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Everything posted by yogeshwartyagi

  1. Though it has a quite clourful and pretty looking site, but plans offer high and unreasonable roi - also hourly plan is completely unrealistic, it accept all major payment processors and minimum 10$ is also affordable, but i dont believe this program will keep paying even for few days. So i ignore this investment.
  2. Yeah it is good apply maximum security to your account because there are many hackers engaged in stealing money from liberty reserve accounts. Still i get irritated when every time i login LR ask me to enter verification pin which is sent to my email - because i dont have a fixed IP rather every day i am allotted new ip address.
  3. Yes - they are still offering 15$ bonus for which you should create a Fix Cent or Pro Cent Account, and also you should verify your account. It did not show in my account so when i contacted support they asked me to complete verification process. This bonus is not withdrawable but profits made on it can be withdrawn subject to 15$ fee on first withdrawal only.
  4. You have received a payment to your account U7552528 (yogeshwartyagi): Date: 9/23/2011 11:57 AM Batch: 71362313 From Account: U4616068 (Basebucks) Amount: $0.35 Memo: Basebucks auto-payment for $0.35 Thank you. You have received a payment to your account U7552528 (yogeshwartyagi): Date: 9/23/2011 12:05 PM Batch: 71363589 From Account: U4616068 (Basebucks) Amount: $0.11 Memo: Basebucks auto-payment for $0.11 Thank you. You have received a payment to your account U7552528 (yogeshwartyagi): Date: 9/23/2011 12:06 PM Batch: 71363673 From Account: U4616068 (Basebucks) Amount: $0.23 Memo: Basebucks auto-payment for $0.23 Thank you.
  5. Though it is a new program but rates and minimum is set wisely and is at par with standard ptc sites, There are 5 ads for standard members and so it need 40 days to make payout even if you click alone, Upgraded members earning is further attractive Ultra may earn 16 cent a day clicking alone, so far no payments made and there are only few members - I would join this program once it starts paying.
  6. Standard members can earn a maximum .012$ in a day by clicking a maximum 8 ads At this rate if some one startclcking alone it he shall need 175 days to reach payout though ultimate members earn little more than 5 cent a day that is good but they need to pay first to upgrade Only 65 members so far - poor response from clickers, it looks not many are interested in it. @Jami are you admin of this ptc and if so should not you try to compensate the low rate by offering free ultimate upgrade to a certain members and promote the site on forums by way of banners and sticky threads, and as you said you are experienced you know better that the efforts you put at initial stage are more fruitful.
  7. The program is 39 days old and out of tow monitors hyip-banker is in paying status though goldpoll has "waiting" status for this program. Good looking site and appropriate protection is also featured. 8-10% monthly roi is quite low though it may help program stay longer, also minimum investment is 100$ that is not affordable.
  8. Yeah it had been more than a month that this program was launched and as it had hourly plans and even those daily were very short term offering high roi, so it look it had gone as expected, i am also getting message:
  9. Yeah this program offer good payment option as they have added AP alongwith LR, Site has a unique and eye-catching design, plans gives the impression that admin want to keep this program for very long Referal commission is only 2% and it is good in one sense that admin will have more money to earn to payback investors Also roi offered is quite low and the highest interest rate can be only 20%, again the minimum is set 25$ that is also not affordable.
  10. Well the program is equipped with professional site design and phone support no. is listed in contact page. Simple plans all the three are for 180 days period and offer reasonable roi 1.5-2.3, which can be sustained well for long term. Minimum is affordable and in form of LR and PM good payment options are offered. But there is nothing in rate us page so far, i think admin should add monitors soon so that visitors can see the status of program at the site itself.
  11. Yeah @archu you are right, at least initially people will try only the first plan and this too offer quite high roi though still sustainable in very short term, say few weeks. I am afraid being not able to open the site currently, is the program over? I am getting following message :
  12. @waskosupport it is good that you are here to support at the forum, Yeah 45 days plan bear a roi that can be said reasonable, but again minimum 150$ in this plan is high, and not many like to risk such a big amount in a new hyip. And though you offered to send the link to monitors but dont you think it is better to add transparency by having rate-us page instead of sending it to user thru email.
