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Everything posted by yogeshwartyagi

  1. Plans with deposit below 500$ looks reasonable and sustainable at least in short term, but plans with thigher deposits very high and unreasonable roi that may cause risk even for small investors so i would better avoid it and not find worth for those spending little.
  2. I dont know what is wrong but i am not able to access the site right now, Though I am not much interested the program not because roi is high only but also the difference in roi for different plans is unreasonable and unrealistic. Only 1% referal commission i doubt people will really be interested to promote it with such little commission.
  3. Program is only 1 day old yet but few monitors has already rated this with paying status 45 days is most attractive plan and i we only need around 22 days to get back the investment we made, and then till 45 days we shall be getting pure profit, minimum 20$ in last plan though little high, but i think risk reward ratio favours reward in this plan.
  4. It has a well designed and well planned site with good security, Monitor is in paying status since one week, plans offered look attractive and minimum being only 1$ is well affordable, I feel the program deserve attention as the offer look really attractive.
  5. This is first time i noticed that the site is in 4 languages though i can understand only English and Bahasa Indonesia, Some time back our forum was offering payweb payout that too with 30% bonus unfortunately the scheme is no more, now the poster contest has again given the opportunity to get payweb balance and understand the processor and exchanger better. Hope payweb groups comes in with more offers in future.
  6. You are right - while scalping we dont look for big profit but we catchup every small movement, if i have to pay 3 pip spread and now if prices of my trade goes 6-9 pips up i would book it for 3 pips and then will try on the next trade, more profitable trades are key to succeed because in case of stoploss triggering we also has to afford the spread along with downside.
  7. All major payment processors are accepted and minimum required is also affordable, Wisely designed plans offer attractive but reasonable roi and these look well sustainable over long term, Monitor section has no monitors so far - hope admin adds few soon.
  8. New Hyip program with a cool site design that has nice DDOS protection. One and only simple program with affordable minimum and attractive but sustainable returns. It offer good choice of selecting payment procesosrs among LR, PM and Alertpay. Monitors are in waiting status so far because the program is recently launched.
  9. Sad to see there are no monitors so far though there is online and phone support but hyip investment is not one to one investment rather transparency is expected, i did not understand much out of the analysis report, if they would have posted their trading report that was going to be better for us to know at least that they are good traders and consistently make profit.
  10. It has been 19 days old and monitors have paying status, and now as they have short term plan that pay 3.5% daily for 40 days that too with same minimum of 5$, we shall get our principal back in less than 30 days and that what we get is pure profit, this one look attractive investment offer and deserve at least a test spend.
  11. This program look attractive firstly because it does not have complicated plans but simple 3 short term plans each one is wisely designed. Affordable minimum of 1$ and acceptance of all major payment processor will help the program get good number of investors and it look good at least in very short term for 2-3 weeks.
  12. I have a question about 25% bonus is there any one to reply? Now suppose One deposit 100$ he get 25$ bonus - now suppose he withdraw this 100$ amount will the broker remove the bonus, or bonus will still be available for use.
  13. You have received a payment to your account U7552528: Date: 2011-26-09 16:50:35 Batch: 71628055 From Account: U4616068 Amount: $0.12 Memo: Basebucks auto-payment for $0.12 Thank you.
  14. You have received a payment to your account U7552528 (yogeshwartyagi): Date: 9/26/2011 12:15 PM Batch: 71597184 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $2.45 Memo: Payout from DMT,Enjoy posting at forum!!! Thank you.
  15. You have received a payment to your account U7552528 (yogeshwartyagi): Date: 9/26/2011 12:04 PM Batch: 71595962 From Account: U0990758 (DMT and MTW Account) Amount: $2.50 Memo: Payout from DMT,Enjoy posting at forum!!! Thank you.
  16. Well it has got a distinct and convincing site design, Minimum 2$ is affordable, offer all major payment processors, and plans offer high but attractive roi, we cannot expect this to stay for months but 2-3 weeks period should be considered reasonable to sustain such roi, Unfortunately it does not have rate-us page or any monitors on site so far.
  17. @Adnan it is true that paypal will accept any pan no. as it does not verify it with your details in IT Department, so you may proceed by entering a false pan card no. - but you are going to get the money in paypal to your account and i am afraid false pan card details may create problems in future. So the best option is just apply for a pan card, it cost around 70-80 Rs. to apply, and even before you get it your pan card no. and application status can be checked on department site.
  18. I cannot really understand about this master-pin theory, SERVICES - RESET function ask you just your account number and your email, and then you are send a 10 digit reset code to email and all that you just need to verify that code to reset the account information - you get every thing new password, loginpin and masterkey as well.
  19. Yeah I know about the forum fxfred it was paying directly to our ecurrency account before and now pay to our uwcfx a/c. But it is not easy to make many post on the forum, posts are strictly scrutinzed to be informative and size also need to be 4-5 lines per post. Anyway i have few posts there and will try to increase my activity to reach 10$ and get the withdrawal to my uwcfx a/c so i will have some capital in my trading account.
  20. New PTC but good point that it accept both AP and PP, also minimum 2$ is easily reachable considering minimum click rate is 1 cent and we have 5 ads daily to click, it pays to buy ultimate membership because ultimate members can earn 21 cents daily clicking alone.
  21. Usually traders enter in forex market to make money overnight and want to book daily profit, but maket do not always act as per expectations and so there are frequent losses booked. Though you will notice that the price again repeat after few days or months - history is witness no trend is for ever, so once you open the trade, wait for long until your get attractive profit, remember do not invest all your money at once but keep some amount to take advantage of attractive prices your get over the time.
  22. Yeah even though some EA can make you some profit and that too without much effforts of your own, I agree with you that these cannot take better decisions than the experience trader can take manually. Also they may suit for particular market conditions and may take unwanted decisions in others. It is worth to spend your own time insteading of depending on a pre-feeded code, after all our hard earned money is involved.
  23. Site has a simple but attractive design with ddos protection and plans offer attractive highly reasonable roi that may be sustained for quite longer period. Still i cannot understand why admin has not added any rate-us page on the site and it is difficult to find out status of this program in absence of monitors.
  24. Information is well placed on the site, and several monitors added in rate-us page though these are in waiting status program being new. ROI offered in different plans is quite high though for those most affordable (requiring less than 500$) it is still sustainable, but few bigger deposits may put even small investors in huge risk.
  25. Program has a good looking site and plans intends for long term, Most affordable plan is Basic and no other plan accept less than 301$ but in this plan we only get 40% of 1.2% that .48% and this roi in my opinion is too less - here point to note is that this pay only on buisness days, so we shall get 2.4% a week, though program look good and phone support also provided but i feel risk reward ratio is not attractive.
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