guarantee. Lol! one need to pay 100$ a month to get 100% guarantee for your invest.
  18. I would prefer google to over yahoo. There was a time when i used to go yahoo for any search I have to make, but I was so much frustrated of the time it take to open and so many advertisements and images around. Thanks to google which open within moments and there are no filthy advertisements and i like it more as it does not have huge images which would have requried more time to be loaded.
  19. Paid my 4th request:
  20. This is a good looking site with professional design and secured login. And plans being short term are highly attractive and roi offered is well sustainable for short to mid term. Still in waiting status on monitors so we should wait some more to understand it better.
  21. This site is with a simple design and cheap script. Good that minimum investment in both the plan is lower only 1$ and so one may test it with little risk. ROI is also quite reasonable and a program with these plan may be expected to do well in mid term. But as per stats it is 3 days old and only 75$ got deposited yet, it shows that the response from investors is not any good.
  22. Yeah this has hourly plan which many people do not like due to high roi hourly plans offer. But in this program though hourly plan is available but roi offered is well in line with sustainability and the hourly plan and 106% after 2 days are such which may well be sustained for short to mid term.
  23. I have made my account at powerful-strategy and will invest soon, though program look good and all plans are reasonable and well-ssutainable but I will go with the first plan which begin with 1$ and has lowest 10 day term, so i am planning to make only a 5$ using PM as first investment and after getting back the principal will rethink of investing more.
  24. Since last few days here i am unable to make any post on the site as it says that board is not available. Usually admin was paying on every tuesday but last tuesday i did not get my payment and my request is still pending, hope admin correct any problems and come with payouts soon. Sorry, the board is unavailable at the moment while we are testing some functionality. We will be back soon...
  25. Email from FxFred informing about referal contest and the earning we make from our referals activity: FXFRED Referral Contest from administration@fxfred.com
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