  13. Launching of Power Trader, a new trading platform from RoboForex 23.09.2011 / 19:34 Dear Clients and Partners! We are glad to inform you about launching of Power Trader, a new trading platform from RoboForex, which is intended for professional traders, who find it more suitable for work than the MetaTrader. Power Trader trading platform is based on the STP (Straight Through Processing) technology, which offers a direct connection to a liquidity provider. The platform has intuitively understandable and user-friendly interface, is very reliable, and not very computer-intensive. To learn more detailed information on RoboForex Power Trader, please, download and visit our site section "Power Trader (Integral)". To learn more about features and capabilities of a new trading platform, you canopen a demo account in your Live Account. In the near future will open registration of real accounts. Sincerely, RoboForex
  14. I like the program especially becuase they have two simple plans and though roi offered in both of these is quite attractive but still reasonable and may be sustained well at least in short term. Along with affordable minimum they allow affordable minimum invest of 5$ only and though i miss a daily roi plan but program still look attractive and deserve a test spend.
  15. I agree going thru the guides available will certainly help to enhance the trading style and in winning more trades. Guides are written after enough research and experts have shared their views in those. There is nothing wrong in following experts and not only they can help us making better strategies and helping in understanding charts and techicals but also they instruct about do's and dont't about forex trading.
  16. Got another instant payment: You have received a payment to your account U7552528: Date: 2011-23-09 07:44:37 Batch: 71339377 From Account: U6269424 Amount: $0.03 Memo: Thank you.
  17. Just got he payment i was waiting for: Lucky Star S.r.l. sent you $3.00 USD Transaction ID: 43823419EU2620736 Dear Yogesh Tyagi, Just thought you'd like to know Lucky Star S.r.l. sent you $3.00 USD. Note from Lucky Star S.r.l.: GEV.com forum GEV.com Get the details Once you've received payment you can: <img alt="" border="0" /> Withdraw it to your bank account or request a cheque (takes about four to six working days). Don't see the money in your account? Don't worry — sometimes it just takes a few minutes for it to show up. Sender Information Lucky Star S.r.l. info@luckystar.me Yours sincerely, PayPal
  18. Click rates though are at par with standard ptc sites but minimum 5$ is set at quite high, and in my view it require quite long period to reach the payout it is important that standard members will only be allowed to click a maximum 5 ads in a day, so in case we dont have referal it need 100 days at least.
  19. This ptc is especially good for upgraded members, as a standard member i see the ads worth only around .035 cents though it is good to have .20$ in account balance just for signup but it would take too long to reach 3$ minimum if we dont have referals, also earning from referals is also quite low only 20% of their earning.
  20. I am on several survey sites but i do complete only the offer sent by globaltestmarket as this is the only site I have been paid 2 times already, i did not get any today though it was around 4 days back i completed the survey that was about usage of electronic technology.
  21. Yes - when a member is posting a forum for long and admin consider his work is good, and as the time pass admin start having faith on some members, if admin feel appropriate and find the member suitable for moderation job, he may send the member an offer and then the terms may be decided. Yeah some time admin feel it good to get an experienced moderator from other forums as they start working independently as soon as they join.
  22. This program has got a really good looking site with unique design also equipped with KODDOS protection. All major payment processors are accepted incluing AP and also minimum in each plan is affordable being only 10$. ROI offered is highly attractive but still look sustainable for short/mid term.
  23. Site look is pretty beatiful and ddso protection is mentioned on the site, It offer hourly plans and roi is also on hire side, so it can be expected to stay for very short period Few weeks with these plans would be considered good performance. Lower minimum and good choice of payment processors are good features of this program.
  24. It is really good feature of this PTC that first payout minimum is set at low only 1$, and so new members can test the program in shortest time, rate per click are at par with standard ptc sites, Free professor membership for first 1,234 members is another attraction to join this new PTC.
  25. It is good offer, but unfortunately i cannot avail it as you pay using paypal onlly, We in india cannot receive personal payments, so if you pay using LR or PM, i would complete the offer.
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